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The You Can Think Pad (abbreviated as YCTP) is a device that appears throughout the Baldi's Basics franchise.


In Baldi's Basics Plus, the You Can Think Pad is a green map tablet with an antenna, a red ellipsoid, and a black screen. This device shows the map, pause screen, and other mechanics.

Pad Classic

The You Can Think Pad's design in Classic/Birthday Bash.

Pad ClassicRemastered

The You Can Think Pad's design in Classic Remastered.

In Baldi's Basics Classic, Birthday Bash and Classic Remastered, it appears as a green tablet on a black background with a purple ellipsoid on the top left corner of it. It has an antenna on the top right corner. However, in Classic Remastered, when Baldi is present, there is a white background instead. In the top center, there is navy-colored text saying "You Can Think Pad." On the bottom left corner, Baldi appears on a small screen on the bottom left, but once a problem is answered incorrectly, he makes an angry face and he does not show up when collecting the next notebooks. The "Everybody's Favorite Subject" track that plays during the first two sequences until a wrong answer is given is played in a two-second loop. There is also a green number pad on the right side with small purple buttons with numbers 0-9, the C button to clear the answer entirely, the negative sign (-), and a big circle button with "OK!" text.

In Baldi's Basics Classic Remastered, the You Can Think Pad is more pixelated, the apex of the antenna is more red, and the "OK" button is smaller.


Baldi's Basics Plus

Pause Menu Plus

The pause menu in the You Can Think Pad.

Advanced map

The advanced map in the You Can Think Pad.

The You Can Think Pad will display mechanical features to the game such as the map and the pause menu. This concept was first introduced in V1.2 of Kickstarter Exclusive Demo.

Baldi's Basics Classic/Birthday Bash/Classic Remastered

Answer the three questions - correctly - and you might get something special!



The player using the You Can Think Pad to solve a math problem in Baldi's Basics Classic Remastered.

The You Can Think Pad is portrayed as a tablet computer used to teach the player basic math, including but not limited to one-digit addition and subtraction.

When the player uses the You Can Think Pad, it has a question and an answer box, both of which are colored white. The answer box has text that says "ENTER ANSWER" in a light gray color, but it is not featured in Classic Remastered. The player has to type an answer consisting of numbers only, and sometimes a hyphen (for negative numbers) into the empty box. If they solve the problem correctly by typing in the right answer (or clicking/touching the buttons on the number pad), they get a green check indicator on one of the three boxes on the left. If they answer incorrectly, they get a red cross indicator instead.

Upon getting all of the questions right in the first notebook, the You Can Think Pad will display "WOW! YOU EXIST!". The last question of the first notebook is normal and can be solved, but the final question for the second notebook and every further notebook consists of a clumped amount of numbers, making it impossible to answer correctly. However, in Endless Mode, or if the Hard Mode Fun Setting is enabled, only the second notebook has the impossible question.

When the player gets their first question wrong, the music will stop, and Baldi's smile will slowly turn into a frown, before displaying one of two messages on the You Can Think Pad. Both of these messages appear to be threats to scare the player, yet they also give hints to Baldi's behavior. The hang track will play in Classic/Birthday Bash. After returing back to the building, Baldi starts chasing the player, and the real game begins.

Every time the player answer all questions in the You Can Think Pad, the game exits out of it after five seconds for first and second notebook. In Classic Remastered, it takes two seconds to go back to the building when notebooks are collected after Baldi gets angry.

Failing all three questions will cause a unique message to show up, saying, "I HEAR MATH THAT BAD". The message only appears in Story Mode, oddly enough. It will also make Baldi furious, moving abnormally fast for a few moments, before gradually slowing down to his normal speed (outside of Hard Mode).

The player can find a secret by entering a specific number in the answer pad.

Other appearances

Note: The following content may have spoilers for the deep lore.

  • In Baldi's Basics Birthday Bash and Party Style of Classic Remastered, the player can still use the You Can Think Pad from two extra notebooks in the glitched school.
  • Pad ClassicRemastered Glitch

    The glitched You Can Think Pad in NULL/Glitch Style.

    In Baldi's Basics Classic Remastered, when the player gets a notebook in NULL/Glitch Style, the You Can Think Pad glitches out, distorting the graphics inside of the 6 screens, and there are no math questions. Instead, it just shows the message. Also, the bottom left screen shows Null or the red Baldloon depending on the name of style.
    • The checkmarks and X's represent each of the styles and their secret endings instead, if the player has not found a certain secret ending, a X will be displayed, top to bottom:
      1. Classic Style, reached by getting all answers wrong and exiting the Schoolhouse.
      2. Party Style, reached by using the Dangerous Teleporter after the Schoolhouse is darkened and heading to the Principal's office.
      3. Demo Style, reached by using the Portal Poster on the corner of the room with the Safety Scissors poster. Party Style's normal ending gives a hint as to where the player needs to put it.


Note: These quotes are not featured in Baldi's Basics Plus.

Caption Description
WOW! YOU EXIST! If all questions are answered correctly on the first notebook.
That's more like it... When the player answered all questions correctly on a notebook after obtaining the 3rd notebook in Endless Mode, and so on.
Keep up the good work or see me after class...
I can't remember what this one is supposed to say... (unused)

Caption Description
I HEAR EVERY DOOR YOU OPEN When getting at least one question wrong. With Hard Mode, these quotes are still featured when answering all problems correctly.
I HEAR MATH THAT BAD When all 3 questions are answered incorrectly.

Transcript Description
We've updated our privacy policy. Does not exist in-game. Only appears in a joke teaser posted while Baldi's Basics Classic V1.3 was under development.

Note: The following content may have spoilers for the deep lore.

Caption Description
No secrets here. You can quit now. When the player did not encounter Null in all three styles.
Ha! Good luck figuring out what to do now.
Stop looking for me.
Okay well let's make this quick. When the player encountered Null in all three styles.
This won't be fun.
We're doing this the hard way, huh?
Don't you know when to stop?!
I'm smarter than Baldi by the way.
You can't escape for long.
I'll make you quit by force.
Cheating? I won't have any of that. When the player opens the You Can Think Pad when Debug Mode is activated.

Caption Commentary Description
U n3ED 2 F!nE-D M0re S3CRE7$ YOU NEED TO FIND MORE SECRETS When the player collects a notebook in Glitch Style after resetting the game data, but the player did not meet Baldi in secret endings from all three styles yet.
H3RE ! C0M3! HERE I COME! When the player collects a notebook in Glitch Style. If the data is reset, the player has to meet Baldi in secret endings from all three styles to see these quotes.


CH33TR N00B I B@N U CHEATER NOOB I BAN YOU When the player opens the You Can Think Pad when Debug Mode is activated.



Baldi's Basics Plus

  • The top left part and antenna's colors of the You Can Think Pad were swapped from their appearances in Baldi's Basics Classic and Birthday Bash.
  • The You Can Think Pad's teaching feature was moved to Baldi's Math Machine, as its purpose was changed in this game.[2]
    • The reason for doing this is pausing the game to solve math problems would break the flow and ruin the fun in the game.[3]
  • Although You Thought Points originated from the You Can Think Pad,[4] the player cannot earn You Thought Points in this device because its function was changed when this point system was implemented.
  • In the json file since V0.3.3, there is an unused quote that reads "I can't remember what this one is supposed to say...". Also, the "Keep up the good work or see me after class..." and "I HEAR MATH THAT BAD" quotes are not included.
  • Since V0.3.5, the You Can Think Pad no longer zooms in when using it.
  • Prior to V0.8, the You Can Think Pad's advanced map layout was the same as the one in the pause menu.

Baldi's Basics Classic/Birthday Bash/Classic Remastered

  • YCTP Hard Mode
    NPCs stop moving while the player uses the You Can Think Pad.[5] However, they still move if the Hard Mode Fun Setting is enabled.
  • mystman12 has confirmed that there currently is no true answer to the impossible question, although there might be one someday.[6]

Baldi's Basics Classic/Birthday Bash

  • The secret codes can still be filled in even when the player has answered all three questions in each You Can Think Pad.
  • By adjusting to the 4:3 aspect ratio, the You Can Think Pad can be seen in full view.
  • The impossible questions were made by overlaying three layers of randomized equations on top of each other.[7]

Baldi's Basics Classic

  • PrivacyPolicyUpdate

    A joke teaser under production of V1.3.

    While V1.3 was under production, a joke teaser shows the You Can Think Pad with the text "We've updated our privacy policy.".
  • The player can only put numbers in the answer, not letters and symbols (except for the hyphen used for negative numbers).
    • Before V1.4, it was possible to type decimal points/dots in the answer. But since this update, it is no longer possible to type decimals unless the code is modified.
  • Prior to V1.4, the You Can Think Pad had a few differences:
    • The You Can Think Pad lacked the number pad from its right side.
    • It had a trademark icon (TM) at the end of its name: "You Can Think PadTM".
      • The title's font color was purple rather than navy.
    • Prior to V1.3, at the beginning of the first (and second, in most cases) notebooks, Baldi said the quotes about the subject and how to use the You Can Think Pad. However, since this update, this only applies to the first notebook the player collects. On the second notebook, these quotes are not used.
    • The texts and marks were not pixelated.
  • In V1.4.1d, the "OK!" button could be pressed, even though the answer box is empty.
    • Since V1.4.2, on mobile versions, it can now only be pressed when the answer box is filled. This was done to prevent the player from accidentally inputting a wrong answer while spam clicking the CursorSprite custom button to collect notebooks.[8]

Baldi's Basics Classic Remastered

  • Correctly wrong
    Even though answering all three problems correctly in the third or further notebooks when Hard Mode Fun Setting is enabled, the You Can Think Pad still says a message when answering one or two problems incorrectly without this Fun Setting. This is because Baldi still gets angrier in that case.[9]
  • There is a very rare chance that Baldi will appear and open his mouth slowly while a 1000 Hz tone plays on the YCTP. This is the lip-sync test, originally used to test Baldi's lips syncing to audio. It was thrown in as an Easter egg.
Note: The following content may have spoilers for the deep lore.

  • One of the quotes in Glitch Style, "C0M3 B@CK WhEN UR @ L!T7LE MMMMM-" ("COME BACK WHEN YOU'RE A LITTLE MMMMM-") is a reference to Morshu from Link: The Faces of Evil.


Baldi's Basics Plus

  • Plain pause menu
    Since V0.3.5, if the player keeps the game paused for a long time, the floating Baldi heads will go away.

Baldi's Basics Classic

  • Incorrect quote

    The "WOW! YOU EXIST!" text showing despite a problem being answered incorrectly.

    Baldi YCTP Classic V1

    The text overlapping the impossible question.

    In the first version, the "WOW! YOU EXIST!" text will always display after completing the third problem regardless of any being incorrectly answered. This also carries over to the impossible question, where upon completion, the text overlaps the problem.
  • In V1.4.1d, the first Android version, the game would sometimes pause after leaving the You Can Think Pad.
  • If the player answer wrong on the first question in the first notebook and gets the other right, the speed of Baldi's slap will glitch and go super fast.

Baldi's Basics Classic Remastered

  • Whiteout jumpscare
    When the player gets caught by Baldi while using You Can Think Pad with Hard Mode, the screen becomes completely white.
  • Prior to V1.1, the answer would be marked wrong even if it was entered correctly, if the mouse was over one of the buttons on the number pad, where pressing the Enter key acted as pressing it. This glitch was fixed by disabling the mouse cursor while submitting an answer.


Baldi's Basics Classic Remastered

Audio Description
Rare lip sync test tone in the You Can Think Pad.


  1. "The classic You Can Think Pad model" - First Digital Goodies are now available!
  2. "The YCTP has been re-purposed as the device used to view the map and pause menu and stuff. All the math problems and other activities that must be completed to unlock notebooks no longer use a separate screen." - Baldi's Basics Plus Steam Community Hub
  3. "I've scrapped the idea of pausing the game to solve math problems, it just broke the flow too much and wasn't any fun. There will be more variety to the activities down the line (So not just math machines) but I don't plan on doing anything that requires stopping everything else." - Baldi's Basics Plus Steam Community Hub
  4. "First off, the You Can Think Pads will get a new feature, the ability to award You Thought Points (YTPs)! Depending on how quickly you solve the problems they present, you'll earn more YTPs. ... There will be other ways to earn YTPs as well, such as in field trips, or even through some characters!" - Kickstarter Update #3 - One week in! More new features and creating characters!
  5. "Yeah... Baldi- Baldi stops moving when you're in the You Can Think Pad, so ..." - Livestream archive 38:36-38:45
  6. "Uh... just to... oh no. ...clarify, there... there is still no... no true answer to the impossible question. But there might be. Someday." - mystman12, Livestream archive 28:04-28:25
  7. "It's actually just three layers of randomized numbers on top of each other." - mystman12. June 29, 2018. Twitter
  8. ""OK" button can no longer be pressed while the answer box is empty. This is to prevent a wrong answer being accidentally input when mashing the interact button to pick up a notebook." - mystman12. March 20, 2019.
  9. "This is intentional. Since Baldi doesn't cool down in hard mode if you get all three problems correct (Unlike in endless mode where he does) I didn't want to change the text and possibly imply he is cooling down. Getting any of the three problems wrong will make him extra angry though so be sure to get them right!" - Baldi's Basics Classic Remastered Steam Community Hub

