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Music notes

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Thanks for Playing is a music track for Baldi's Basics Plus and Baldi's Basics Classic Remastered.

Description and usage[]

In Baldi's Basics Plus, this music is used in the elevator before starting a floor. Since V0.4, it is also used in the credits.

In Baldi's Basics Classic Remastered, the shorter version of this music plays in the credits.

The Original Soundtrack Version has an inconsistent swing.


  • This music is similar to the bassline in That's Me!, BAD SUM, the music that plays in the Baldi's Basics Plus early access trailer, the music in Bad Ball and the one in Baldiman.
  • Sometimes, the music plays two times together.
  • This music did not play in the elevator, prior to Baldi's Basics Plus V0.2.


