- For other uses, see Door (disambiguation) or Lock (disambiguation).
Place this on any swinging door to lock it for a few seconds, preventing anyone from coming through. Keep in mind that people can still see through locked swinging doors!—Description, Johnny's Store
The Swinging Door Lock is an inventory item from the Baldi's Basics series.
The Swinging Door Lock is a photo-realistic lock with silvery-tinted colors and a somewhat rectangular yellow sticker.
In Baldi's Basics Classic and Birthday Bash, this item is named as "Yellow Door Lock".

The Swinging Door Lock when used.
Its use is to lock any swinging door in the Schoolhouse or Super Schoolhouse, hence the name. It prevents any character, including the player, from getting through the door from either side. When the Swinging Door Lock is applied to the door, Baldi and any other characters who are trying to get to the player will try to find another way to them. The Swinging Door Lock can only stay on the swinging door for 30 seconds, but for the player, it is most useful if they have more notebooks and they are running away from Baldi, unless he finds a shortcut to the player.
The Swinging Door Lock items are mostly located in faculty rooms. It is also one of the rewards after completing field trips. The player can buy the Swinging Door Lock for 500 You Thought Points.
If the player successfully completes a minigame in a field trip, there is a chance that one of the items that they will get is this item.
Endless Mode - Medium
A Swinging Door Lock can be found in a faculty room near the middle of the map next to the classroom that is close to the playground.
- In the Grapple Challenge, there are five Swinging Door Lock items in each faculty room.
Other appearances
- In Baldi's Basics Classic, only one Swinging Door Lock is found in the faculty room with a giant globe and a "Lore" chalkboard. However, the item lasts for only 15 seconds when used.
- In Baldi's Basics Birthday Bash, the Swinging Door Lock can randomly be found in either presents or Crazy Item machines. Like in Classic, it also lasts for only 15 seconds when used.
- In Baldi's Basics Full Game Early Demo, the Swinging Door Lock is located in the faculty room where the button used to rotate the roto-hall is found.
- The Swinging Door Lock is likely a brass padlock decoration by Grayson Lane.
Baldi's Basics Plus
- If the player locks a swinging door while being pursued by Baldi (assuming he is on the other side), when he begins to move down a different route, if the player does not make any sounds after the Swinging Door Lock expires, Baldi will continue his current path, despite the new (shorter) one opening up. However, Baldi will still chase the player through the shortcut if they are seen after it expires.
- The player can temporarily lock Baldi in place by locking the swinging door to the outdoor area. This, however, will involve hiding from Baldi first.
- Prior to V0.6, the sound was not implemented.
Baldi's Basics Classic/Birthday Bash
- If you look closely at the wall that contains a locked swinging door, the wall is more saturated than normal.
- The item's name is "Yellow Door Lock," possibly due to fact that the swinging doors are yellow.
- For some reason, getting out-of-bounds before collecting 2 notebooks reveals that one swinging door at that time has a Swinging Door Lock in the dark hallway. This may mean that the three swinging doors near where the player starts were originally going to have the lock texture if the player had collected less than 2 notebooks.
- Strangely enough, by inserting a Swinging Door Lock into the player's inventory (using hacks) before obtaining the 2nd notebook, it can be used on any swinging door except that one door.
- If the Swinging Door Lock was used on any swinging door except the already locked door before collecting 2 notebooks, it will stay on that door until 2 notebooks are collected, further proving this theory.
Baldi's Basics Plus
- Rarely, the lock image on the swinging door does not appear even if using this item.
Baldi's Basics Classic
- In V1.4, the item could not be used on three swinging doors in the starting hallway.
- Baldi's Basics Plus
Sound | Description |
When the player uses a Swinging Door Lock. |
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