Structures are architectural objects located around all locations within the Schoolhouse or Super Schoolhouse in the Baldi's Basics series.
Most structures can be interacted with by going close enough to them and then clicking on them with the left mouse button when 1st Prize's hand () displays on the object. There are some structures that cannot be interacted with but are designed to attempt to help or hinder the player.
Wall props cannot be interacted with, nor can they be used for anything. Despite this, some of them give hints about how some items, other structures, or characters work.
Name | Image | Functions |
Pay phone | Found in rooms. Makes a static noise to distract Baldi upon inserting a Quarter. | |
Tape player | Found in the Principal's office. Activates with Baldi's Least Favorite Tape and prevents Baldi from hearing the player making noise. | |
You Can Think Pad | In Baldi's Basics Plus, it is a screen that will appear when pausing the game or displaying an overall map. In Baldi's Basics Classic, Baldi's Basics Birthday Bash, and Baldi's Basics Classic Remastered, it shows the math problems to complete before collecting each notebook. |
Name | Image | Functions |
Baldi's Math Machine | Found in classrooms. Provides a notebook and 25 You Thought Points after answering a math question correctly. | |
Elevator | Found in hallways and sometimes the cafeteria. Transports the player to different floors. | |
Vending machine | Found in the cafeteria, faculty rooms with round tables, and hallways. Grants the player with items after purchasing them with a Quarter. There are four types: BSODA, Energy Flavored Zesty Bar, Diet BSODA, and Crazy Item. | |
Water fountain | Found in hallways and faculty rooms with lunch tables. Refills the player's stamina when clicked on. |
Name | Image | Functions |
Shrink machine | Found in one of the rooms in Baldi's Basement. |
Name | Image | Functions |
Door | Found anywhere. Coming in several types, the doors connect to rooms. Opening them will make a sound to attract Baldi. | |
Lockdown door | Found in hallways. Blocks some halls off during the test procedure event, preventing the player and other characters from getting through. Some of them can be opened and closed by pressing buttons. | |
Locker | Found in mostly hallways and other locations in the Super Schoolhouse. Can be used for hiding, item storage, or can simply be mere decorations that cannot be used. | |
Swinging door | Found in hallways. Similar to standard doors, but require unique recommendations before accessing except for the normal one. | |
Vent | Found almost anywhere. Used as a transportation method from one room to another. |
Name | Image | Functions |
Bear trap | Found in the camping field trip, prior to V0.3 of Baldi's Basics Plus. Stops any character from moving for five seconds upon getting stepped on. | |
Conveyor belt | Found in hallways, prior to V0.8. Slows characters (except for Baldi) down or speeds them up depending on which direction they are walking in. | |
Roto-hall | Found in hallways. Rotates to face a different direction by pressing the button. | |
Merry-go-round | Found in the playground. Will spin characters that stand ontop of it, hindering their path. |
Wall props[]
Name | Image | Functions |
Poster | Found everywhere. Gives information about some items and structures. Some other posters do not give any information and are just there for decoration. | |
Chalkboard | Found in rooms. Some of them may give information about the game, but most of them are just for decoration. Sometimes, there is a blank chalkboard where Chalkles spawns. |
Name | Image | Functions |
Baldi's Bus | Found in the Pit Stop. Takes the player to a random field trip hub upon full approach. | |
Button | Found attached to the walls of halls and rooms. Activates other nearby structures. | |
Cake | Found inside the cafeteria. (Birthday Bash and Party Style of Classic Remastered only) Allows the player to blow the fire off the candle to get access to the glitched school. | |
Campfire | Found in the campsite. The player's job is to keep the fire running in the Campfire Frenzy minigame. | |
Math Machine balloon | Found in classrooms along with Baldi's Math Machine. Used to answer a math question on the Math Machine. |
Name | Image | Functions |
Lever | Found in Baldi's Basement. A switch mechanism for lights or doors. |
- In Baldi's Basics Classic, Baldi's Basics Birthday Bash, and Baldi's Basics - Field Trip demo: Camping, 1st Prize's hand when close to some structures is absent (except for the You Can Think Pad).
Structures | |
About page • Category | |
Baldi's Math Machines • Elevators • Shrink machine • Vending machines • Water fountains | |
Doors • Lockdown doors • Lockers • Swinging doors • Vents | |
Others |
Baldi's Bus • Buttons • Cake • Campfire • Levers • Math Machine balloons |