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A list of various sprites used for the Baldi's Basics series.


Sprites are used for certain structures or for decoration. Except for the player, every character in Baldi's Basics uses sprites for their design and are never a 3D model in-game.

Almost all sprites are front-facing 2D sprites, meaning 2D sprites that constantly face the camera. The only non front-facing 2D sprites are 1st Prize, The Test (body only), Dr. Reflex, Baldi's Bus, and the "NO" signs.


Several structures are in the form of sprites.

The list includes:

Super Schoolhouse[]

Field trips[]


Decorative objects[]


Common sprites[]

Room materials[]

There are papers found laying on desks inside some classrooms and faculty rooms with big desks. The player can see a stickman on the paper but it cannot be for sure. There are also sheets with pencils, but only in the classic Schoolhouse. In some classrooms, there are notebooks that cannot be picked up, unlike the other notebooks that the player needs to collect.

Globe clip

A full view of the large globe (when using hacks).

Inside the Principal's office and some faculty rooms with big desks, there are globes. The size of the globes vary, some have a normal size, but in one faculty room, there is an unusually giant globe seeming to clip through the floor, as seen in the classic Schoolhouse, along with an "EXIT" sign sitting above.

In the cafeteria and faculty rooms with vending machines, there are multiple identical restaurant-based lunch meals and bananas on most of the tables. The tray seems to have a drink, a load of fries, and some bread or a burger inside of what looks like some tin foil. It also applies in the playground, but only in Full Game Early Demo. The banana also appears in Baldi's Office in Classic, Birthday Bash and Classic Remastered.

In Baldi's Basics Plus, some trees may have bananas in the playground. 'Nana Peels are scattered around these trees.

Note: The following content may have spoilers for the deep lore.

MATH! preschool

An Apple for Baldi in the preschool book.


An Apple for Baldi sprite exclusively used in the book.

In NULL Style, the banana is one of the items used as a weapon to damage Null and defeat him. An Apple for Baldi appears in Baldi's Office after beating NULL Style.

Note: The following content may have spoilers for the deep lore.

Room decorations[]

Tree-like plants in brown pots are seen in some hallways, faculty rooms, and exits.

The "EXIT" signs are used for the classic Schoolhouse's exits. There is also another "EXIT" sign in a faculty room with a Swinging Door Lock, right above a massive globe. In Classic Remastered, the exit signs have a different design and have a handwriting font.

In Classic Remastered, there are gray lamps found in the cafeteria.

Unique sprites[]

Party balloons[]
"Balloon" redirects here. For other uses, see Balloon (disambiguation).

Party balloons appear in many different places in the Baldi's Basics series, appearing in several colors: red, orange, green, blue, and purple.

The balloons are used for the party event at the Principal's office, appearing in every color except for red, the reason for this absence is unknown.

In Baldi's Basics Birthday Bash and Classic Remastered's Party Style, these balloons can be seen almost everywhere in the classic Schoolhouse, except for the red one for unknown reasons.

Red balloon in Baldi's Office Plus V0.3

A red balloon in Baldi's Office.

These balloons are also found in Baldi's Office after completing the Hide-and-Seek mode in Baldi's Basics Plus. Prior to V0.3.3, all five colored balloons were present. A red balloon was stuck on the bottom-left corner and it kept flickering.

Red balloon in BirthdayBash

The red balloon in Birthday Bash.

In Baldi's Basics Birthday Bash, these balloons can be pushed and even slow the player's movement when trying to pass them. They also hinder the player picking an item. In this game, there is a hidden red balloon, and it can be found at the outdoor area from the Schoolhouse's west wing when using hacks. If the red balloon is observed closely, the number 99 written backwards is located on the left side.

Note: The following content may have spoilers for the deep lore.

MATH! kindergarten

The blue balloon in the kindergarten book.

Inside of Baldi's Basement, there is a blue balloon on the cover of the kindergarten book.

Starting from Full Game Early Demo, the collision is removed and makes the player able to pass through the balloons more easily.

Note: The following content may have spoilers for the deep lore.

Main article: Baldloon

They are seen in the glitched school in Birthday Bash and Party Style of Classic Remastered. Except for the red ones, they are involved in a counting game for how many Baldloons there are, sorted by color. The player has to press buttons, showing numbers corresponding with the amount of each color of Baldloons. Red Baldloons will appear when entering a hidden room after solving the puzzle.

A red Baldloon also appears in Glitch Style to replace Null in NULL Style when he is defeated.


There are 3D-modeled trees in the playground area, being the only plant life so far to be a 3D model. However, it appears as a 2D billboarded sprite. They can block the vision of any character.

Field trips[]


Since Baldi's Basics Plus V0.7, tree sprites will appear around the campsite, having brownish wood and green leaves. One of the trees will always have It's a Bully hiding behind it.

Prior to V0.3, there were photo-realistic trees littered around the whole forest in the camping field trip, having grayish wood and light green leaves. On rare occasions, a tree with the number 99 on the trunk would spawn. There were also "NO" signs that could be found in the deeper areas of the forest.



  • The food tray in the cafeteria appears to be from the fast-food chain Five Guys.
  • The sheets of paper sprite is a picture of a stack of mystman12's old Baldimore comics.
  • The lamp model in Baldi's Basics Plus is very similar to the one in Sonic's Schoolhouse.
  • The balloons floating around the halls are probably a reference to Sonic's Schoolhouse, in which there was a minigame that involved popping balloons (which resemble the balloons seen here) to get items to open doors.
  • The potted plant resembles some kind of indoor pine or tropical plant.
  • Baldi-Congrats
    The 3D-modeled tree was first seen in the animated GIF where Baldi gives a thumbs-up when Baldi's Basics Classic was downloaded 100,000 times. This was later used in Full Game Early Demo.
  • The trees in the old camping field trip resemble Lombardy poplars or some sort of columnar oak. The trunk has been edited, however.

Baldi's Basics Plus[]

  • The balloons' sprites are not obscured when the fog event triggers. This may be a development oversight.
  • The plants and the trees from the old camping field trip contain some small transparent holes, due to the effect when removing the background.
  • Since V0.4, hanging lamps no longer spawn in randomly generated levels. They only spawn in Endless Mode - Medium.
  • Hallway Apple
    Prior to V0.4, it was possible that some trees from the playground could clip through any wall, even an apple tree. If the player had the Grappling Hook and used it on the apple tree from the hallway, the player could get An Apple for Baldi outside of the playground.
  • Prior to V0.3, all decorations used in the original Schoolhouse were missing in the Super Schoolhouse.[1]

    Plants at hallway

    • However, this does not apply in pre-generated maps as of now.
  • Prior to V0.4, plants could not be found in faculty rooms.
  • Since V0.8, more plants can be generated.

Baldi's Basics Classic[]

  • PrincipalOffice Classic V1

    The big globes in the Principal's Office in Baldi's Basics Classic V1.0.

    In V1.0, there were a lot of big globes. The player would have been able to hide behind them to avoid Baldi.
    • FacultyRoom1-classic

      The faculty room with the big globe.

      However, there is still a big globe present in one of the faculty rooms. It is most likely because mystman12 wanted to make a reference to the big globes in the first version of the game. However, characters can still see the player when the player hides behind the big globe.

Baldi's Basics Birthday Bash[]

  • The first version of campfire sprite also uses as the cake's candle flame.


Baldi's Basics Plus[]

  • Invisible tree

    Trees turning invisible.

    Prior to V0.1.3, trees in the playground were invisible in pre-generated levels. However, they still had collision.


  1. Q: "Hi, I want to know if the decoration sprites (like the food trays, globes and notebooks) will return to baldi's basics plus in a future update. I miss them." / A: "Yes, they'll be added back in eventually!" - mystman12. July 20, 2020. Twitter/X