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Speedy Challenge is one of the challenges in Baldi's Basics Plus.


In this challenge, the only characters in the school are the player and Baldi. Both characters are much faster than in the other modes. The goal is to collect 25 notebooks and reach all four elevators while avoiding Baldi. There are many Quarters scattered throughout classrooms and faculty rooms, some of which the player might have to use on the many coin doors that lie in the humongous school.

There are three Zesty machines and one BSODA machine in total, so the player can get up to one more BSODA and three more Energy Flavored Zesty Bars.


This challenge is mostly a test of reflexes, as the player has to move extremely quickly and precisely to avoid Baldi. While the player has the advantage of distractions and a huge map to run in, Baldi can take tight corners very quickly in fight of flight situations, often leading to failure.

Turning on captions in the options menu makes this challenge easier, as with everything else.

Quarters are quite numerous, and there are more than enough to open any coin doors the player needs opened. Energy Flavored Zesty Bars are somewhat less useful, as a full bar of sprint will most likely lead the player far enough from Baldi so he starts wandering somewhere else. BSODAs, when used in the correct scenario, can be very useful for pushing Baldi down a hall very slowly. However, there are only two BSODAs possible to obtain in the entire map, so use them sparingly.

Some dead ends are present in the map. Only one of these is a real issue, which is the center with two notebooks and a water fountain. Baldi's spawn location is surprisingly far from this, however, so the player can make a desperate dash at the beginning of the game and still escape unscathed.

Given the map's relatively gigantic size, even compared to floor 3 of the main Hide-and-Seek mode, Baldi has a very large list of points he can wander to. This means the player can likely gain several notebooks before being forced to flee or get caught. Distractions are key to success.



Classrooms Faculty rooms Total
25 40 65


Quarter BSODA Energy Flavored Zesty Bar Total
29 1 1 31



Faculty rooms[]


V0.4 Speedy Challenge Map



Baldi's Basics Plus[]

  • With more rooms and hallways, this challenge has the largest map in the whole game.
  • With 25 notebooks, this challenge has the highest number of notebooks required to complete, the lowest being floor 1 at four notebooks, if there is no error with level generation.
  • Disappearing BSODA Machine

    A disappearing BSODA machine.

    The one-time use of the BSODA machine was intentional because it could be very easy to complete the challenge with plenty of BSODA from the machine,[1] so the machine would disappear when inserting a Quarter into it since Challenges Demo. From V0.3 to V0.3.2, the Zesty machines became a one-time use as well, but they would not disappear and did not have the "Out of goodnes" sign after inserting a Quarter into them.
  • The only chalkboard in this challenge is the one with the text "Baldi says: You can't hide from me! Haha!"
  • This is the only challenge which does not feature the Principal's office.
  • From V0.3.3 to V0.4, the acronym was C2.
  • In V0.8 Pre-release 2, along with other challenges, Speedy Challenge was unavailable due to preparing new level system for pre-made levels.


  1. "I wanted to limit it to only one BSODA (When testing I found it to be too easy with infinite BSODAs since there are some really long hallways in the level) so as a quick fix I just made it disappear. I'll eventually have an "out of stock" sign or something appear on empty vending machines." - Basically Games' comment on Version 1.0 bug reports post

