Baldi's Basics Wiki
Baldi's Basics Wiki

a shiny quarter!


The Quarter is an inventory item from the Baldi's Basics series.


It is a shiny silver coin with George Washington's face on it, appearing identical to a U.S. quarter. It can be difficult to see the face due to the dithering effect.


There are three ways to use a Quarter:

When the Quarter is used, it will make a coin dropping sound.



Quarter in a classroom

A Quarter found in a classroom.

The Quarter is one of the most common items to find, as they can be randomly found in faculty rooms and classrooms, usually with other items. They can be bought at Johnny's Store for 250 You Thought Points. It is also one of the five items that can spawn with another item (in faculty rooms), the other four being the Principal's Keys, Dirty Chalk Eraser, Alarm Clock and Safety Scissors.

Endless Mode - Medium

There are five Quarters. Two of them are in each classroom:

Three of them are in each faculty room:


  • In the Speedy Challenge, the Quarter is very common, appearing in both classrooms and faculty rooms.
  • In the Stealthy Challenge, the Quarter is absent.
  • In the Grapple Challenge, Quarters can be found in the faculty rooms. One Quarter is located in a classroom.

Other appearances

In all games and demos except for Baldi's Basics Plus and Baldi's Basics Classic Remastered, Quarters do not make any sound when they are used.

  • Quarter prize

    Baldi rewarding the player with a Quarter in Baldi's Basics Classic.

    In Baldi's Basics Classic, the Quarter is the first item the player can obtain after answering Baldi's first three math problems correctly from the beginning of the game and obtaining the first notebook. A Quarter can also be found randomly in hallways and one of the faculty rooms with the Alarm Clock.
  • In Baldi's Basics Birthday Bash, the Quarter can be randomly found in presents and used for purchasing random items from the crazy vending machines.
  • In Baldi's Basics Classic Remastered, the Quarter has the same appearances in Classic and Birthday Bash. However, in Party Style, there is an unwrapped Quarter randomly in hallways instead of a present. Also, there are three more Quarters wrapped in presents. This is the first time that Quarters make a sound. Unlike Baldi's Basics Classic, the Quarter that Baldi gives the player after completion of the first notebook will disappear if they do not grab it before collecting the second notebook.
  • In Baldi's Basics Full Game Early Demo, there are three Quarters.
    • In the faculty room with the Principal's Keys.
    • In the faculty room next to the coin door.
    • In the classroom accessed from the hallway with the conveyor belt.



  • mystman12 was considering the idea that there would be a separated HUD to keep Quarters.[1] It was later scrapped, due to You Thought Points making it redundant.[2]
  • The kind of Quarter used is a 50 State quarter which was released sometime between 1999 and 2008.

Baldi's Basics Plus

  • Since a Quarter costs 250 You Thought Points, and a Quarter represents 25 cents in real life, this implies that a You Thought Point is equivalent to a tenth of a cent.
  • Three Quarters in a faculty room

    Three Quarters in a faculty room. (Please add seed.)

    It is incredibly rare to have three Quarters in a faculty room.
  • Prior to V0.3.8, Quarters did not make a sound after being used.

Classic/Classic Remastered

  • The Quarter and It's a Bully have the same spawn points. This can be seen if the player gives him an item and when he vanishes, there is a small chance a Quarter could be in the exact same position.

Baldi's Basics Classic

  • Before V1.3, there were only two Quarters the player could find, one from Baldi, and another in a faculty room.
    • The feature of Quarters spawning randomly in halls was later implemented in V1.3.

Baldi's Basics Classic Remastered

Note: The following content may have spoilers for the deep lore.

  • ConspiracyBoard

    The small Quarter in the conspiracy board.

    There is a small Quarter in the conspiracy board at Baldi's Basement.


Sound Description
When a Quarter is used.


Baldi's Basics Plus
Baldi's Basics Classic
Baldi's Basics Classic Remastered


  1. "I'm considering giving Quarters in like a separate item slot in the full game so you stack Quarters instead of having them to take off from your item slot. I'm-I'm thinking about getting you like five slots in the full game and then get this new separate Quarter slot." - Livestream archive 1:12:13~1:12:29
  2. "I don't plan on giving quarters a separate item slot anymore. You Thought Points kind of made the idea of quarters as a currency redundant." - Gmail

