Baldi's Basics Wiki
Baldi's Basics Wiki
Spoiler 99
Oh noes! Something isn't adding up!
This article is focused on the deep lore of the Baldi's Basics series, possibly containing some spoilers of it.

The phrase "Oh no" or "Oh noes" is a recurring phrase in the Baldi's Basics series, with possible hidden lore to be uncovered in Baldi's Basics Plus.



1st Prize's quote[]

If the player escapes 1st Prize's line of vision, 1st Prize can say "OH - no". It is worth noting that 1st Prize pauses mid-sentence.

Beans' quote[]

Once Beans spits a bubblegum, he can say "Oh no!".

Baldi's Basics Plus[]

The Test's body filename[]


The filename of The Test's body sprites is labeled as Ohno, likely because when the player approaches, he makes them blind.

Save file error

Save file error[]

When pressing in the name with lost or corrupted save files, then the BadSum screen will appear and the first sentence of the text in the error screen is "Oh no!"

Campfire Frenzy[]

Oh no! No fire means no s'mores!

Upon losing a game of Campfire Frenzy, the first sentence of the game over message is "Oh no!"


Oh no I wanted the hamburger

The ninth page in the Pick-Quick-Nic instructions says "Oh no!" at the start of its sentence.

Baldi's Basics Classic[]

Arts and Crafters charging filename[]

Crafters Ohno

The filename for the sprite for Arts and Crafters when he charges at the player in Baldi's Basics Classic, Birthday Bash and Field Trip demo: Camping or when the player collect all notebooks and reaches the last exit in the cafeteria in Story Mode in Birthday Bash is titled as Crafters_Ohno.png. This is reasonable as Arts and Crafters charging at the player is rarely good for them.

99 jumpscare[]


The audio file for the 99 game over jumpscare from Baldi's Basics Classic is labeled as ohno.wav.

Additionally, a faint voice saying "Oh no!" can be heard at the start of the jumpscare sound.

How To Play[]

Story Classic

In the story for Baldi's Basics Classic in the "HOW TO PLAY" screen, the first sentence is "Oh noes!"

Baldi's Basics Classic Remastered[]

Fake error screen[]

Classic Remastered rare game over

In the fake error screen, the first line says, "Oh no!" The computer in the background also has a line at the bottom stating "OHNO!".

How To Play[]


In the How To Play screen, it says "Oh noes!", similar to Classic.



Kickstarter Oh No

The Baldi's Basics in Education and Learning Kickstarter Video begins with the text "Basically Games Presents (oh no...)".

