Baldi's Basics Wiki
Baldi's Basics Wiki
Spoiler 99
Oh noes! Something isn't adding up!
This article is focused on the deep lore of the Baldi's Basics series, possibly containing some spoilers of it.
For the character, see Null.



Icon of NULL Style.

NULL Style (simply NULL in-game) is a hidden style in Baldi's Basics Classic Remastered.


NULL Style is unlocked by completing any of the three styles with the first three Fun Settings turned on. Free Run doesn't count toward the unlock condition, since having this setting on will make the game impossible to complete.

The style can then be played by clicking on Baldi in the style selection menu. He is located at the bottom-left corner of the screen. Whenever hovering a mouse over Baldi, his sprite randomly changes colors.



In NULL Style, notebooks have no questions, and they can only be collected if Null has been encountered in all three main styles. The schoolhouse is entirely empty except for Null, who will begin to chase the player in a similar way to Baldi once the first two notebooks have been collected. The player must collect all 7 notebooks and go to all 4 exits as usual (but the school will not turn red), while avoiding Null, who is very fast and can break through windows in order to catch the player. Some items that are associated with any of the main characters (e.g. Safety Scissors) is replaced by different items in this style. Safety Scissors are replaced to Dirty Chalk Erasers and Principal's Keys item is replaced to Principal Whistle. If Null catches the player, they will see a unique jump-scare sequence, where all the objects in the schoolhouse will begin distorting and rapidly cycle through their color hues more and more until the game finally closes after 10 seconds. The player has to then reopen the game if they wish to attempt the style again.

After reaching the third exit, Null will quickly run away from the player and disappear until they begin approaching the final exit. However, Null will not just run away to a random spot, instead, he will run to the Principal's office and stay near the It's a Bully poster in this location. He becomes invisible and cannot interact with the player.

When the player tries to reach the final exit, he will run to it at full speed then block it off and begin monolouging. While this happens, random floating objects appear nearby the exits within the hallways and cafeteria. The player can pick up one of these objects by simply coming in contact with it and throw it by using the "Interact" action key. Once Null gets hit by an object, he will try to distort the building and the boss fight will begin.


Null takes damage

When Null takes damage from an object.

PlaceFace barrier

The PlaceFace barrier.

During Null's boss battle, he will chase the player around the school at a constant pace, occasionally blocking off certain pathways with barriers of random objects such as chairs, globes, vending machines, potted trees and PlaceFaces in a very glitchy manner, forcing the player to go a different way. The school starts glitching as textures start to bump relatively to how loud the cymbals of Schoolhouse Trouble! are, as they get louder the closer Null is from the player, and quieter the further away Null is from the player. Random floating objects will appear around the school during this, such as chairs, desks, potted trees or bananas. The player can pick them up and throw at Null to damage him. When Null takes damage, he will be stunned for 1.5 seconds along with his color hue cycling and him screaming out loud, then he increases his speed and the tempo of the music gets higher. The player can pass through him as he will not end the run when he is stunned. Sometimes these items are hard to see because they blend in with the normal objects, and their textures also start to shake violently. At the last hit before defeat, the music hangs, leaving only the drums of the track, and Null is faster than the player, creating suspense if the player can grab and throw the final object or not. If Null catches the player during the boss fight, the player has to start from the beginning. Additionally, barriers can rarely block off broken windows. Barriers can also spawn right next to the player.

Even though the player gets unlimited stamina during the bossfight, Null can still catch the player and cause a game over, especially when only the last hit is left. Additionally, during the bossfight, the HUD will disappear, making the player's vision clearer, which helps if the player picked up an object that blocks lots of vision. The way the player can tell if Null is near is if the drums from the music get louder; if they are far from Null, then the drums will be quiet.

Placeface spawn blocks off the broken window

The PlaceFace barrier blocking off a window.

Once Null is hit 10 times, the player will suddenly be teleported to the empty black room connected to mystman12's Office.


See also: mystman12's Office

mystman12's Office.

Null intense glitching

Null intensely glitching out before he vanishes.

The office is a replica of mystman12's office in real life. There is a book on the desk, which contains some information on where the Baldi's Basics story is going. After the book is closed, Null will appear once more, calling the developer and other unknown people liars, and tries to glitch the game out to crash it, but he intensely glitches out and then disappears once and for all. Nothing happens after this, so the player has to quit the game manually to go back to the main menu.

Glitch Style[]

Woah! A crazy glitch has taken over the school! Can you beat this super challenge?!

—Description of Glitch Style

Glitch Style description

After NULL Style is completed, it will be replaced with the so-called "Glitch Style". Glitch Style is identical to NULL Style, except Null is replaced by a red Baldloon which behaves the same as Null, with the exception of not having any voicelines. However, instead of Null appearing in mystman12's office, Me will appear, congratulating the player.


  • In this mode, there is a hidden Dirty Chalk Eraser behind Baldi's Bus, but it is unable to be picked up once the player gets in the building, due to the spawn point being inside of a wall that would normally block off the main entrance/exit once the player gets any notebook wrong.
  • In an interesting manner, the red Baldloon will take stranger paths and shortcuts to get to the player.
  • Trying to quit back to the main menu after successfully collecting one notebook during NULL Style will result in Null instantly teleporting to the player and catching the player. This feature is absent in Glitch Style, or in mystman12's Office after the boss fight is over. (This feature was removed in the final version of the game.)
    • If only one exit is left, Null will not teleport to the player's location.
    • Doing so after Null blocks off the fourth exit and before holding an object causes him to warp to the player and kick them out of the menu without catching them, giving complete control to move Null wherever they want until throwing an object.
  • Blowing the Principal Whistle causes Null/the red Baldloon to not only go to where the player used it, but also become very fast. The player will end up getting caught by either of them almost immediately unless they react quickly and hide from them with a Dirty Chalk Eraser.
    • This extra speed carries over to the bossfight, meaning if the Principal Whistle is used at any point beforehand (such as before approaching the final exit), they will still move very quickly, making the bossfight virtually impossible without hacking.
  • While none of the Fun Settings (including Free Run) and Endless Mode work in this style, the secret modes activated by the You Can Think Pad (such as Chaos Mode and Authentic Mode) still function properly.
  • If the player somehow has An Apple for Baldi in their inventory while getting caught by Null or the red Baldloon, they will ignore it and proceed to catch the player regardless.
  • As of V1.1, it is impossible to restore NULL Style or Null in-game and can only be done modifying the game, its save file, and removing the NULL achievement from the player's Steam account, unless the player has completed NULL Style on a prior version outside Steam.
    • Because of this, after resetting the game and completing the game with all Fun Settings except for Free Run, the game shows that Glitch Style is unlocked instead of NULL Style.
  • During the bossfight, Null/the red Baldloon can pinpoint the exact location of the player and go there even if the player is out of their line of sight.
  • If Debug Mode is activated, the player cannot collect any of the notebooks and Null or the red Baldloon will call the player a cheater in the You Can Think Pad.
    • Unintentionally, after hovering a cursor on the question mark in the pause menu, Null will instantly catch the player and close the game. This does not happen in Glitch Style.
    • However, in V1.0, the player can collect notebooks in Glitch Style even if Debug Mode was enabled.
  • Null/the red Baldloon can still catch the player while rushing towards the final exit.
  • If the player attempts to switch to another scene through cheats when being caught by Null/the red Baldloon, the jumpscare sequence will still continue playing.
    • The schoolhouse will already be glitching out if they try re-entering the Game scene, however it will not be cycling color hues rapidly as it normally would.
  • Sometimes, the static background may differentiate in sizes.
  • If the player manages to make every answer wrong in the You Can Think Pad while still obtaining a notebook, Null will be faster than normal, similar to how Baldi works, but never slows down.
  • Null running away from the player after they reach the 3rd exit is similar to how the characters disappear after the player reaches the 3rd exit in Full Game Early Demo.
  • The description for NULL Style, "NkpNmiJUjrpGJjtmOEHnQgVIjRDjeIDnvNnyGybYAWvhjaPnjIDhPBVnaGkVAWmdeG" is actually an encrypted secret message saying "What good is a cipher if their is no contextual justification for its existence".[1] When decrypting this text using Vigenère cipher with the key "null", removing the "\n", and using the spelling room alphabet in Baldi's Basement as the "alphabet key", the result is "WhaTgoODisaCIpheRIFtHeIRiSNocONteXtuAljUSTificAtiONfORItsExISTencE", as explained on the secret message page.[2]
  • If the player uses the mod menu to transport to the Principal's office without having encountered Null in all the three styles and without having collected the two first notebooks, Null will spawn in the office, catching the player almost instantly.
  • In the bossfight, if Chaos Mode is enabled, at 9/10 hits, the music will not hang on one note. This is probably linked to hits on one Null/red Baldloon.


  • When the fourth exit gets blocked off while Authentic Mode is enabled, the game goes completely white (outside of the pause menu and captions if they are enabled), making it impossible for the player to see.
  • Null may suddenly begin the bossfight while he's still in the Principal's Office.
  • If the player resets the scene while Null or the red Baldloon's jumpscare sequence is still playing, the next time the player gets caught by Null or the red Baldloon, they will shift up about half a tile into the air.
    • The player's camera is only affected by this, as they can still walk through the schoolhouse.
    • The player may end up shifting too high up, to the point where they cannot see the schoolhouse.
  • If the player somehow goes up into the air in the bossfight, - mostly by hacks - Null will follow the player at the bottom, regardless of outside the boundaries or the exits.
  • If the player makes Fun Settings function, and specifically enables Mirror Mode, when entering mystman12's Office, every texture will be flipped inside out, and the scene will be given the solitaire effect.
  • If using hacks to spawn Null in mystman12's Office, he will turn the whole office to pitch-black.
  • If using hacks to enable the fog event in mystman12's Office, the book will be given a strange effect to it.
  • Interestingly, the music hangs in chaos mode at 9 hits if the player attacked Null/the red Baldloon that has not been attacked yet.


  1. Q: "@mystman12 is the bbcr secret message "what good is a cipher if their is no contextual justification for its existence" or is this just like an easter egg or something" / A: "CONGRATULATIONS! YOU FOUND THE SECRET MESSAGE! NOW ALL YOU NEED TO DO IS... FIND THE CONTEXTUAL JUSTIFICATION FOR ITS EXISTENCE! HAHAHAAAAAA!" - mystman12. March 14, 2024. Twitter/X (Question), Twitter/X (Answer)
  2. "explanation for how i got it: i took the description for null style, removed the "NULL \n", then i put it into a vigenere cracker with the spelling room alphabet . with the key "null" you get this text" - CHEATING. March 14, 2024. Twitter/X

