Baldi's Basics Wiki
Baldi's Basics Wiki

For other uses, see Lock (disambiguation).
No looking in other people's lockers in the halls!

—Principal of the Thing

Lockers are interactive structures in the Baldi's Basics series that can be randomly found almost everywhere in the Schoolhouse or Super Schoolhouse, being commonly found within the school's walls.


Row of lockers

A row of lockers.

Red lockers[]

The red lockers are the most common types of lockers. However, none of these can be interacted with, as if they were locked. These lockers are the only type featured in Baldi's Basics Classic, Baldi's Basics Birthday Bash and Baldi's Basics Classic Remastered.

Blue lockers[]

Hiding in a blue locker

The player hiding in a blue locker.

The blue lockers (even though they are cyan, they are called blue in the game files) can be opened, unlike red ones, and are used for hiding from NPCs. However, when they are opened, they make a sound, so Baldi or angry Dr. Reflex will know which locker the player hides in. Even if Baldi or Dr. Reflex is distracted by the Alarm Clock, tape player, or other objects that distract them, once the distraction is over, they will go back to the blue locker the player hides in because it constantly attracts them until the player leaves.[1]

Since looking in other people's lockers is against the school rules, the player will get scolded by Principal of the Thing if he sees them using a blue locker. However, this rule has not been listed in the school rules poster.

If these are inside the sparkle radius of the WD-NoSquee when used, they will not alert either Baldi or Dr. Reflex.

Storage lockers[]

Closed storage lockers

Closed storage lockers in the Pit Stop.

Open storage lockers

Open storage lockers.

The storage locker is a green locker that appear in all floors and the Pit Stop. Their main purpose is to store 3 items that the player can later use when needed. The player needs to interact with the storage locker to open it, and then it will close either if the player shuts it themselves, or if they walk away, which alerts Baldi and Dr. Reflex if nothing is preventing them from hearing it, like the WD-NoSquee, Baldi's Least Favorite Tape, or the pay phone.

The items put inside the storage locker carry over from floors and the Pit Stop, reverting back to what they had if the player loses in the floor, and will save the contents inside when beating the floor and leaving the Pit Stop.

Principal of the Thing will scold the player if he sees them using a storage locker.

A storage locker can spawn in a hallway, classroom, faculty room or library. There can be only one storage locker in each floor.


Baldi's Basics Plus[]

  • When the player hides in a locker and exits the locker while Playtime chases them, her position will reset.
  • Blue and storage lockers can be used as a way to temporarily distract Baldi, as their sound is louder than things such as doors.
  • 3BLockersInaRow

    Three blue lockers arranged in a row.

    It is possible to have three blue lockers arranged in a row.
  • Prior to V0.3, hiding in the nearest blue locker from the start of the floor while Baldi remained passive would immediately make him chase the player.
    • Since this version, if the player hides in a blue locker before Baldi greets them, he will immediately start counting. The same thing happens when using a Dangerous Teleporter right after starting the floor.
      • On a rare occasion, Baldi will quickly countdown to 6, then he will continue the countdown normally.
  • LockerInDebugRoom

    A red locker in a debug room.

    Prior to V0.4, lockers could rarely spawn in a debug room.
  • Blue locker in the library

    A blue locker in the library. (Prior to V0.4)

    Prior to V0.4, and again since V0.5, lockers can spawn in the library, but this is rare.
    • They will not attract Baldi, even if WD-NoSquee is not used on it. The player can also hear sounds by hiding in the blue locker.
  • Prior to V0.5, the player could see the quick map while in a blue locker.
  • Prior to V0.6, there were no storage lockers. Also, the locker textures lacked detail and the player could use items in the blue locker.
  • Prior to V0.8, storage lockers could only be found in a hallway.

Baldi's Basics Classic[]

  • During development, mystman12 planned to have all of the red lockers opened with possible items inside. The audio for Principal of the Thing scolding the player for using the lockers ("No looking in other people's lockers in the halls!") is found in the game files, though it is unused in this game. Despite the simple mechanism, this feature was scrapped because mystman12 thought that clicking on every single locker would have been very tedious.[2] The interactive lockers in different colors were later first featured in Kickstarter Exclusive Demo. Both blue and storage lockers are currently featured in Baldi's Basics Plus, with the storage lockers having the originally planned item-storing functionality.

Baldi's Basics Classic/Birthday Bash[]

  • There are a total of 235.5 lockers in the Classic Schoolhouse. 194 lockers are found in the hallways throughout the school, while the other 41.5 lockers are found in the faculty room with the Zesty machine.
    • There were 16 more lockers by the pay phone before V1.2.2, bringing the total to 251.5.
    • Glitch lockers

      "Glitched" lockers in one of the faculty rooms.

      Observing the lockers in the faculty room with the Zesty machine carefully, this appears to be a rather odd, glitchy set of 2 lockers, near the back-left corner of the room. These lockers overlap each other in a way that takes up the space of one and a half lockers in total. Depending on the angle the player looks at these lockers, they will either see a complete door to the left that overlaps half of another locker, or a complete door to the right that overlaps half of another locker. mystman12 probably did this to not cover the chalkboard contained inside the room.
    • These "glitched" lockers do not appear in Classic Remastered.

Baldi's Basics Kickstarter Exclusive Demo[]

  • In V1.0, hiding in a blue locker would not make Baldi chase the player instantly.



  • Sometimes when looking through windows, the lockers can be seen from their back. It happens because lockers do not have a sprite from that position.
  • Lockers overlapped with a swinging door

    Lockers overlapped with a swinging door.

    Lockers can overlap with swinging doors.

Baldi's Basics Plus[]

  • Prior to V0.1.4, the locker texture was vertically flipped.
  • There were some bugs that were fixed in V0.1.5:
    • By quitting a round while in a blue locker and playing a new round and going in another blue locker, the game was in a noclip state. This stayed until exiting the game. While in this state, none of the characters could see or interact with the player, some structures like conveyor belts and elevators did not work, the sound was still heard in the library, and the player could go through the walls and explore the outside of the school.
    • When the player hid in a nearby blue locker while playing with Playtime, the minigame did not end, and after they finished playing, they would "exit" the locker (the texture of being inside the locker does not disappear). For now, when entering the locker, Playtime shows her sad sprite, says "Oh! That makes me sad!" and stops the minigame.
    • Stamina could not regenerate while inside a blue locker. This was originally going to be fixed in V0.1.4, but it was delayed.
  • Prior to V0.2, hiding and exiting the locker while being blown by Cloudy Copter duplicated the speed the player was pushed by his wind, and the push would not stop even after the player left the wind until the wind disappeared.
  • Prior to V0.3.8, Baldi could catch the player if they got teleported by characters or items while in a blue locker.
  • Prior to V0.5, the player could look back while hiding in a blue locker.
    • The player could use WD-NoSquee on the blue locker by looking back while inside of it. It did not work when they entered the blue locker on the side.

Baldi's Basics Kickstarter Exclusive Demo[]

  • The player can get in blue lockers through a wall.
  • In V1.0, if an event started while the player was hiding in a locker, its description text was permanently displayed on the screen.

Baldi's Basics - Challenges Demo[]

  • In the Grapple Challenge, the blue locker could be used to prevent NPCs from spawning by using the Grappling Hook on the locker (if it was close enough to the starting elevator) and spamming the "interact" action key (Left Mouse Button by default). The blue locker close to the starting elevator was removed and replaced by a red one in V1.1, but it was reverted to the blue one in Baldi's Basics Plus V0.3.3 along with fixing a character spawning glitch.
  • The texture of the blue locker is horizontally flipped.


Baldi's Basics Plus[]

Sound Caption Description
*SLAM!* The blue locker when opened/closed. It also plays when the storage locker and vent is closed.


The storage locker when opened. It also plays when the vent is opened.


Baldi's Basics Plus
Baldi's Basics Classic/Birthday Bash/Classic Remastered


  1. "Technically what happens is, when you're in the locker, the "sound" is being sent to Baldi over and over again and it won't stop until you leave. So even if you distract him with an alarm clock or something, he'll eventually head back to the locker." - Baldi's Basics Plus Steam Community Hub
  2. "The lockers thing, my- one of my original ideas for the game, yeah, you would've been to be able to look into lockers, but I kinda, when I found out that some more, I kinda thought that was gonna be dumb. You- you know, if you were doing like, you know, walk by lockers is just by clicking on every single locker looking for items that just would've been too tedious, I think so, I left them out." - Livestream archive 57:02~57:22

