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99 Oh noes! Something isn't adding up! This article is focused on the deep lore of the Baldi's Basics series, possibly containing some spoilers of it. 99 |
The Baldi's Basics series contains a lot of inspirations and references to elements (e.g., educational computer games and computer technologies of the 1990s) gathered by mystman12.
Video games[]
3D Dinosaur Adventure: Save the Dinosaurs[]
- The inconsistent graphical style of the Baldi's Basics series is very similar to 3D Dinosaur Adventure: Save the Dinosaurs' art style.[1]
Donkey Kong Country[]
- Arts and Crafters' screeching noise was created using a ROM corruption from Donkey Kong Country 2.[2]
- The code 11211994, which activates/deactivates the Chaos Mode, is a reference to the release date of Donkey Kong Country in the United States - November 21, 1994 (11/21/1994).
A Donkey Kong Country corruption with the 99 image in the bottom-right corner.
Hungry Pumpkin[]
- It's a Bully's "Give me your gift..." quote in Baldi's Basics Birthday Bash and Party Style of Baldi's Basics Classic Remastered might be inspired by Hungry Pumpkin's line "Give me the (food name)". Hungry Pumpkin was one of the mystman12's favorite memes and the voice in the game is very similar to the one from the original.
- In mystman12's livestream, It's a Bully's line, "No, I don't want that." originated from Hungry Pumpkin.
Link: The Faces of Evil[]
Mission To McDonaldland[]
- The video game Mission To McDonaldland gave mystman12 inspiration for future Baldi's Basics updates due to how low-budgeted its graphics looked.[4]
- The developer's username, mystman12, was derived from the game Myst.
- The code 09241993, which activates/deactivates the Debug Mode, is a reference to the release date of Myst on macOS in the United States - September 24, 1993 (09/24/1993).
- The screen transitions in Baldi's Basics Plus and Classic Remastered are based on Myst's screen transitions.
Sonic's Schoolhouse[]
- The gameplay of Baldi's Basics, being a 3D game where the player cannot look up or down but can pan left and right and move forwards and backwards, is nearly identical to how movement and rotation work in Sonic's Schoolhouse. Likewise, the level design of Baldi's Basics does not have the player change elevation (excluding the one time the player actually changes elevation in Baldi's Basics Birthday Bash and Party Style of Classic Remastered), just like in Sonic's Schoolhouse.
- The basic "white brick wall" and "wall with molding" textures are reminiscent of the white brick wall textures seen in the school in Sonic's Schoolhouse.
The comparison of an appreciation GIF image.
- The doors' textures have the same exact size as the ones for Sonic's Schoolhouse.
- Baldi's Math Machine's main texture is inspired by the chalkboard with a math problem in Sonic's Schoolhouse.
- The Math Machine balloons bear some similarities to Sonic's Schoolhouse's hopping number objects.
- The "Elephant hit" quote file said by
on occasions is a reference to an unused audio clip of Sonic's Schoolhouse. - Some of the sprites/textures implemented in Baldi's Basics Plus are very similar or replicas of Sonic's Schoolhouse's sprites/textures, such as the checkerboard "basic" floor or ceiling lamps.
- The title screen in the Baldi's Basics series looks very similar to the Sonic's Schoolhouse boxart.
- The code 10181996, which activates/deactivates the Authentic Mode, is a reference to the release date of Sonic's Schoolhouse - October 18, 1996 (10/18/1996).
- * The save system from Baldi's Basics Plus was inspired from Sonic's Schoolhouse.
- The "Get ready!" voice line from the Baldi's Basics Plus Early Access Trailer [OFFICIALLY OFFICIAL] video might be a reference to Sonic's voice line in Sonic's Schoolhouse, which is "Get ready for math!".
- Furthermore, the
poster of where Baldi says "Get ready to learn!!!" is a more direct reference to this dialogue.
- Furthermore, the
The Sonic Schoolhouse floor, compared to the Floor texture.
- Baldi's Bus and the Bus Pass might be inspired from Sonic's Schoolhouse because that game also has a bus to go on a field trip and a bus icon is needed to enter a bus.
Super Mario[]
- Baldi's voice may have been inspired by the character Waluigi from the Super Mario franchise.
0th Prize
's clothes may have been inspired by Mario's outfit, as both of them look similar. It could also be referencing an animation error in the Adventures of Super Mario Bros. 3 episode "Sneaky Lying Giant Koopas".
ToeJam & Earl[]
- The procedurally generated levels of Baldi's Basics Plus are inspired by ToeJam & Earl's procedurally generated levels.
- The presents in Baldi's Basics Birthday Bash and Party Style of Baldi's Basics Classic Remastered function like the ones in ToeJam & Earl, both of which give a random item.
You can fly with Tinkerbell[]
- The idea of having a hub area for Camping with new minigames was inspired from an 2002 Disney game called You can fly with Tinkerbell which is a game about Peter Pan. This has been confirmed by mystman12 in the podcast.[5]
Computers and technology[]
- The BSODA item, as well as its name and slogan, reference the Blue Screen of Death, an error screen displayed following a fatal system error in most versions of Microsoft Windows.
- The Gravity Chaos event and the map in Baldi's Basics Plus are likely inspired by Windows 95's 3D Maze screensaver.
- The fake error screen in Classic Remastered has a computer with a Blue Screen of Death.
- The window used in Baldi's Basics Plus is similar to Microsoft Windows' first early trademark made since 1985.
- The Camping and Time Out music tracks originate from the now-defunct software, Microsoft Music Producer.
Products, food, and drinks[]
Kirkland Signature protein bar[]
- The Energy Flavored Zesty Bar's sprite is a dithered version of a Kirkland Signature protein bar.
Libman Precision Angle Broom[]
- Gotta Sweep's design is based on Libman Precision Angle Broom. The previous design was almost the same as the original, but the bristles' color was changed in the current one to avoid legal issues.
- WD-NoSquee's name and design are inspired by WD-40. It is even internally called
. (WD-3D
in Classic and Birthday Bash)
Social media[]
- It's a Bully's "I'm gonna take your candy..." line is a direct reference to PilotRedSun's "preschool bully" video.
- Although unconfirmed, Playtime's appearance, particularly the eyes and hair, has a very similar style to PilotRedSun's.
- Gotta Sweep's design was originally supposed to be
0th Prize
's, which mystman12 tried to draw with a similar style to PilotRedSun's.
Family Guy[]
- After entering a room with a shrink machine in Baldi's Basement before completing NULL Style, there is a white outlined Baldi in the book room. His pose resembles Peter Griffin's recurring "hurt/death pose" meme in the animated sitcom Family Guy.
Homestar Runner[]
- The name of "Runner Star Home", a music track used for the Kickstarter promotion video, is also a reference to the series.
- The voices of Gotta Sweep and Joe are inspired by the "Powered By The Cheat" version of Bubs, a character in the webseries.
mystman12's Bluesky Banner.
The Amazing World of Gumball[]
- Principal of the Thing's whistle is inspired by Banana Joe's whistle in one scene from the episode "The Banana".
- Both The Amazing World of Gumball and Baldi's Basics share an approach of making characters from different styles, such as drawn or 3D characters.
- Arts and Crafters' design was based on Sussie from this cartoon.[6]
Two More Eggs[]
- Two More Eggs' CGI Palz series was a big inspiration for the Baldi's Basics series.[7][8]
- It's possible that the melody used for That's Me! is based off of Two More Eggs' Dooblie Doo Church Variation, considering that they are similar.
Warner Bros.[]
- Mrs. Pomp's stomping sound, the Portal Poster's slapping sound, the Math Machine balloons' popping sound, sound effects from the second version of field trips, the shrink machine's noise, the 'Nana Peel's sounds, Baldi's eating in the Pick-Quick-Nic minigame and vents entering sound originated from sound libraries used in cartoons produced by Warner Bros. Cartoons. These sounds have also been used in many other cartoons as well.
Nursery rhymes[]
- A-Tisket, A-Tasket seems to be a combination of multiple nursery rhymes: "Ring a Ring o' Roses", "A-Tisket, A-Tasket", and "It's Raining, It's Pouring". The name "A-Tisket, A-Tasket" directly comes from one of the nursery rhymes used in this track.
- Additionally, Party Time is vaguely based on the "Happy Birthday to You" song.
- A part of the 99 soundtrack appears to be a parody of "Mary Had a Little Lamb".
- ↑ "There’s an old game I’ve seen footage of called 3D Dinosaur: Save the Dinosaurs, where you have to wander around a 3D map finding dinosaurs or something. Anyways, that game has a graphics style similar to Baldi’s Basics in a lot of ways. For example, it’s incredibly inconsistent. You’ve got wall and floor textures that vary from solid colors to photo realistic. There are billboarding, photo-realistic bugs and dinosaurs, but then cartoony portraits of dinosaurs on the wall. The inconsistency in graphics style and the low quality of it all makes the game just feel off and unsettling, at least to me," - How Baldi's Basics taps into the real horror of '90s edutainment
- ↑ "As for the audio, that came from a ROM corruption of Donkey Kong Country 2 I made. I probably still have the corruption saved somewhere but I'd probably have to do a lot of digging to find it." - mystman12. June 24, 2023. Instagram
- ↑ "Thank you for changing my life." - mystman12. September 9, 2023. Twitter/X
- ↑ "The 1st game in this is exactly the sort of #BaldisBasics inspiration I needed! Sometimes I forget how bad cheap licensed games really were. Vids like this keep me from losing sight of the sort of hilariously bad/unintentionally terrifying things Baldi's Basics Plus needs in it." - mystman12. October 2, 2020. Twitter/X
- ↑ ''...and I also say, the whole idea of having a hub, uh, that was loosely inspired by an old game I had a demo for growing out called uh, "You can fly with Tinkerbell", uh, it's this Peter Pan game, that came on our, uh, the family, my family had a DVD, uh, of Peter Pan 2, and I had a demo for this game on it, and it's kinda the same thing, where you can explore a 3D hub area, there's minigames you can activate by going on the surface spots, that's, that's kind of one of those bad, uh, bad 3D games, that I take inspiration from for Baldi's Basics as a whole, uh, but that's specific concept of having a, little, hub, with minigames, just kinda about it, uh, tha- that's kinda where that comes from.'' - Basically Games Podcast: Episode 1 - 7:45
- ↑ "Now that I think about it I remember now that the idea for Arts and Crafters was inspired by Sussie from the Amazing World of Gumball." - mystman12. June 24, 2023. Instagram
- ↑ "Y'know I don't think I've mentioned it much, but it should go without saying that CGI Palz was a very big inspiration for Baldi's Basics. Two More Eggs was great, but the CGI Palz shorts in particular lined up with my sense of humor perfectly!" - mystman12. July 28, 2023. Twitter/X
- ↑ "If the similarities to Baldi's Basics aren't already obvious enough: https://youtube.com/watch?v=doEzLV… The Brothers Chaps were making crusty edutainment parodies well before anyone else did lol." - mystman12. July 28, 2023. Twitter/X
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