Baldi's Basics Wiki
Baldi's Basics Wiki

Uh oh. Looks like my fog machine is malfunctioning again.
I- I can barely see anything!

Baldi, while announcing the fog event

Fog is one of the events in Baldi's Basics Plus and Demo Style of Baldi's Basics Classic Remastered. It was the first event revealed for the full game.


Foggy classroom

A foggy classroom.


A foggy playground.

Right after Baldi announces this event on the Baldi TV, the Schoolhouse or Super Schoolhouse will become foggy due to Baldi's fog machine malfunctioning, limiting the player's and other characters' vision. For example, Principal of the Thing cannot see the player from afar even if they are breaking any rule. However, Baldi and Dr. Reflex can still hear any sounds. Be aware that characters can still see the player if they are close enough.

This event is absent in floor 2.

Other appearances[]



  • FogClassicRemastered

    The fog event in Demo Style of Baldi's Basics Classic Remastered.

    In Baldi's Basics Classic Remastered and prior to V0.6 of Baldi's Basics Plus, the announcement of the event says "Baldi's fog machine malfunctioned again! Ack! Hack!".
  • This event was first revealed in the Development Build.
    • In this build, a sinister sound plays before the fog event begins. This sound is never heard in any downloadable game.
      • As confirmed by mystman12, the sinister placeholder sound originated from a Strawberry Shortcake GBA game. It was a paulstretched version of the damage sound.[1]

Baldi's Basics Plus[]

  • Fog in v0

    The fog event, prior to V0.3.5.

    Prior to V0.3.5, the fog was completely white. This only affected the macOS version.
  • Prior to V0.3.3, the fog event was absent in Endless Mode - Random.


Baldi's Basics Plus[]

  • An oversight shows the balloons (spawned in the party event) and the Dirty Chalk Eraser's dust cloud not getting obscured when the fog event starts.
  • Prior to V0.1.5, the "8" caption used to show up on-screen when the fog event started.
  • Fog effect inside the advanced map
    When opening the advanced map during this event, the fog effect was seen. This glitch was once fixed in V0.1.2, but it happened again from V0.2 to V0.3.4.
  • In V0.2 and V0.2.1, NPCs could see the player even if they were out of their sight.


Quote Caption Description
Uh oh. Looks like my fog machine is malfunctioning again. Baldi's voice in Baldi TV when the event starts.
I- I can barely see anything!

Sound Description
The Creepy Old Computer music cue that plays when the event has occurred.

Sound Description
A recreation of the placeholder sinister cue that plays before the Fog event starts in the Development Build.



  1. "No joke, it was a paulstretched recording of the sound that plays when you take damage in a Strawberry Shortcake GBA game." - Gmail

