Baldi's Basics Wiki
Baldi's Basics Wiki
Spoiler 99
Oh noes! Something isn't adding up!
This article is focused on the deep lore of the Baldi's Basics series, possibly containing some spoilers of it.

These are the endings of the Baldi's Basics series that correspond to the decisions made by the player before they complete the games.

So far, Baldi's Basics Classic and Baldi's Basics Birthday Bash have two endings. All of the demos and Baldi's Basics Plus have one ending each. Baldi's Basics Classic Remastered has the most endings of them all, having a whole twelve endings. This adds up to a total of 21 endings in the series.



Baldi's Basics Plus


After completing floor 3 and pressing the button in the elevator, the player will enter an empty room, presumably Baldi's Office. There are some balloons and a desk. Behind the desk, Baldi is standing there and is singing to the player.

Just a few seconds later, the screen starts to corrupt and the song will become super accelerated. The game switches to a distorted and randomly-colored version of the BadSum screen with text saying:

Fake error after the ending


99 -

Please read [MISSING] for more info.

After completing any of the challenges, Baldi's quote "WOW!" will play and an image with Baldi giving a realistic thumb and a message appears saying:

Wow, you did it! Baldi gives your
performance a up! See if you can
win them all!

After a few seconds, the screen goes black and the game sends the player back to the title screen.

Tutorial ending

After finding all the notebooks and then reaching one of the elevators, a chalkboard will appear, containing the following message:

Wow, you learned so much,
but we're just getting started!
You'll surely learn so much more
when you play Hide & Seek
with me, Baldi!

Get ready to have fun!

Baldi will also say the following to the player:

Congratulations! You've finished my tutorial!
Now you surely know all about how to play my game!

Pressing the Continue text will send the player to the title screen.

Baldi's Basics Classic

The normal ending will end with the message, "CONGRATULATIONS!!!! YOU WON!" and have Baldi standing by the chalkboard like the title screen of the game, but with a simplified color palette. Null speaks to the player for a brief moment, saying, "Wow, great job... Please try and do worse though I need t- *Glitching*". The game closes after he finishes speaking.

The alternate ending (also known as the secret ending and the true ending[1]) is found if the player gets all 21 questions wrong on all 7 notebooks. A tip to get the alternate ending is to stall Baldi by collecting notebooks every few minutes or so, because collecting them quickly makes Baldi move faster. Upon touching the final exit, the player is teleported just outside of Baldi's Office, in front of a texture that says "You Won! There's room for improvement though... Go see Baldi in his office for some tips!" Behind the text, the player can see a Baldi head frowning. Upon entering Baldi's Office, Null speaks to the player for a bit before the game crashes. It is very difficult to obtain this ending as Baldi moves super fast, joined with the trouble of the other characters.

Baldi's Basics Birthday Bash

The way to reach this ending is very similar to the normal one in Baldi's Basics Classic. However, in this game, the player has to reach the exit door in the cafeteria last because the cafeteria exit will appear after the other three exits are reached.

After reaching the last door, Gotta Sweep, Playtime, Baldi, Principal of the Thing, It's a Bully, Arts and Crafters, and 1st Prize surprise the player, and Baldi then invites them to blow out the candle on top of the cake.

Once the player blows out the candle, the entire Schoolhouse will become dimly lit, and the rest of the characters will float up to a similar height to the player, but they will not be interactive or be able to move at all. The player will be able to float over the floor to leave the elevator platform, and on either side of the top of the cafeteria, there will be an entrance to a hallway that leads to the glitched school that is located above the Schoolhouse.

There will be an ambience of extremely rapid ruler slaps at random intervals and volumes, though Baldi is not the source of the sound. Two of the glitched rooms contain salmon colored notebooks that function normally, though they play a strange remix of Baldi saying "1" forwards and reversed over and over, which also sounds like the "Learn" track. Obtaining these notebooks will not affect the game, but the notebook counter will increase. After the player gets a problem wrong, a pitched-down version of Baldi saying "You need to collect two notebooks before you can use these doors." will be heard.

One of the glitched rooms leads to the puzzle room, and once the player enters the correct number of Baldloons, a wall will open to reveal a room with a circle of chairs and a chalkboard, and Baldi saying "WOW!" can be heard. When the player enters the room, the game will begin to spawn red Baldloon that come out of the walls and follow the player around, making a glitchy noise. DSCI_0000 posters will also begin appearing on random walls.

As the player attempts to escape the glitched school, more and more red Baldloons will appear. After a few minutes, if the player collects 9/9 notebooks, red Baldloons will keep appearing at a very fast speed that the player will have difficulty moving, and may possibly glitch up to the ceiling of the hallway. After a certain amount of time passes, a dark "Thank you!" screen will appear, and the player will only be able to close the game.

Screenshot 09 10 2023
Null can be found in the Principal's office, able to be reached after the schoolhouse turns dark if the player uses the Teleportation Teleporter or types 53045009 on the You Can Think Pad in the glitched school. He is once again surprised by the player's wit and intelligence in finding him but is disappointed that they have not destroyed the game yet. He warns them again that something bad will happen if they do not destroy it, and the game crashes.

Baldi's Basics Classic Remastered

Some changes are applied to the pictures:

  • The normal ending now uses the remastered artwork instead of the classic one.
  • In the alternate ending's picture, Baldi's mouth is the only thing that does not have the opacity effect.
Before Null is defeated
BaldiOffice BeforeNullStyle ClassicRemastered

Null in Baldi's Office.

Both normal and alternate endings are same as in Baldi's Basics Classic.

After Null is defeated
BaldiOffice AfterNullStyle ClassicRemastered

Baldi in the secret ending.

  • In the normal ending, Null's voice will not play upon reaching the final exit, leaving the screen in silence.
  • In the secret ending, Baldi will stand near the desk and teach the player subtraction problems, especially negative numbers.

Before Null is defeated
Party end

The normal ending.

While both normal and Null endings are similar to Baldi's Basics Birthday Bash, red Baldloons will remove tiles if they come in contact with them in the normal ending. After 3 minutes or longer, the normal ending screen in Classic Style appears. Then, the screen is shortly covered with candle textures, randomly colored and resized "THIS IS YOUR FAULT" text, and a crying Baldi texture taken from the rare game over screen.

There are two secret endings, which one is the same as Birthday Bash, while the other one is an altered version. If letting Baldloons spawn, and then go to Null, he starts screaming at the player about why they did not destroy the game, as he told them to do so.

After Null is defeated
PrincipalOffice Party ClassicRemastered Baldi

Baldi in the secret ending.

After entering the glitched school and using the Dangerous Teleporter to go down and enter the Principal's office, Baldi will be there and play "Baldi's Funtime Song" for the player to listen to, as a surprise. Even if the player meets Baldi after red Baldloons spawn, his interactions are the same as the regular secret ending, unlike Null.

Before Null is defeated
Null in Baldi's Basement

Null in Baldi's Basement.

If the player answers all math machines, they will have to answer 6 bonus questions, where getting the 7th notebook from does not count. When solving the last math machine, it will produce a Portal Poster. Using this item near the Safety Scissors poster shows a tiny hallway. In the hall, there is a ladder that lets the player enter Baldi's Basement.

In Baldi's Basement, after solving a little puzzle and entering a faculty room with the shrink machine, Null will appear and tell the player to destroy the game, until he figures out why they are still playing, as to "figure out the story and the lore!".

After Null is defeated
Baldi in the shrink machine

Baldi in Baldi's Basement.

After entering the room with the shrink machine, Baldi will open the door of his shrink machine and ask for the player's help to test it by pressing a button. After the player presses the button, the machine will run, but it ends up with an explosion. Baldi returns looking messy after the door opens and says that the machine still needs repairing.

NULL Style
Null intense glitching

Null intensely glitching out before he vanishes.

After throwing an object at Null 10 times, the player will be teleported into a black hallway, connecting to mystman12's Office. After reading the book provided on a desk, Null will appear. He starts telling the player one last time to destroy the game, however, at the end of his speech, he starts intensely glitching out and eventually disappears. Null gets removed from the game after that, along with every trace of his existence, except for one new appearance in the rare game over screen, that can only show up once.

Glitch Style

Me in mystman12's Office.

After throwing the object at red Baldloon 10 times, the later is same as the Null Mode, but the only difference is that instead of Null, Me will appear and he will thank the player for playing his game.

Thanks for playing my game.


Baldi's Basics - Field Trip demo: Camping

Field Trip demo V1

This ending appears to be a winning screen when the time runs out while the player survives by constantly putting logs into the campfire. When this happens, it will say "Wow-time, you won!" and the final score will be displayed. This is where the player gets some rewards based on their score. It also plays a little jingle that is similar to the title screen. However, the jingle plays in a rather different tone and the player doesn't actually get any reward.

Baldi's Basics Full Game Early Demo


After collecting all 8 notebooks and entering the functional elevator, a look of Baldi's face up close will appear, and congratulate the player in a distorted voice,

Congratulations! You beat my demo!


After Baldi's speech, Baldi's mouth remains open, and it, his nose, his eyes, and his eyebrows turn completely black.

After 0.1-0.8 seconds, the game closes.

Baldi's Basics Kickstarter Exclusive Demo

After completing the third floor in Hide-and-Seek, the player would be brought to an empty but infinite black room with Baldi solely idling. Turning around or pressing spacebar to look back, there was a message which read:

Some day, you will get the
satisfying, canonical, and exciting
ending that you deserve.

Today is not that day.

When looking at Baldi again after 3 seconds, Baldi would suddenly dab, with excessive vibrating across the player's screen, accompanied by a loud bass-boosted sound. The game then automatically closes.

This ending was also used in Baldi's Basics Plus prior to V0.3, but the game sent the player back to the title screen, instead of closing the game. Also, Baldi seemed darker because of the new lighting system.

Baldi's Basics - Challenges Demo

Challenges Demo end

It has the same Challenge Mode ending, but not including Baldi's "WOW!" quote. Also, the game will not automatically send the player back to the title screen, so they have to manually click the "Main Menu" button to go back.



  • In almost all games, the endings look mysterious and end with distortions and glitches.

Baldi's Basics Plus

  • The Challenge Mode's ending text has a grammatical error. The phrase "an up" is misspelled as "a up".
  • There were some differences prior to V0.3.3:
    • The ending room's floor acronym used to simply be "F3", but it was changed to "YAY" in this version.
    • Baldi appears right after reaching the last elevator. Since this version, he will show up when the Dance music plays.
    • A tape player was standing above the desk of Baldi's Office in a version of Baldi's Basics Plus, but since the player could not move or use any item to move themselves, it went obsolete.
    • In the Challenge Mode's ending, there was a "Main Menu" button at the bottom in the screen after completing a challenge where the player had to manually click, instead of the player being taken to the title screen after a few seconds.
  • Hide-and-Seek ending Plus V0.4

    The ending error screen in versions V0.3 to V0.4.2.

    From V0.3 to V0.4.2, the word "[MISSING]" in the last line of Baldi's Basics Plus normal ending screen was "NULL", most likely in reference to the character of that name.
    • It was probably changed due to Null becoming a public domain character.
    • V0.3 of Baldi's Basics Plus was released 1 year and 11 months before Baldi's Basics Classic Remastered, so this would mark the first mention of the new name of Null, which before being called Null, was known as filename2.
      • However, "Null" would not be established as his name until Null's speech in Baldi's Basement in Baldi's Basics Classic Remastered.

Baldi's Basics Classic

  • NormalEnding Classic V1

    The normal ending with the old skybox behind it.

    Prior to V1.2, the normal ending had the pre-V1.3 skybox behind it. Since this version, the skybox has been replaced with a white color.
  • In V1.3, — the version where the alternate ending was added — there was an error in the game's coding where the game closes when Null begins to speak.[2]
  • In earlier versions of the game prior to V1.2.2, the normal ending image lacked the dialogue audio of Null, leaving the game to close after a few seconds. This was changed in V1.3.
  • While it seems impossible to get 21 questions wrong without Baldi reaching a speed that the player has no chance of escaping, V1.3 makes it so that Baldi's speed only permanently increases if at least 1 question is wrong per notebook, instead of each incorrectly answered problem making him faster.
  • Through hacking in the alternate ending, it is possible to see the stamina bar, inventory, and the text floating high above the school outside the map boundaries. Since they do not show up in the HUD in the alternate ending, they are located here. The inventory and text can even be cycled through.
  • Baldi is missing an eyebrow in the normal ending image due to the compressed color palette and the Baldi image is slightly stretched (even though the original image is in a 4:3 aspect ratio).
  • Through hacking, it is possible to trigger the normal ending screen in Endless Mode of Baldi's Basics Classic by touching the exit door under the map after the Schoolhouse enters the "Spoop Mode". This is triggered after the player gets a question on the 1st or 2nd notebook wrong.
  • Thank you message

    The hidden thank you message.

    In the alternate ending, by opening the scene in Unity, a hidden thank you message from mystman12 himself can be seen. It reads as:

Note that the word "horribly" is misspelled as "horrily" and there are missing punctuation marks. The message mentioning the game being poorly compiled references that they need to decompile the game to see it. This Easter egg was also briefly mentioned by mystman12 in the second Baldi's Basics Classic Lost Bits video.[3]

Baldi's Basics Birthday Bash

  • It is confirmed that the alternate ending does not exist in Birthday Bash, when the player gets all 21 (27 including the notebooks in the glitched school) questions wrong.[4]
  • Classic normal ending in Birthday Bash

    The normal ending screen from Baldi's Basics Classic in Baldi's Basics Birthday Bash.

    It is possible to trigger the normal ending from Baldi's Basics Classic using a mod menu. However, the ending screen will not display in full resolution.

Baldi's Basics Classic Remastered

  • WinParty

    An unused ending screen for Party Style.

    The ending of Party Style would have a static image of crying Baldi and a burning chalkboard with campfire textures from the second version of camping field trip. This was scrapped after using the existing assets and adding some effects to make the ending more dynamic and interesting.[5]
  • All secret endings are disabled if the player tries to access them using Debug Mode, and will be replaced by something else.
    • In Classic Style, the game sends the player to the normal ending screen.
    • In Party Style, Baldi will not spawn in the Principal's office after blowing out the candle.
    • In Demo Style, accessing the ladder to Baldi's Basement shows the Baldi's Basics Plus promotion screen.


Baldi's Basics Classic Remastered

  • Null-solitaire

    An example of the solitaire effect on mystman12's Office.

    For any ending that involves entering a seperate scene (e.g., mystman12's Office, NULL/Glitch Style), if the Mirror Mode is enabled by hacks, the scene is given a solitaire effect, and all textures and movement become inverted.
  • Glitched Party Style ending

    The glitched screen in Party Style.

    In Party Style, rarely, the "YOU WON!" screen will be in a different color, most likely caused by the red Baldloons.


  1. "Yeah, I don't think I'll beat it first try, but uh... If I d-if I do beat it first try, I'll like-I can at least try going for the true ending, which is, obviously something else I also haven't done yet." - Livestream archive 8:10-8:18
  2. "So in the current version of the game the alternate ending closes the game prematurely. This was due to a simple logic error I made in the code. So to anyone who wants to try and get that ending, you might want to wait for 1.3.1. Again, sorry, should have tested more thoroughly." - mystman12. June 1, 2018. Twitter/X
  3. "Actually, yeah, I think there might be, 'cause I can't find anybody talking about it online, at least from what's little googling I've done. But there is a hidden thank you message in the game. I'd be surprised if no one's found it yet, but like I said, I- I did a little bit of googling and I can't seem to find any- uh, anyone who has mentioned anything about it." - Baldi's Basics Classic LOST BITS (ft. The Developer!) | Unused Content [TetraBitGaming] 9:39~10:00
  4. "I will spare everyone and confirm that nothing different happens if you get all of the math problems wrong in this version of the game." - mystman12. April 3, 2019. Twitter/X
  5. "For consistency I ended up scrapping these versions in favor of versions which pull from existing assets in the game. In the case of the "congratulations" screen, I was also able to make that more dynamic and interesting than just showing the static image would have been." - mystman12. Baldi's Basics Classic Remastered Unused Content | LOST BITS [TetraBitGaming] 9:18~9:41

