Baldi's Basics Wiki
Baldi's Basics Wiki
Cut content This article lists existing features that were cut, in other words: unused, scrapped, or removed. These can be found in the game files, older updates, or pre-released/reworked content.

This is a list of audio such as quotes and sounds that were not used or were removed in an update patch for Baldi's Basics games.


Sound/Timestamp Caption/Transcript Character Last appearance Description
divided by Baldi


An unused audio file from Baldi that would have been used in a scrapped division problem in the You Can Think Pad, and during the unsolvable third problem.
Use the number buttons to enter an answer. Once you think you have it right, press the "OK" button. (transcript only) Would have been played to teach the player how to use the You Can Think Pad buttons in the mobile version.
I hope you like bees, because it's time for spelling! Answer the three questions correctly and you might get something special! (transcript only) A voiceline that went unused and was not found in any file. It was supposed to used for the scrapped "spelling" subject. It was first revealed in TetraBitGaming's second Baldi's Basics Classic Lost Bits as it was shared to him by mystman12.
987654321! Plus V0.2.2 Prior to V0.3, Baldi would make a sound that consists of the numbers 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, and 1 playing all at the same time which led to him instantly chasing the player. As of V0.3, however, Baldi now counts down from 10 normally.
(School's out! Please, get out! Now!)
Plus V0.8 Pre-release 2 A temporary placeholder for Baldi announcing the Lights Out event, in the pre-releases for V0.8.
Oh, hi! Welcome to my Super Schoolhouse! To come on in, just click on your name! Or, if you haven't been here before, just type it in! And then, click on it. It's that easy, haha! Plus V0.8.1 Baldi would say this when the name entry screen was opened.
Welcome! Since you're new, be sure to check out the controls! Baldi would say this when the player is playing with a new name for the first time. Jump rope ten times in a row. Once you do, I'll let you go! E-he-he-he! (transcript only) Playtime Classic V1.0 Playtime teaching the player how to play jumprope. It was scrapped due to Playtime talking having a potential to make the jumprope game last longer, as the player would be stuck in the same place as Playtime speaks.
Give me those sticks...
(I want those sticks...)
It's a Bully Plus V0.2.2 Prior to the revamped camping field trip, It's a Bully would hide behind a tree and steal logs from the player, making him a hindrance to the player's success.
No stabbing people with unused dialogue in the halls!
(No stabbing people with pencils in the halls!)
Principal of the Thing


The scrapped character known as Pencil Boy would have been punished and sent to detention by the Principal if Pencil Boy was seen stabbing the player with pencils.
No eating food in the halls! Classic V1.2.2 Principal of the Thing would punish the player and give them detention upon seeing the player eat an Energy Flavored Zesty Bar. As of Baldi's Basics Classic V1.3, the rule was scrapped and replaced with penalties for bullying.
Gotta Sweep Plus V0.2.2 Before the farm field trip was temporarily under maintenance and then revamped, the player would attempt to navigate the corn maze and reach the flag. Should the player take too long, a giant Gotta Sweep will appear as a combine harvester and reap all the corn, resulting in Baldi chasing the player and ending the field trip.
5 Mrs. Pomp


A few scrapped audio files indicated that Mrs. Pomp would originally give the player more time to join her classroom.
3 Plus V0.2.2
You can expel someone for the rest of your game! Johnny


Johnny would likely say this if the player hovers the mouse over the currently unavailable expelling "suspend" hammer. This quote was eventually scrapped due to Johnny's Store getting a redesign.
Alright, I'll take care of it. Johnny would say this upon the player purchasing the expelling "suspend" hammer.
Okay, I'll let them know.
You are a JERK!
TBA* Who do you wanna expel?
Come back when you're a little... MMM- Richer! It might have been used when the player attempts to buy something they can not afford.
You break it, you buy it! ...I'm usually the one who breaks it though. It might have been used for when the player purchases an item, or some unimplemented feature, or if the player hovers the mouse over the latter.
Can the parrot sound like me?!?!?! (transcript only)
N/A It is found in the game files for Baldi's Basics Birthday Bash. mystman12 has confirmed that the file is used for testing years ago and there was never intended to be a parrot in the game. At the last second, a sound similar to that of an actual parrot is heard.[1]
I'm testing this again because it CRASHED. And now I will do my Baldi. Welcome to Baldi's Basics in Understanding and Learning! No, wait. Welcome to Baldi's Basics in Education and Learning! You'll have lots of fun here, I just know it! Make sure you get good grades. Otherwiiiiise, well, let's just say... (transcript only) Baldi/mystman12 Another voiceline revealed in TetraBitGaming's second Baldi's Basics Classic Lost Bits for testing the intro for the classic game recorded by SmileBASIC on November 7, 2015. It consists of mystman12 saying in Baldi's voice, the main subject of Baldi's Basics Classic. Interestingly, the person claims that they tried to do this previously, but the recording crashed, leading them to redo it.


Sound Caption Audio source Last appearance Description
Baldi Plus V0.2.2 In the original placeholder ending of Baldi's Basics Plus, Baldi would appear dabbing, accompanied by a loud bass-boosted sound.


Gotta Sweep In the old farm field trip, Gotta Sweep would make a high-pitched motor-like sound during the duration of the reaping.
*POOF* Cloudy Copter Before the camping field trip was revamped, Cloudy Copter would stop blowing out the fire if the player approached him, making this sound.
*CLANG* Bear trap Bear traps were obstacles placed around the campsite to stun any character. They made clanking sounds when stepped on.
*Roto hall turning* Roto-hall Plus V0.3.8 Roto-hall used completely different sounds when it rotated.
*Roto hall turning*
*Roto hall stops turning*


Farm If the player failed to bring all matching animals in the second version of the farm, a screaming noise would play.
Field trips Plus V0.5.2 It played when the player completed an objective in the second version of the field trips.
*Crickest chirping* (unused caption) Camping An outdoor ambience in which crickets chirping could be heard in the environment. Prior to V0.3, its audio would get slower the dimmer the campfire got.



Baldi's Basics - Field Trip demo: Camping
Main article: Win

A short music track that would play after the timer ran out.

*Elevator noises* Elevator The elevator was going to make motor running sounds that sound like typical elevator sounds.



Baldi's Basics Plus[]

  • The "No stabbing people with pencils in the halls!" quote's caption exists in the game file. But strangely, its caption says "No stabbing people with unused dialogue in the halls!" instead.

Baldi's Basics Classic[]

  • Introduced in the very first release, Baldi's dialogue of giving the player instructions for using the You Can Think Pad was removed once in update V1.4, but was re-added in V1.4.1.
  • Playtime's "5!" voice line was used in V1.0, but left unused in V1.1. It was later re-added in Full Game Early Demo.

Baldi's Basics Classic Remastered[]

Note: The following content may have spoilers for the deep lore.

  • ConspiracyBoard
    "Can the parrot sound like me?!?!?!" is quoted on a piece of paper attached to the conspiracy board in Baldi's Basement.


  1. "Probably not, I still haven't thought of any good ideas for Pencil Boy gameplay wise, and I never actually had any plans for a parrot in the original game (That sound in the game was just an old recording I made years ago that I put in the game for testing)." - mystman12's Twitter/X DM
  2. "You know... Like Ms. Fowl from Jimmy Neutron, I actually have an unused audio file that I have in my with all my Baldi voice recordings called Ms. Fowl ..." - Livestream archive 31:50~32:00
  3. "The only other subject I did any work on was spelling. I actually started recording Baldi's intro for that subject, but that's it." - mystman12. Baldi's Basics Classic Lost Bits 2:58~3:06

