Baldi's Basics Wiki
Baldi's Basics Wiki

Please remember to RECYCLE YOUR FOOD

—Description, poster

The cafeteria is a special location from the Schoolhouse and Super Schoolhouse.


The cafeteria is a medium rectangular room that has tables with floating trays of food, and sometimes, bananas. The room has white brick walls, yellow tiles on the floor, and sometimes, posters. It can come in different sizes and have unique features about it.


Main gameplay

Many vending machines can be found here, where the player can purchase BSODA, Diet BSODA, and Energy Flavored Zesty Bar items with a Quarter. It can contain a water fountain, a door to a classroom or faculty room, storage lockers, pay phone and rarely windows.

There is a chance that one or more used 'Nana Peel items can normally generate on the room's floor.

Other appearances


Variant Floor Endless Mode - Random
1 2 3
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  • The quiet cafeteria ambient of radio statics, school students shouting, and adults speaking can be heard if the volume is turned up high enough. It was recorded before the production of Baldi's Basics Classic and the Meta Game Jam, according to mystman12.[2]
  • It is canonically unknown why drinking/spraying BSODA is against the rules in the cafeteria.

Baldi's Basics Classic Remastered

Note: The following content may have spoilers for the deep lore.

  • The lighting in the Cafeteria has a slight blueish tint to it. This is more noticeable in NULL/Glitch Style.

Baldi's Basics Plus

  • There is a rare chance that a crazy vending machine can replace a normal one in the cafeteria.
  • This location does not appear in Challenge Mode.
    Cafeteria V0

    The old design of the cafeteria.

  • Prior to V0.4, there were some differences:
    • The cafeteria was bigger, being filled with more procedurally-generated tables and vending machines. Lockers could generate here as well.
    • It was possible for 6 vending machines to generate in the cafeteria.
    • The cafeteria sometimes contained an elevator.
    • The cafeteria did not appear in Floor 2 and Endless Mode - Random.


Sound Description
The quiet cafeteria ambient of radio static and school students shouting while the player is within the cafeteria.


Baldi's Basics Classic/Birthday Bash/Classic Remastered
Baldi's Basics Classic/Birthday Bash
Baldi's Basics Classic Remastered

Baldi's Basics Plus
Baldi's Basics Classic
Baldi's Basics Birthday Bash
Baldi's Basics Classic Remastered


  1. "Get this, and then I'll go through the kitchen." - Livestream archive 8:30-8:33
  2. "Cafeteria ambience and the switch sound heard near the end of the game were recorded prior to the gamejam." - Baldi's Basics in Education and Learning by mystman12 for Meta Game Jam |

