My favorite stuff
Here's a list of my favorite stuff in each category. (Inspired from MattoSopho's Favourite Things Blog Page.)
All Baldi's Basics Characters! (really all tho)
One Rule! Slight changes can make a different character. These "slight changes" include changes in the lightning and model.
ask questions here
Write some questions in the comments of this blog post.
Q:why arent you editing properly
A:Not on purpose.
Q:what is your favorite character
A:Dr. Reflex
Q:what is the favorite item
A:Bus Pass
The Evolution of Baldi's Basics (2018-2023)
HUGE credit to TomRBel
- 1 Baldi's Basics Classic v1.0
- 2 Baldi's Basics Classic v1.1
- 3 Baldi's Basics Classic v1.2(.2)
- 4 Baldi's Basics Classic v1.3(.2)
- 5 Baldi's Basics Classic v1.4(.3)
- 6 Baldi's Field Trip Demo: Camping 1.0
- 7 Baldi's Field Trip Demo: Camping 1.1
- 8 Baldi's Basics 1 Year Birthday Bash
- 9 Baldi's Basics Full Game Public Demo
Warning! Latest game was Baldi’s Basics Plus, version 0.3.8! This also just shows off everything new in each version! This video does not explain their full history, but it does mention their origins. I also may stretch the definition of “evolution” a bit! Also, do come and join my discord server! Link in the description! Let us begin with Baldi’s Basics Classic v1.0! Otherwise known as, Baldi’s Basics in Education and Learn…
Baldi's Basics Plus Remastered
DISCLAIMER: This is just an joke.
I reposted this joke to this wiki because it looks funny (by the way, it's mine.)
- 1 Baldi's Basics Plus Remastered
- 2 New itemes
- 3 New modedes
- 3.1 Plus style
- 3.2 Ishaan potato style
- 3.3 null stail
- 4 Factes
- 5 Outro
Get a taste of nothing!
u already know
escap fram ishan potat to get ishan potat
talk with null to do smth 🍔🍔🍔🍔 and he will get angry and walk because he is 🤡🤡🤡
ishaan potato never had a link to the raldi memehouse, mystman was about to add him into classic but he has got a declaration to the india
baldi basics plus remastered costs 250000000$ because plus costs 25$
thankes far atetenion
My newest dangerous teleporter model for anim8or
Link is here:
beans comic if it had a seperate page
The Unnamed Padre Snowmizzle Comic is a Beans comic created by Padre Snowmizzle, and was posted on Twitter as a response to Pghlfilms' allegations and avoidances |panels = 4 |cast = Beans }}
- 1 Plot
- 2 Transcript
- 3 Trivia
- 4 References
One day, Beans is on the internet to find some cat videos until he stumbles upon the Pghlfilms exposure document. After minutes of reading, he is appalled, and then menacingly declares to him that he should be in prison.
- Beans: Hm, the internet's sure to provide some funny cats for me- say, what's this?
- [A popup for a document titled "PROJECT: Lego-a-go-go" appears on Beans' monitor, alongside a scared piece of paper with the text "READ ME FOR INFO! :D"]
A few minutes of reading later
- [Beans is shocked at …
Baldi's Basics Plus: The Hacker Theory
The thing called because it's the best name I found. You can use this theory in your videos too (it would be great if you gave credit to me if you used this). Thanks for reading. I worked for around 1-2 hours to finish this.
How to Make a Perfect Baldi's Basics Character
This blog post will go over pretty much everything you need to know before creating a fan-made Baldi's Basics character. So here they are.
- 1 Naming
- 2 Appearance
- 2.1 Office Poster
- 3 Personality
- 4 Artificial Intelligence
- 5 Audio
- The name of your character has to be creative in some way. Example: Pencil Boy is not really a creative name, nor is Stabby McStabberson, as both are generic and kinda lame.
- Make sure the name of your character is inspired by what properties the character has. For example, if you are creating a butterfly character that has the ability to teleport the player from one destination to another, a good name would be "Flutterport", as it combines the words "Flutter" and "Portal".
- Do not give a realistic full name to your character (e.g. K…
Hi I'm kind of new to this wiki.
(For anybody who actually reads blogposts, who is your favorite Baldi's Basics character?)
What would the Baldi's Basics cast do in a group chat if they were playing minecraft?
Baldi: ok everyone, I got the wood, now Ima make a stick to smack people with.
Principal of the Thing: are you serious? I can't give you detention, since we're not at school.
Dr. Reflex: I'm already at the mines, you should visit me to check your reflexes, because you are slow af Baldi.
Playtime: I can't do this anymore, I'm getting my jump rope, that's more peaceful than you.
It's a Bully: FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!
Arts & Crafters: Why am I friends with these weirdos?
Gotta Sweep: Stop dropping everything, I'm not cleaning it anymore.
Chalkes: Get these diamonds Beans, this isn't a trap.
Beans: ok.
Baldi, Principal of the Thing, Playtime, and Cloudy Copter: BEANS NO! ARE YOU STUPID!?!?!?? oh wait, you've been he…
Personal rating to Baldi?
Baldi, the well known character, the main character, of the ENTIRE franchise of Baldi's Basics. He was even there while the game was a BABY.
If you're still confused i'll try to resume it out:
"Baldi is a teacher who teaches Math subject, where, when the player interacts with a notebook inside a classroom, will prompt them with friendly math questions in a You Can Think Pad and giving them 3 random math questions, however, in the last question of the second notebook - Uh oh! - The You Can Think Pad glitches out! Unfortunately, professor Baldi will get angry that you answered the question wrong and slap his ruler and try to catch you!"
So, basically, yeah, he's the character who chases you around trying to murder you.
Now, honestly, the 1 Year Bi…
Review on the Julien BB+ mod?
If you've been living under a rock, Julien is a gamebanana mod for v5 BB+, which adds a new character called Julien.
- 1 Origins
- 1.1 More into Kane Pixel
- 2 Function
- 2.1 Floor 3 Function
- 3 Trivia
Julien's origins come from a video on YouTube called The Rolling Giant, from the series The Old View, made by Kane Pixel. Julien consists of a red, nearly hairless giant with 2 giant robotic arms, a wheel as it's legs and a horrific smile. The name Julien however, has a unknown origin.
Kane Pixel, is a horror VHS youtuber who makes videos with a old video cassete horror style with much effort put into them, He usually makes his own creepypastas, or sometimes a improvement from well-known creepypastas, similiar to VibingLeaf (man, maybe they can do a collab?). He i…
For The Profile, See Harson (Account)
Harson Is A Fanmade Character In Baldi's Basics Plus, He Loves To Make The player (You) Fail The You Can Think Pad (YCTP For Short) Or Blind The player Like The Test, He Appears In Floor 2, And 3. He Appears In Every Floor In Hard Mode.
- 1 Appearance
- 2 [1]Personality
- 2.1 Main Gameplay
Harson's Appearance Is A Young Man, With A Blue Shirt, The Shirt Has a Star And A Mouse On It, Showing He's The King Of The Computers. He Also Wears Black Pants.
If Harson See's The player, He'll Chase Them, Until He Touches The player, He Is Done. He Is Immune To Every Item, He May Grab The player And Signal Baldi, But Thats Rare. The Big Ol' Boots Won't Work On Him While He's Grabbing You…
Fan Characters
HELLO GUYS! LET ME INTRODUCE YOU TO this... yeah pretty dumb
- 1 The player
- 2 Miss Fit
- 3 Librarian
- 4 Doodleboy
- Personality: TBA
- Appearance: She wears a purple shirt with white borders, a dark blue jean and brown shoes. Her hair is long and her skin color is light.
- Name: simply Julia, that's it
- Personality: She is a energetic woman which likes fitness and stuff like that
- Appearance: She has 2 ponytails, wears a white long fitness shirt, navy fitness shorts and light grey shoes. Her skin color's dark
- (Possible) Mechanism: Her mechanism is similar as of Playtime, but instead of jumping rope, she asks you to do 5 jumping jacks.
- Personality: She's gentle with the students, but she isn't much a fan of loud sounds in the library (of course)
- Appearance: She (probab…
baldis basics classic remastered page if it was written by vivziepop
archive of this edit by the currently banned yure4ik.
{{Game |image = Baldi's Basics Classic Remastered Cover.png |genre = 3D-run |developer = Basically, Games! |theme = Horror, Parody, Retro, Stealth |mode = Single-player |release = October 21, 2022 |platform = Available
- Windows
- macOS
- Linux
- Android
Update W.T.F
- 1 Additions
- 2 Items
- 3 All Of This Was Made By AI
- 4 Gallery
While Using A Math Machine, Baldi Will Now Cyan
Baldi Moves
Field trips Being Destroyed
Elevator Door Sounds
Fixed A Bug Were Items
Fixed A Bug Where Levels Are Using
Fixed a bug where the game could become unresponsive when using certain Items (Mainly BSODA)
1945 error (baldi au)
1945 error
game is loading too long something is interrupting the program so please to rg sviv or reload the game
-.. --- / -.-- --- ..- / - .... .. -. -.- / .. .----. -- / ... ..- -.-. -.- / .. -. / - .... .. ... / --. .- -- . / - .... .. -. -.- / .- --. .- .. -.
reloading the game.....reload complete now play the game
ok guy's it me the dave and we are playing a baldi fan game called 1945! but fist i hear some rumors of this game have a virus or spyware on it just for safety i got a antivirus and a backup so let's go! oh i forgot to say that i got a new pc so
he spawn in the game
ok i will get 7 notebooks so
(note: this is like a arg but not it confusing ok ): )
Baldi's Basics Classic Remastered/Version differences
Here is the list of version differences in Baldi's Basics Classic Remastered.
- 1 Characters
- 1.1 Baldi
- 1.2 Playtime
- 1.3 Arts and Crafters
- 1.4 1st Prize
- 2 Items
- 2.1 Alarm Clock
- 2.2 WD-NoSquee
- 3 Structures
- 3.1 Buttons and levers
- 3.2 Cake
- 3.3 You Can Think Pad
- 3.4 Shrink machine
- 4 Modes
- 4.1 Endless Mode
- 4.2 Debug Mode
- 5 Fun Settings
- 5.1 Lights Out
- 5.2 Controls
- 5.3 Screens