Baldi's Basics Wiki
Baldi's Basics Wiki

A list of beta-testers who collaborated for Basically, Games! while developing the Baldi's Basics game series by play-testing to navigate any bugs or issues to fix in the final stage of the game's development.



NintendoNaut's IRL profile photo from Facebook.

Ethan Gregory McGonigal (born November, 1994), known better online as NintendoNaut often shortened to naut is the older brother of mystman12. He was a beta-tester for Baldi's Basics Classic.

mystman12 revealed that in one of Ethan's runs of Baldi's Basics Classic, he supposedly got cornered by almost every character, though he did not record that moment.[1]


CommanderGwonam has beta-tested the gameplay for Baldi's Basics Classic. Despite his beta-test, he is not credited in the credit screen.


Josh is one of the beta-testers for the V0.3 update of Baldi's Basics Plus. Despite that, he is not mentioned in the credits.

According to mystman12's Twitter, he completed Demo Style with Chaos Mode on.[2]

Padre Snowmizzle[]

Main article: Padre Snowmizzle
Padre Snowmizzle

Padre Snowmizzle is one of the beta-testers for the V0.3 update of Baldi's Basics Plus and Baldi's Basics Classic Remastered. He is also the designer and voice actor for the character Beans.

LiNX 4[]

LiNX 4

LiNX 4 is one of the beta-testers for the V0.3 update of Baldi's Basics Plus. He also backed the Kickstarter $30 or more.

Dave Microwaves Games[]

Dave Microwaves Games

Dave Microwaves Games is one of the beta-testers for the V0.3 update of Baldi's Basics Plus and Baldi's Basics Classic Remastered. He developed Strange Terror From The Deep, the game featuring Baldi as a rare monster. He also backed the Kickstarter.



JayskiBean (formerly MicroHorrorArcade) is one of the beta-testers for the V0.3 update of Baldi's Basics Plus and Baldi's Basics Classic Remastered. He also backed the Kickstarter $30 or more.


  1. "My brother was playing it earlier and was the craziest thing like I've ever seen Gotta Sweep do. I'm pretty sure he had like every single character at once, and like, sadly I wasn't able to record it, but it was incredible." - Livestream archive 8:49~9:01
  2. "Josh, my friend who has helped a lot with play testing, just beat Demo Style with chaos mode on. I have no words." - mystman12. November 5, 2022. Twitter

