Baldi's Basics Wiki
Baldi's Basics Wiki

As a user part of our community of Baldi's Basics Wiki, you must agree and accept the entire rules below. Failure to do so will result in either a warning or ban.

The code of Baldi, also known as the main rules of this wiki is a set of rules that must be followed, and the following consequences that will be followed up if the person decides to break any of these rules.

General rules

Talk pages

In the talk pages, the discussions for each article's topic should be only about how to improve the article. The admins or other users will reply to your questions or thoughts as soon as possible.

When creating your discussion, you should:

  • Create a new section headline for new topics to avoid cluttering things up.
  • Make sure to add your signature beside your message using 4 tildes (~): ~~~~
  • When replying to messages, leave a colon (:) in front of it.

Keep in mind that any spam, harassment, necro-posting outdated discussions, completely off-topic, or even vandalism will be REMOVED. Repeating such action will result in either warnings or blocks.

If anyone find a post without a signature, put {{Unsigned}} at the end of sentence with the user name who posted it and a timestamp when it was added. (Example: {{Unsigned|Fandom|00:00, 31 March 2018 (UTC)}})

Blog posts

If you like to share your discussions, ideas, arts, etc, please post them in your blog posts or the discussion portal, not in talk pages, etc. Blog posts that were blank, spam, hate speech, etc, will be removed as possible.

Vandalizing pages, and other's bios

Vandalizing, and editing pages with false information, or clearing out an entire page of info for the purpose of trolling, or racial and negative speeches will be blocked from one day to permanently, with no chance of appeal, depending on how severe it is. Editing other user profile(s), however, will result in a warning for the first time, to even more severe consequences like permanent block, depending on how it affects the user or users affected.

Editing other users' page is also not allowed unless the user got permission to edit it or the user page contains content that violates local rules.


All users must be at the age of 13 to older to use Fandom, according to the Children's Online Privacy Protection Rule law. Under legal circumstances and for safety, a user confirmed to be 12 or under will be blocked temporally.


Do not reply to older comments, blogs or discussions that were made like 1 month or long time ago, unless the topic is still not out-of-date such as a poll about the favorite item in Baldi's Basics Plus.

Ban evasion

Making an alt account (in other words, sockpuppet) when you're blocked on your main account and try to evade your block, even if it's just a day. If you do so you will be blocked longer on both accounts and be logged by the admin who blocked you.

Posting malicious links, and advertising

Advertising and posting malicious links in blog posts, comments, messages, etc., will not be taken kindly, and will result from a warning to permanent ban, depending on how severe the link itself is. This includes and not limited to:

  • Advertising your own communities, subreddits, and Discord servers without our appeal.
  • Posting with shortening links. This will count as 'malicious'. However, depending on how severe it is, it can limit from a simple warning to permanent block. You may appeal your block if you blocked for this reason, unless the link is posted with solely detrimental purpose.
  • Spamming advertisements, and spamming links to other user(s).
  • If the user posts any link connected to the illegal, pornographic or extreme content that violating Fandom's Terms of Use, then that user will be blocked permanently without warning.

Profane language and other obscene slurs

Excessive tons of profane language and racist / sexist / homophobic / ableist slurs are prohibited, and will not be taken kindly. You will be blocked if caught saying any types of unwelcoming, offensive slurs.

A single F-word or S-word is okay, but it should not be overused.

Spamming and continuously repeating phrases

Spamming is something that we don't take kindly, like posting a huge block of texts with same words, numbers, Zalgo-texts, etc. If caught spamming, you will be blocked for 1 day, to even a month, depending on how much is affected by the spam. However, if the spam is paired with vandalizing pages, you will be permanently blocked with no choice of appeal.

This also includes Message Walls (which includes large obstructing images, spam-like content, ect.)

Spam-like post in anyone's Message Wall will earn you an infinite ban with revoked Message Wall rights.

The only permitted place to use the Zalgo-text is the summary of Baldi's Basics Classic on Jolt and Baldi's Basics Birthday Bash as these summaries are official content. Zalgo-text in other places will be replaced to the normal text or removed.

Discrimination / bullying of other peers

Bullying and discrimination of any kind, including race, sexuality, gender/sex, or anything offensive to the person of any kind will result in a block of any duration, depending on how severe it is, and where it happened.

Image-shaming by negatively referring to the users' photoshops or fan-art files in the community as cringe-worthy or anything like that is considered harassment with a slight chance of ganging up on. It is extremely uncalled for. Whoever does so will receive a block if resuming after a single warning.

Long images/spaces

Doing something like posting an image that takes up too much space, or spaces to make it reach far, these will also be considered spam and shortened while just getting a warning, if caught again, you'll also get another warning (last warning) and if done AGAIN will get you blocked for a day. Maximum for images don't take a lot of vertical space, for spacing don't do something like press enter 9 times or more times on a single post will be the same with the bold text. Long spaces and images apply to all social activities.

Some paid content cannot be posted on Baldi's Basics Wiki mainly due to the piracy issue. The list of prohibited content in this community is:

  • Archive links for Baldi's Basics Plus and Baldi's Basics Kickstarter Exclusive Demo
  • Digital Goodies (only for $5~ Kickstarter backers)
  • Images or videos from Kickstarter backer/Patreon member ("Baldi's Test Subject") exclusive content
    • URLs are allowed; they need membership to access
    • If Basically, Games! allows to use some content under the paid content, then users can post here. (Screenshots captured from the video may be permitted, but not re-posting the entire video)

If there is any article revision or Discussion post with this content, it will be deleted. This includes asking or requesting paid content for free.

Image uploading

Since year 2024, only Baldi's Basic related images are permitted in the community. Unofficial Baldi's Basics images are allowed, but they will be deleted if they are not used in a week.

Videos have more strict rule than images; only videos uploaded by official Baldi's Basics crews or with official crews' work (such as voice dubbing) are allowed. The archived videos from official websites or social media (such as Twitter/X) are also permitted.

Editing rules

See also: Manual of Style


Making frivolous, asinine edits to articles for the sake of achieving badges is seriously not tolerable, and it is called badge-farming. There are several signs of badge-farming:

  • Massively editing one or more articles over many times.
  • Removing and adding words, templates, etc, countlessly.
  • Adding a long row of irrelevant, uncreated categories.

Whoever is caught doing so will receive a warning. If continued, a temporary block will be received.


Edit-warring is behavior that a user keep making same or similar edits, despite they are reverted by other users mainly because the content is unsure or unofficial. Any user who started edit-warring will receive a warning, then will be blocked if this edit continues afterwards.

User page categories

Some categories are exclusively used on a user page, mostly accompanied by a template with Userbox/ prefix. If such categories are added in pages with other namespaces, they will be removed as soon as possible.

Creating unneeded asinine edits

This goes for the same rule as vandalism, only for people who create false edits about the characters and objects. This includes adding references that do not correspond to the owner's intentions, adding fanon fact(s) that do not happen in the game, replacing images, etc. Don't add anything fan made into galleries, official pictures only.

Unofficial/fanon content

This place is dedicated to posting and documenting about OFFICIAL content. Please post unofficial or fanon content on the blog post or Discussions.

This also includes fan-made content about unreleased content. This can mislead users that the content is actually released.

However, there is an exception for posting unofficial content, such as adding archive links for removed demos or versions that are not archived in official websites or storage. Note that archive links for Baldi's Basics Plus and Baldi's Basics Kickstarter Exclusive Demo are not permitted due to legal reasons as they are originally paid content. See this section for the rule about this content.


Images from decompiled file folders (sprites, textures, and icons), promotions, teasers, official screenshots, merchandise images, etc, are only permitted in gallery sections. To avoid clogging or cluttering up, a series of taken screenshots cannot be added directly in galleries but instead used for any appropriate non-gallery sections.

Warning/Blocking Rules

  • Any user who broke the rule will be received a warning. Do not remove the warning unless the appeal is accepted, or the user got another warning for removing a warning.
    • There is a chance that the user will get blocked without warning depending on the severity and how long the user broke the same rule. One of the examples is that the user may be blocked without warning if they do unnecessary editing on 30 or more pages for less than a half hour.
    • If the user only comes here to cause disruption like spam/vandalism, they will be blocked infinitely without a warning.
  • If the user broke the same rule again after receiving a warning, the user got blocked for three days.
  • Depending on how many times the user broke the same rule, the block expiry time will be set as below. Note that the user may get a longer block than it is stated depending on the severity of the rule.
    • Twice: 2 weeks
    • Three times: 1 month
    • Four times: Infinite with no chance of appeal
  • Do not block a user for no reason or just for fun. Blocking a user must have a valid reason for it. Any administrator will get a warning or even revoked the admin rights if they continue to do so.
  • If a bot is malfunctioning like unintentionally messing up the content, then any administrator can block the bot account for at least 5 minutes to let the bot owner solve this problem.