Baldi's Basics Wiki
Baldi's Basics Wiki
See also: Rules and Guidelines

Please use the proper style when editing pages.


Please use American English in articles, as the Baldi's Basics series was released in the United States. Here are some examples:

  • Aluminum (YCTP IndicatorsSheet 0), Aluminium (YCTP IndicatorsSheet 1)
  • Behavior (YCTP IndicatorsSheet 0), Behaviour (YCTP IndicatorsSheet 1)
  • Color (YCTP IndicatorsSheet 0), Colour (YCTP IndicatorsSheet 1)
  • Defense (YCTP IndicatorsSheet 0), Defence (YCTP IndicatorsSheet 1)
  • Favorite (YCTP IndicatorsSheet 0), Favourite (YCTP IndicatorsSheet 1)
  • Gray (YCTP IndicatorsSheet 0), Grey (YCTP IndicatorsSheet 1)
  • Mustache (YCTP IndicatorsSheet 0), Moustache (YCTP IndicatorsSheet 1)
  • French fries (YCTP IndicatorsSheet 0), Chip (YCTP IndicatorsSheet 1)

Point of View

Baldi's Basics Wiki refers to the player as both a playable character in the Baldi's Basics series and the user who plays the game from this series. Using the word 'you' on any main article content refers to the reader of this community unless the content is copied from official material.

Please use 'the player' and 'they' in any main article content for the aforementioned reasons. This also applies to characters with no specific info for their genders, but 'the player' is not used in such cases.


  • Each article must have only one link to each article of the wiki. To find a link, use a source editor, press 'Ctrl + F' keys (Windows) and type '[[(Article link).'
    • You should not type ']]' in because there may be piped links like his office.
    • However, multiple links to the same article are allowed, if each link leads to a different section of said article, such as common textures and unique textures.
  • Articles may have the same link appear both in infoboxes, navboxes, and outside of the former two, but the link should only appear once within them.

Content and Source

  • When copying and pasting the game content, update log, summary, or other content from the official website, make sure to keep the content original as possible. Even if there are typos, misspellings or incorrect capitalization, do not fix these unless they are changed.
    • In case making a correction to these errors, please use {{Tt}} template. (Example: {{Tt|beofe|before}} -> beofe)
  • While using <ref> tag to make a reference, make sure to close the tag. Otherwise, it may make content under the reference invisible. Tag closure is also applied on other commonly used tags like <gallery>.
  • Make sure to put the proper external link under <ref> tag, if the content was originated from official website.
  • The {{Citation}} template is used at the end of the text when the content is coming from the official game files or official crews' social media network or websites, but there is lack of proper source of it.
  • The date or time of the citation on official websites or social media are based on the time zone in Virginia (UTC-4).
  • The {{Version}} template is used at the end of the text if there is no specific version info. It is mostly used on the content that the version number is not mentioned in any development log or official social media.
  • The {{N/A}} template refers to content that is currently unavailable.
  • The {{TBA}} template is used for content that hasn't been added to the article yet. It is also used for content that has been mentioned in the game, its code or official sources, but currently doesn't have any or much information about its details.

Font style

This style is only for main namespace. There is no restriction for the font style on other namespaces like user page or blog post.

  • Make sure to bold the article title on the top content.
    • The bold text also applies to the text in-game, such as "I HEAR EVERY DOOR YOU OPEN" in the You Can Think Pad in Classic/Birthday Bash. The quotation marks (" ") should not have bold text, however.
  • Every title of the games, comics (except for in-game comics) must has italic font style.
    • Correct
    • Incorrect
      • Baldi's Basics Plus, Comics Made by Baldi
    • The italic font style is also used on character's quotes and references. (Example: "Oh, hi! Let's play hide and seek!", like the in-game text, the quotation marks (" ") must not have italic style.)
  • All filenames are must inputted between the {{C}} template.
    • Example: {{C|Subtitles_En.json}} - Result: Subtitles_En.json
    • If the article name is based on the filename, then the {{C}} template is applied to the title as well. Currently, all one-worded titles have this font style. - Example: PlaceFace, TestComic, Baldloon and so on.
  • The {{Key}} template is used on keys on the keyboard. (Example: Enter - Enter key)
  • Please do not make font style unnecessarily on any main namespace page. The content above is the only cases when the font style should be applied to.


Every article title must has singular form, unless the plural term is used in the official series. It makes easy to make a link like [[character]]s, the "s" letter for plural form will automatically link to a singular word - character. However, the bold text as a title on the top content and the displayed title by using {{DISPLAYTITLE:}} magic word can have plural form. - See the poll result

Alternate names

Alternate names depending on games

Note that WD-NoSquee has '(Door Type)' text in Classic/Birthday Bash, but this community still uses just 'WD-NoSquee' instead.

  • Energy Flavored Zesty Bar (Plus/Classic Remastered), Energy flavored Zesty Bar (Classic/Birthday Bash)
  • Dangerous Teleporter (Plus/Classic Remastered), Teleportation Teleporter (Birthday Bash)
  • Baldi's Least Favorite Tape (Plus/Classic Remastered), Baldi Anti Hearing and Disorienting Tape (Classic/Birthday Bash)

Capitalization and punctuation style


All character names must follow this capitalization or punctuation style when editing a page. The first word of the character name always starts with the capital letter.

  • Arts and Crafters (YCTP IndicatorsSheet 0)
    • Arts and crafters (YCTP IndicatorsSheet 1), Arts And Crafters (YCTP IndicatorsSheet 1)
  • Principal of the Thing (YCTP IndicatorsSheet 0), (T/t)he Principal (YCTP IndicatorsSheet 0)
    • Principal of the thing (YCTP IndicatorsSheet 1), Principal Of The Thing (YCTP IndicatorsSheet 1)
  • It's a Bully (YCTP IndicatorsSheet 0), (T/t) Bully (YCTP IndicatorsSheet 0)
    • It's A Bully (YCTP IndicatorsSheet 1, Despite the developer uses such categorization sometimes), It's a bully (YCTP IndicatorsSheet 1), Its a Bully (YCTP IndicatorsSheet 1) (T/t)he bully (YCTP IndicatorsSheet 1)
  • filename2 (Filename in Classic/Birthday Bash), Filename2 (temporary)


Like character's name, all item names must follow the capitalization and punctuation style from official item names. Even if some items are written differently in other places (e.g. Johnny's Store description of Big Ol' Boots), the community follows the item's name from the inventory.

  • An Apple for Baldi (YCTP IndicatorsSheet 0), An Apple (YCTP IndicatorsSheet 0)
    • An Apple For Baldi (YCTP IndicatorsSheet 1), (A/a)n apple (YCTP IndicatorsSheet 1)
  • Big Ol' Boots (YCTP IndicatorsSheet 0), Boots (YCTP IndicatorsSheet 0, the first letter must be a capital letter)
    • Big Ol Boots (YCTP IndicatorsSheet 1), (B/b)ig ol' boots (YCTP IndicatorsSheet 1, Despite the store description is written like this)
  • BSODA (YCTP IndicatorsSheet 0)
    • (B/b)soda (YCTP IndicatorsSheet 1)


  • You Can Think Pad (YCTP IndicatorsSheet 0)
    • (Y/y)ou can think pad (YCTP IndicatorsSheet 1) - all four words must start with a capital letter
  • Gravity Chaos (YCTP IndicatorsSheet 0)
    • (G/g)ravity chaos (YCTP IndicatorsSheet 1)
  • mystman12 (Micah McGonigal's username)
    • Mystman12 (YCTP IndicatorsSheet 1)
  • (Website name), itch (YCTP IndicatorsSheet 0)
    • (YCTP IndicatorsSheet 1, Despite the developer uses such categorization sometimes), Itch (YCTP IndicatorsSheet 1, same reason as case)
  • Fun Setting (Fun Setting) (YCTP IndicatorsSheet 0)
    • (F/f)un (S/s)etting (Half Check)
  • Game Setting (Game Setting) (YCTP IndicatorsSheet 0)
    • (G/g)ame (S/s)etting (Half Check)

Past versions

In the trivia section of any article, the range of versions are stated as below:

  • Prior to V(version number), - The content is applied to the first version to the (version number) version.
  • Since V(version number), - The content is applied to the (version number) version and further versions.
  • In V(version number), - The content is only applied to the single version.
  • From V(version number1) to V(version number2), - The content is applied to the specific versions. Note that (version number1) should not be the very first version. The first version of Baldi's Basics Plus is V0.1, and other games and demos are V1.0.

Cut content

The cut content is the content that went completely removed from the game or got canceled during the development.

Note that if the content has some differences between the previous and current versions, but it is still used on games, it is not discontinued. In that case, it should be listed in version differences.

File name

Every file must have descriptive file name, so the user can easily figure out the purpose or usage of the image.

Keep the filename as original. When you try to upload a texture or sprite from asset files, make sure to remove the asset's path.

Every audio file must be playable on both PC and mobile devices. (For instance, .mp3 or .wav) Audio files with .ogg file format cause an error when playing them on mobile devices. They will be replaced to original .wav or converted .mp3 format for mobile support.

If you want to upload a file, but there is already a file with the same name, you can add additional words depending on the game/demo name or the latest version when it is used for the last time. Files with no additional name are usually used on Baldi's Basics Plus, or if there is no such file in Plus assets, then it is often supposed to be used on Baldi's Basics Classic.

A list of additional names based on the game/demo name and the latest version:

  • Plus - Baldi's Basics Plus
  • Classic - Baldi's Basics Classic
  • BirthdayBash or Birthday - Baldi's Basics Birthday Bash
  • ClassicRemastered or Remastered - Baldi's Basics Classic Remastered
  • FieldTripDemo - Baldi's Basics - Field Trip demo: Camping
  • EarlyDemo - Baldi's Basics Full Game Early Demo
  • KickstarterDemo - Baldi's Basics Kickstarter Exclusive Demo
  • ChallengesDemo - Baldi's Basics - Challenges Demo
  • V0.1.5 (for Baldi's Basics Plus)
  • V1.0
  • V1.1
  • ...
  • Classic V1.3.2 - used until Baldi's Basics Classic V1.3.2

Image files for questions and the developer's response via Gmail as citations (The date format is 'year, month, day' with sole numbers):

  • Gmail questions (date).(png/jpg/jpeg/webp)
  • Gmail response (date).(png/jpg/jpeg/webp)

If two or more files are uploaded in single day:

  • Gmail questions (date)-(part number).(png/jpg/jpeg/webp)
  • Gmail response (date)-(part number).(png/jpg/jpeg/webp)

If both questions and the developer's response are in one file:

  • Gmail qna (date).(png/jpg/jpeg/webp)
  • Gmail qna (date)-(part number).(png/jpg/jpeg/webp)

Image files for map icons: MapIcon (name).png

Image files for title screens (for version pages):

  • (Game name) (Version number) title.(png/jpg/jpeg/webp)
  • V0.* Pre-release title.(png/jpg/jpeg/webp) - for Plus Pre-release articles


Some categories can only be used on a specific namespace.

Main (0)
User page (2)
File (6)
User blog (500)


Some templates can only be used on a specific namespace.

Main (0)
User page (2)
Main article: Category:User page templates

Tabber template

Not to be confused with the tabber tag for the audio and gallery.

The {{Tabber}} template is used when there are either audio or gallery sub-page, or both.

Please put {{TabberMobile}} template first, otherwise, the list of pages may not feature on the mobile devices.




  • The audio section must have official content.
  • Any in-game audio should be taken from official asset files.
    • If the audio was taken from other media, please mark a correct time stamp for the transcript.
  • If there are 40 or more files, then the audio section can be separated to the sub-page. ((Article name)/Audio) However, if the audio is not from the asset files, it does not count.
    • If there are too many audio files with multiple captions, taking a lot of vertical space, then the separated audio page can be created. (Example: Null/Audio)
  • Any quote under the StructuredQuote template should have a transcript. It was originally caption, but it was changed. See this post for detail.


If there are audios with both caption and transcript:

Audio Caption
[[File:Quote file name 1.wav]] Caption 1 The caption of this quote exists in the game file, and it is used in-game
[[File:Quote file name 2.wav]] Caption 2 (unused caption) The caption of this quote exists in the game file, but it is unused in-game
[[File:Quote file name 3.wav]] Transcript 1 (transcript only) The caption of this quote does not exist, so there is only transcript
[[File:Quote file name 4.wav]] Caption 3
(Transcript 2)
The caption of this quote is different from the audio that it actually speaks

If there are audios with both caption and transcript, but there is no sound with different transcript:

Audio Caption/Transcript Description
[[File:Quote file name 1-1.wav]] Caption 1-1 The caption of this quote exists in the game file, and it is used in-game
[[File:Quote file name 2-1.wav]] Caption 2-1 (unused caption) The caption of this quote exists in the game file, but it is unused in-game
[[File:Quote file name 3-1.wav]] Transcript 1-1 (transcript only) The caption of this quote does not exist, so there is only transcript

If there are audios with caption only:

Audio Caption Description
[[File:Quote file name A.wav]] Caption A The caption of this quote exists in the game file, and it is used in-game
[[File:Quote file name B.wav]] Caption B (unused caption) The caption of this quote exists in the game file, but it is unused in-game

If there are audios without caption only:

Audio Transcript Description
[[File:Quote file name X.wav]] Transcript X Description of the audio file


If there is at least one sound with caption:

Audio Caption Description
[[File:Sound file name 1.wav]] Caption 1 The caption of this sound exists in the game file, and it is used in-game
[[File:Sound file name 2.wav]] Caption 2 (unused caption) The caption of this sound exists in the game file, but unused in-game
[[File:Sound file name 3.wav]]


The caption of this sound does not exist

If there is no sound with caption:

Audio Description
[[File:Sound file name 4.wav]] The caption of this sound does not exist

LoudWarning template

If the audio is too loud or static, the {{LoudWarning}} template is added in the description. Optionally, the caption or transcript can have bold text, if it is extremely loud.

Audio Caption Description
[[File:Loud.wav]] Caption L1 A loud sound


[[File:Extremely loud.wav]] Caption L2 An extremely loud sound, so the caption or transcript has bold text (optional)


Caption color

If the color of caption is different from the default caption color of any character or other element, then the following line will be added at the end of the description:

The color of the caption {for ("quote/sound") quote/sound} is (the color of the caption) instead of (default caption color)<the reason for the different color>.

The phrase enclosed by {} is used on when there is description for multiple audios and not every quote or sound has different caption color. <the reason for the different color> is used when there is a specific reason for having different caption color.

Main article: Principal of the Thing/Audio
Sound Caption Description
*Knock Knock Knock* Plays when Principal of the Thing is knocking on a faculty door. The color of the caption is white instead of blue.



  • The gallery section must have official content.
  • The screenshot taken from the video is not permitted in the gallery section, even if it is from official material.
  • Any leaked screenshot by non-developers cannot be added in the gallery because the leaked content may not guarantee that it is official.
  • If there are 40 or more files, then the gallery section can be separated to the sub-page. ((Article name)/Gallery)


Note: This is the setting for the gallery section. Gallery sub-pages will have different format.

Standard: <gallery position="center">

Tabber and separated galleries:

<tabber>Image files=
<gallery position="center">
Gallery for current sprites or textures from the game files
<gallery position="center">
Gallery for older sprites or textures from the game files
<gallery position="center">
Game screenshots posted by Basically, Games! or mystman12 in various websites
<gallery position="center">
Gallery for accessories
<gallery position="center">
Gallery for T-shirts
<gallery position="center">
Gallery for hoodies
<gallery position="center">
Gallery for homeware
<gallery position="center">
Gallery for toys
<gallery position="center">
Gallery for merchandise images that used previously used
<gallery position="center">
Gallery for other merchandise images
<gallery position="center">
Gallery for videos
<gallery position="center">
Gallery for images with lack of specific categories

Tabber tag is not needed if there is only one category for the gallery.

Usage of the word "Ditto"

If there are other images with same caption as the first one, then the word "Ditto" is used instead. This is used for reducing redundancy.

Example 1 (Same topic):

Original content: Baldi/Gallery

Example 2 (Same topic, but with minor differences):

Original content: Johnny's Store