Baldi's Basics Wiki
Baldi's Basics Wiki
Spoiler 99
Oh noes! Something isn't adding up!
This article is focused on the deep lore of the Baldi's Basics series, possibly containing some spoilers of it.
For other uses, see Baldi (disambiguation).

Wha-? Wha-? What are you doing-? What are you doing down here?!

Null, to the player, when he finds them in Baldi's Basement

Baldi's Basement is a secret location in Baldi's Basics Classic Remastered's Demo Style.


Baldi's Basement is a maze of hallways with some faculty rooms. There are two comics in the hallways, Baldi Hair and Baldiman. One of these faculty rooms contains a library-like room with multiple math books that can be picked up and read, though they all contain the same content. Another faculty room contains a button to open a lockdown door nearby, as well as five power levers, all but one of which are automatically set to "on". Flipping the remaining lever to "on" will light up another area of the basement and unlock two more faculty rooms; one being a classroom-like room with letters on the walls, and the other being a strange room with a conspiracy board, a strange cylinder-like structure called shrink machine and a button.


Basement entrance

Entrance of Baldi's Basement.

Baldi's Basement can only be accessed in Demo Style. To do so, the player must first collect all 7 notebooks, to which bonus questions will start to appear on previous Math Machines. When the sixth bonus question is answered, the Math Machine will produce a Portal Poster, which must then be placed on a certain wall located in the classroom near the Principal's office, with this certain wall being next to the poster about the Safety Scissors. Doing so will open up a small room with a ladder, which when approached will transport the player to Baldi's Basement. The player will keep any items they had before they entered, though they no longer serve a purpose within the Basement. Stamina is infinite upon entering, indicated by the lack of a blue needle on the Staminometer. There are no notebooks.

Null in Baldi's Basement

Null in the shrink machine room.

After entering the room with a shrink machine, Null will appear and block the door. He will give a monologue about how the player should not be down here, before force closing the game.

However, after beating NULL Style and coming back to the room, instead of Null blocking the player, Baldi will be waiting for them inside of the shrink machine instead and will ask for their help to test it. After the test is finished, the player will get sent to the main menu. The shrink machine's blueprint will be attached on the conspiracy board, covering it up. The code to activate Chaos Mode can also be found in this room and is located on the wall close to cabinets. The faculty door of this room will not be locked unlike the Null case.

Once the player goes down to this location, they cannot go back to the Schoolhouse.

Entering the basement with Debug Mode

When accessing the entrance with Debug Mode.

Since V1.0.1, using Debug Mode to access this location will no longer work. Doing this will send the player to the Baldi's Basics Plus promotion screen instead.


Note: The names of these rooms are unofficial.


  • Baldi's death pose while Null is talking
    After using Principal's Keys to unlock the door and getting out of the room with a shrink machine when Null appears, an outline of Baldi in a white color can be found in the room with books. His pose resembles the scene after Peter Griffin falls down the stairs from the Family Guy animation series. The pose in that scene is well-known for memes.
    • This "death pose" was drawn by Meowthiroth and it was actually made for a joke while drawing pictures for Baldi's Basics Classic Remastered achievements. However, he did not expect that this image was actually going to be used in the game.[1]
  • The entrance of this location can also be found in Party Style. However, it is inaccessible, unless red Baldloons remove enough tiles after using a Dangerous Teleporter or if the player uses Debug Mode. Coming in contact with the ladder does not teleport the player to this location in this style, however.
  • In the lever room, there is only one lever to turn the light on. Even if all levers are off, once the second lever is on, it will light up the room.
  • The alphabet in the classroom is required in order to decode the secret message.
  • Baldi's Basement Detention
    Principal of the Thing will send the player to the shrink machine room when they get detention. This can be seen when using mods to spawn Principal of the Thing to this location.
  • Baldi's Basement, as well as mystman12's Office, contain furniture that would later be implemented into Baldi's Basics Plus V0.4.
  • If the player uses hacks to spawn Baldi (the one which chases the player) in this location, when he catches the player, instead of returning to the main menu, they will be sent back to this location.





  1. "for context, when I was working on the steam achievement icons for BBCR, I had a gdrive folder I was dropping the drawings into as I finished them, and I threw this doodle in there with the rest as a joke. I did NOT expect it to actually get put into the game" - Meowthiroth. April 1, 2024. Twitter/X (private)

