Baldi's Basics Wiki
Baldi's Basics Wiki


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For other uses, see Baldi (disambiguation).

Welcome to Baldi's Basics in Education and Learning! That's me!

—Baldi, to the player, in the title screen of Baldi's Basics Classic and Classic Remastered

Baldi is the titular main antagonist of the Baldi's Basics series. He is the head teacher of both the Schoolhouse and the Super Schoolhouse, giving the player math problems to solve on the You Can Think Pad or one of his several Math Machines before they can collect notebooks. As the game series is not what it first seems, a twist reveals a more sinister side to Baldi's personality when the player makes their first mistake.


Baldi is a poorly modeled CGI character with a light skin complexion, long skinny fingers, red lips, and a strand of brown hair on his head. He wears a long-sleeved green shirt, blue jeans, and light brown shoes. His left elbow is blue in Baldi's Basics Plus, but gray in Baldi's Basics Classic and Birthday Bash, possibly due to a texturing mistake. Although he has no visible ears, his poster mentions that he has an excellent sense of hearing.

Baldi's facial expression while chasing the player is neutral and not one of furiousity, though it is heavily compressed and distorted. This is most likely due to dithering.


At first glance, Baldi seems friendly towards the player, encouraging them to continue by giving them a shiny Quarter or a Present in Baldi's Basics Birthday Bash or Party Style from Classic Remastered. However, he gets frustrated upon the player getting the second notebook wrong, showing an aggressive side to his personality. He slaps his ruler against his hand repeatedly as if it is some sort of compulsive habit, and slowly but surely chasing the player, getting faster with each notebook collected and each incorrectly solved math problem. After collecting all the required notebooks, he gives the player a chance to escape the school, albeit in a limited time span, and laughs at their escape efforts.

Baldi is shown to be defensive when it comes to helping other people in the Schoolhouse. If the player were to rob Johnny's Store, Baldi will get angrier for every item they steal, and he will also target the store after the alarm starts blaring.

It's generally shown that Baldi likes to invent some crazy machines in his spare time, such as a fog machine, some sort of gravity flipping machine, the Portal Poster and others.

Note: The following content may have spoilers for the deep lore.

Despite the fact that Baldi was chasing the player only a few moments before, Baldi is very kind towards the player in the secret endings of Baldi's Basics Classic Remastered after NULL Style is beaten, explaining negative numbers to the player, playing a special song for them, and allowing them to help him test out his new shrink machine in Classic Style, Party Style, and Demo Style respectively, meaning that he forgives the player.

Artificial intelligence[]

Main gameplay[]

Baldi's Basics Plus[]

Baldi says hello

Baldi greeting the player to the school while asking to play a game of hide and seek.

At the beginning of the floor, Baldi happily greets and welcomes the player to his Super Schoolhouse while inviting them to a game of hide-and-seek.

Baldi's greeting lines depend on the floor:

After the player moves at least two tiles away from the starting elevator area, Baldi will cover his eyes and begin to count down from 10. During the countdown, there is a slight chance that Baldi will uncover his right eye and peek at the player. This occurrence does not affect the gameplay. Once the countdown is over, Baldi will hold a ruler in his hand and start chasing the player. Strangely, he will also get angry. However, if the Play Style is set to "Explorer", Baldi will simply disappear after finishing his countdown, allowing the player to roam the school freely.

Baldi's scary slapping!

Baldi chasing the player while he slaps his ruler.

Baldi is the main threat in both the Classic Schoolhouse and Super Schoolhouse. He is the only character capable of causing a game over. Unlike other characters, Baldi moves in a unique way. He will move a short distance each time he slaps his ruler. This allows him to cover ground quickly and catch up to the player if they are not careful. Baldi also has an excellent sense of hearing; if the player makes a sound, he will instantly head for the source of the sound. However, if it has lower priority than the sound he is currently investigating, or if the player is in line of sight, he will not go to that sound. He also completely wipes his sound "storage", and heads where he last saw the player. As quoted in his poster in the Principal's office, he specifically knows who makes a sound. This means that it is important to be quiet when trying to avoid Baldi, by waiting for another character to open a door so the player can enter a room without making a noise by themselves, using WD-NoSquee, or other methods. The Baldicator will appear at the bottom right of the screen each time Baldi hears a sound. This head indicates whether Baldi is coming to the location where the sound was made. But technically, Baldi does not necessarily know where the player is, only relying on sound and sight, so if the player does not open doors or does not get in Baldi's sight, he will just wander around until he finds the player.

If Baldi fails to see or hear the player for two hallway turns, he will begin wander around the Schoolhouse. Baldi can see the player through any set of yellow swinging doors, but cannot if they are behind a window; however, he can see them if the window has been shattered.

Baldi's interval between slaps will decrease for every notebook the player collects, as well as every incorrectly solved math problem. If Baldi's anger value exceeds (N - 1), where N is the number of notebooks on the current floor, the value will slowly decrease until it no longer exceeds (N - 1). This is called "temporary anger" in the files of Baldi's Basics Classic and Birthday Bash.


Baldi's jumpscare for when he catches the player.

If caught, the camera will be automatically turned to face Baldi while a random loud buzzing noise plays. After this occurs, the player will be sent back to the starting elevator, with one less power tube. If the player is caught with only one power tube remaining, they will be sent back to the title screen.

Note: The following content may have spoilers for the deep lore.

If the player completes all the floors in Hide-and-Seek, they will meet Baldi in his office where he will sing them a song while dancing. Once the song ends, random portions of its lyrics will play at rapid intervals, overlapping each other. The game will then 'pseudo-corrupt' into a distorted and randomly colored BadSum screen.

Baldi's Basics Classic/Birthday Bash[]

See also: Story Mode

Baldi at the beginning of Baldi's Basics Classic, on mobile.

Before obtaining the first notebook in one of the beginning classrooms, the player needs to solve three math problems using the You Can Think Pad. During this time, Baldi gives instructions and reads out the questions. If all three questions are answered correctly, Baldi will give the player a Quarter, but will give a present in Birthday Bash. To get the second notebook, the player will have to answer three more math problems, but after solving the second problem, the third question is corrupted and blocked by other random equations. When Baldi starts reading out the question, the numbers he says are censored with static noises.

Angry Baldi in the YCTP

Baldi getting angry when the player answers a question incorrectly for the first time in Baldi's Basics Classic/Birthday Bash.

When the player gets their first problem wrong in the You Can Think Pad, Baldi's face will become distorted, making him appear to be frowning intensely, and his eyebrows will furrow. He either says "I HEAR EVERY DOOR YOU OPEN" or "I GET ANGRIER FOR EVERY PROBLEM YOU GET WRONG". If the player gets all 3 questions wrong, it will display "I HEAR MATH THAT BAD" instead. When that happens, Baldi gets alerted of where the notebook was, and goes directly toward it. After the player fails a question, Baldi disappears on the bottom left-hand corner of the You Can Think Pad for the rest of the notebooks. Once the player exits the You Can Think Pad after getting their first problem wrong, Baldi begins to chase the player through the Schoolhouse, signaling his movement and location by slapping a ruler on his hand.

Baldi's jumpscare Classic

Baldi's jumpscare when he catches the player in Baldi's Basics Classic.

Baldi puts 3 math problems in every notebook the player must answer correctly. If the player gets an answer wrong, Baldi's slap interval becomes shorter and shorter, thus making him move faster and faster. Every notebook (except the first one) will always end with an unsolvable problem, making Baldi's slap intervals shorter per notebook collected. It is worthy to note that Baldi (and all of the other characters) will stop moving while the player is using the You Can Think Pad.[2] Unlike in Baldi's Basics Plus and Classic Remastered, HUDs will disappear when Baldi catches the player.

Once the player has four notebooks, Baldi will be moving at the same speed as the player's walking speed, so the only way to outrun him is by running. After the player collects six notebooks, Baldi will start moving at the same speed as the player's running speed. However, once the player collects the 7th notebook, Baldi moves so fast that he can catch them even if they are sprinting. The only way to get away from him is by using a BSODA or getting pushed by 1st Prize or Gotta Sweep, but with the possibility of ramming into Baldi.

It is worth noting that Baldi's behavior in Baldi's Basics Classic/Birthday Bash is practically the same as Baldi's Basics Plus and Classic Remastered, though recoded and altered slightly in the latter games, so no need to cover it here.

Baldi's Basics Classic Remastered[]

Baldi has similar behavior to Baldi's Basics Classic and Birthday Bash, but in Demo Style, he has some minor changes:

Baldi, who is still greeting the player, puts seven Math Machines across the Schoolhouse's classrooms. Each of the Math Machines has only one question, and three questions with the Hard Mode Fun Setting enabled, where the player will have to put in the right number balloon into it, which is slowly floating in a classroom. No matter if the player got the question right or not, a notebook would pop out. If the player answers it correctly, Baldi will become passive for 5 seconds and congratulate the player, then return to his angry state again. When answering a problem wrong with the Hard Mode Fun Setting, it will automatically skip every other question and give the player the notebook; however, it will also vastly increase Baldi's anger (or temporary anger if it goes higher than 6). Just like the other two styles, the second Math Machine contains an unsolvable problem: as such, the numbers, operations and question marks glitch. Baldi will of course become angry. Everything else stays the same.

Also, unlike Baldi's Basics Classic, after collecting all 7 notebooks Baldi's speed is slower the player's running speed.

Note: The following content may have spoilers for the deep lore.

He also appears in all secret endings if NULL Style has been beaten. However, he will not harm the player.

Field trips[]

Baldi's Basics Plus[]

Welcome to the campsite

Baldi welcoming the player to the campsite in Baldi's Basics Plus.

Baldi will appear in all field trips and will tell the player how the field trip minigames work. If the player throws bad fuel into the campfire or misses good one in Campfire Frenzy, or gets a strike in Pick-Quick-Nic (except for the player not choosing the correct food in time), Baldi will be disappointed and say "Ohhhh...". Prior to V0.7, Baldi would be disappointed when a star is lost and he would guide the player vocally, and prior to V0.3, he did not guide the player at all in the camping or farm field trip and would chase them with his ruler if they failed the objective.

  • In the camping field trip, Baldi will appear wearing a camping suit, hat and a backpack. The player can either help Baldi fuel the fire in Campfire Frenzy or they can eat with him in Pick-Quick-Nic. If the player puts the wrong fuel in the fire or if they pick the food that he was thinking of, Baldi will get disappointed and bend his body down.
    • Prior to V0.7, the player's task was to place the campfires in the right positions of where groups of firewood will land, based on the math questions and answers. If the player placed at least one campfire in the wrong position, Baldi will get disappointed and bend his body down.
    • Prior to V0.3, the player's task was to collect logs and use them to refuel the campfire. If the player fails to keep the fire going until the timer runs out, an angry Baldi will spawn in the burnt-out logs, and begin to chase them. He will move extremely quickly, with his anger set to either 7 or 8 and will be unable to escape under practically every circumstance, with nothing being able to slow him down as the forest lacks any useful items. The player loses all of their items upon losing the field trip.
  • In the currently unavailable farm field trip, Baldi is seen wearing a striped sweater, a blue apron in a ranch outfit, a farmer's hat on his head, and wheat-like grass in his mouth. He is only seen when guiding the player. However, he will still make the disappointing sound when the player inserts the incorrect animal to the barn, or when the timer runs out when there is at least one required animal.
    • Prior to V0.3, Baldi will only spawn to chase the player if they fail to reach the flagpole after a long time has surpassed.


In each challenge, Baldi will not greet the player. Instead, he will try to catch them once the elevator closes.

  • In the Speedy Challenge, Baldi, along with the player, will move extremely fast.
  • In the Stealthy Challenge, Baldi gets locked in the Principal's office, so if the player gets into detention, they will almost instantly get caught by him. Baldi's base speed is also much faster than in the main mode. Trying to use a Dirty Chalk Eraser in the Principal's office will barely work, as Baldi wanders around the Principal's office in fast speed, meaning that he will catch them, unless the player gets far away from him and use Dirty Chalk Erasers quickly while moving to the corner.
  • In the Grapple Challenge, Baldi's speed has been roughly doubled (except when none of the notebooks are collected) to counter the speed of the Grappling Hook.

Other appearances[]

  • Baldi's Basics Classic marks Baldi's first appearance (excluding non-Baldi's Basics media), with a role similar to his appearance in Baldi's Basics Plus. Getting caught by Baldi will directly send the player back to the main menu.
Note: The following content may have spoilers for the deep lore.

BaldiOffice Classic

Stretched-out Baldi in the alternate ending of Baldi's Basics Classic.

In the alternate ending where the player meets Null, Baldi will be seen stretched-out and distorted inside his office.

  • BirthdayBash2

    Baldi in Baldi's Basics Birthday Bash.


    Baldi appearing with the original cast for a birthday surprise.

    In Baldi's Basics Birthday Bash, Baldi remains the same as in Classic, but wears a party hat (which jumps a bit each time he slaps his ruler in his hostile state) for the celebration of Baldi's Basics Classic's first anniversary. As soon as the player reaches the last exit door in the cafeteria, Baldi and the rest of characters will appear to shout a surprise for the player. Baldi then encourages the player to blow out the birthday cake's candle, which grants the player access to the glitched school.
  • In Baldi's Basics Classic Remastered, Baldi has the same appearances in other games, except that his voice lines are re-recorded, and he looks more pixelated in the You Can Think Pad.
  • In Baldi's Basics - Field Trip demo: Camping, Baldi will first appear standing next to "his" bus. Later at the forest, before he "leaves" to set up the bear traps, Baldi tells the player to gather logs for the fire. Getting caught by Baldi in this demo results in a game over.
  • LetsPlayHiAndSeek

    Baldi from the start of Full Game Early Demo.

    In Baldi's Basics Full Game Early Demo, once the player has found the 8 notebooks and triggered 3 of the exit elevators, Baldi will gradually go faster and faster until he goes so fast that he is impossible to run away from, which means that the player has to hurry to reach the final elevator.
    • When the broken ruler event occurs, he can still cause a game over despite his ruler being broken.
  • In Baldi's Basics - Challenges Demo, Baldi appears in all three challenges: Speedy, Stealthy, and Grapple Challenge.

Tips & Tricks[]


  • Several characters can be used as the player's advantage against Baldi:
    • Beans - Baldi's movement can be slowed down if he is hit by Beans' bubble gum, which gives the player more time to get away from him.
    • Dr. Reflex - Baldi cannot catch the player if he has been squished by Dr. Reflex's hammer, even if the player is squished as well.
    • Gotta Sweep - can sweep Baldi away, allowing the player to get away from him more easily.
  • There are several items to use against Baldi for the player's survival:
    • BSODA - If used, it will push Baldi (and anyone else) away. It is very useful in long hallways, as it will buy the player a lot of time to run away.
    • Dangerous Teleporter - If the player uses the Dangerous Teleporter, they will teleport to a random area to get away from the close-approaching Baldi. It works even during the final part of each level, but it may also lead the player to a more dangerous situation like teleporting right next to Baldi.
    • Portal Poster - Convenient for getting to another room or hallway quickly. However, Baldi can see and follow the player through the portal.
    • An Apple for Baldi - Baldi will happily take the apple, and after finishing his dialogue, start eating it at an inhuman speed for around 10 seconds. The player must run as soon as possible and find either any Notebooks or other useful items.
    • Grappling Hook - The Grappling Hook's pull has enough force to keep the player's distance away from Baldi, and the speed can vary depending on the length of the hook's line.
    • Alarm Clock - After it rings, Baldi will head to the location where it is placed, unless he sees the player. Baldi's Math Machine and Mrs. Pomp may also override the Alarm Clock's sound.
    • Baldi's Least Favorite Tape - Creates buzz-like statics via the tape player that deters Baldi and any other character (who are not chasing the player) away for about 30 seconds.
  • Inputting a Quarter in the pay phone will make the phone emit a buzz-like static noise, which acts exactly like Baldi's Least Favorite Tape.
  • As part of one of the events, Baldi's ruler breaks, which means the player cannot hear him coming for a short period of time, but he cannot catch the player while his ruler is broken.


There are a few characters who are capable of attracting Baldi:

  • Arts and Crafters - When he teleports the player, Baldi will not only be teleported too, but also head to the location where the player is teleported at. Unless Baldi has seen the player, and he does not see them after being teleported, which causes him to head back to where he last saw them. This is extremely unlikely, however, as it requires the player to be extremely lucky with the seed/map they are playing on or use a Dirty Chalk Eraser the exact frame the player get teleported by Arts and Crafters.
  • Principal of the Thing - When he teleports the player to detention, Baldi will head to the center of the Principal's office if nothing that causes a higher noise value than detention was made, like the Alarm Clock, or the tape player/pay phone is disrupting Baldi's hearing. It is also worth noting that Baldi will prioritize sight over this (and any other sounds/teleportation), so he will go to exactly where the player was when being caught by the Principal before he heads to the Principal's office.
  • 1st Prize - When he collides with a surface while he is accelerating towards the player at fast speed, the Bang! sound will play and it will attract Baldi to the location where this sound is played, with a high noise value, obstructing any other noise that was quieter than the noises the player has made.
  • Chalkles - When the player spends over 15 seconds in a classroom where he spawned, Chalkles will lock the player in, and Baldi will head to the tile with Chalkles' chalkboard on it. It is worth noting that as of V0.4 of Baldi's Basics Plus, Chalkles will only slowly go back to being invisible after entering a room, not go away instantly. It is also worth noting that the player can use the Principal's Keys to unlock a door locked by Chalkles.
  • Mrs. Pomp - When the player goes to exit a room after the timer runs out, Mrs. Pomp will drag the player to her class in a rage, and Baldi will head to the center of the classroom. This attraction also happens when the player enters her classroom either they get dragged around by her or enter her classroom by themselves. This will override every sound, except for the sounds when Baldi sees the player and the blaring alarm when the player steals from Johnny in Endless Mode. The player can use the same Principal's Keys trick with Chalkles with Mrs. Pomp, too.

Slap interval[]

Baldi's slap interval graph

Graphs to feature Baldi's slap intervals. The variable s varies depending on the game or floor number.

Baldi has a certain "slap interval" when he chases the player. The slap intervals differ between the games and the floors in Baldi's Basics Plus.

Baldi's longest slap interval is one smack every 3 seconds, and the intervals get shorter for every notebook the player collects and every wrong answer from Baldi's Math Machine/You Can Think Pad. In Classic/Birthday Bash, if Baldi is going faster than his max speed, his slap interval slowly starts to become longer. Prior to V1.3 in Baldi's Basics Classic, Baldi would not slow down after getting additional answers wrong. Since Baldi's Basics Full Game Early Demo, notebooks collected before Baldi chases the player do not affect Baldi's slap interval. However, since V0.3 of Baldi's Basics Plus, Baldi will have the shortest slap interval after the maximum number of notebooks are collected.

Note: All interval values in these tables are written in seconds.


Baldi's Basics Plus[]

Note: Italicized values cannot usually be reached in Hide-and-Seek. The only exceptions to this are some map seeds that exceed the 4-notebook limit, a wrong answer from Baldi's Math Machine, and when the player stays in the same floor they are in for Baldi's slap interval to decrease and reach that value.
Notebooks Maximum interval (Floor 1) Maximum interval (Floor 2) Maximum interval (Floor 3) Maximum interval (All floors, ~V0.2.2)
0 3
1 2.329 2.398 2.414 2.264
2 1.862 2.039 2.083 1.818
3 1.463 1.742 1.816 1.519
4 1.121 1.484 1.585 1.304
5 0.844 1.255 1.382 1.143
6 0.661 1.053 1.201 1.017
7 0.586 0.878 1.041 0.916
8 0.53 0.735 0.902 0.833
9 0.485 0.635 0.788 0.764

Baldi's Basics Classic/Birthday Bash[]

Notebooks* Maximum interval (V1.3~) Maximum interval (V1.2~V1.2.2) Maximum interval (~V1.1)


1 2.5 (Slower than the player's walking speed)


2 2.25 2.61 (Slower than the player's walking speed) 2.595 (Slower than the player's walking speed)
3 2 2.22 2.19
4 1.75 (Same speed as the player's walking speed) 1.83 1.785
5 1.5 1.44 1.38
6 1.25 (Same speed as the player's running speed) 1.05 (Faster than the player's running speed) 0.975 (Faster than the player's running speed)
7 1 (Faster than the player's running speed) 0.66 0.57

Full Game Early Demo[]

Notebooks Elevators triggered Interval


1 2.264
2 1.818
3 1.518
4 1.304
5 1.143
6 1.017
7 0.916
8 0 - 2 0.833
3 0.833 → 0 (gets smaller as time goes)

Field trips[]

Note: Baldi chases the player in field trips only prior to Baldi's Basics Plus V0.3.
Condition needed Game Field trip Interval
When the campfire goes out: Baldi's Basics Plus, and Kickstarter Exclusive Demo Camping 0.35
When running out of time Baldi's Basics - Field Trip demo: Camping 0.5
When the campfire goes out (in the pirated copy): Baldi's Basics Kickstarter Exclusive Demo 0
When running out of time Baldi's Basics Plus, and Kickstarter Exclusive Demo (V1.2) Farm 0.35
When running out of time (in the pirated copy): Baldi's Basics Kickstarter Exclusive Demo 0


Speedy Challenge[]

Notebooks Interval (V0.3 onwards) Interval (Prior to V0.3)
0 ? 0.205
1 ? 0.2
2 ? 0.196
3 ? 0.192
4 ? 0.188
5 ? 0.184
6 ? 0.181
7 ? 0.177
8 ? 0.174
9 ? 0.171
10 ? 0.168
11 ? 0.165
12 ? 0.162
13 ? 0.159
14 ? 0.156
15 ? 0.154
16 ? 0.151
17 ? 0.149
18 ? 0.146
19 ? 0.144
20 ? 0.142
21 ? 0.14
22 ? 0.138
23 ? 0.136
24 ? 0.134
25 ? 0.132

Stealthy Challenge[]

Notebooks Interval (V0.3 onwards) Interval (Prior to V0.3)
0 0.706
1 0.65 0.656
2 0.603 0.612
3 0.563 0.574
4 0.53 0.541
5 0.502 0.511
6 0.477 0.484
7 0.456 0.46

Grapple Challenge[]

Notebooks Interval (V0.3 onwards) Interval (Prior to V0.3)
0 3
1 2.083 1.818
2 1.585 1.304
3 1.201 1.017
4 0.902 0.833
5 0.706
6 0.603 0.612
7 0.53 0.541



  • Baldi strange terror from the deep

    Baldi in Strange Terror From The Deep.

    Baldi makes a guest appearance as one of the enemies in the indie horror game Strange Terror From The Deep, with mystman12 providing the voice dialogue for him.[3]
    • Baldi's "Thanks for playing, come back soon!" quote is later reused for the first time in the Full Game Early Demo.
  • There have been multiple hints at that Baldi cannot properly write or spell, such as "Bald's Bus" and the abandoned spelling room in Baldi's Basement. There is a lot of other text in the game, such as posters, which also have a lot of typos and errors. However, it is unknown that Baldi wrote them.
  • Baldi's claim to play "hide and seek" or "tag" with the player is actually a cover-up to hide the real nature of the game itself. Instead, Baldi becomes hostile and hunts down the player to attempt to give them a game over after getting a question wrong.
    • However, in Baldi's Basics Plus, it does not involve an incorrect answer.
  • Spr backpack

    Baldi in the left pocket of this backpack texture from Night of the Consumers.

    Baldi makes a cameo in Night of the Consumers as a plush in the left pocket of the backpack in the beginning.
  • Baldi in Boofie's Bunker

    Baldi in Boofie's Bunker.

    Baldi also appears as an Easter egg character in Boofie's Bunker, a game made by JayskiBean. mystman12 also did voice acting for this character.[4]
  • The audio for Baldi slapping his ruler was made by mystman12 slapping his hand with a plastic ruler, despite Baldi using a wooden one in the game.[5]
  • Teachers doing any sort of action that involves harming students is well notably illegal nowadays in reality. However, this was common and accepted by law between the 19th and 20th century, where teachers would beat students with objects, such as canes and rulers if they did something wrong or broke the rules. This was until it got banned in most countries around the 1980s. However, this is still a thing in some African and Asian regions (e.g. in Indonesia or in Kenya).
  • mystman12 is going to voice Baldi and presumably others in the upcoming Friday Night Funkin' mod, Baldi's Basics In Funkin'.[6]
  • Despite Principal of the Thing being the official principal, Baldi refers to the school as "his" Schoolhouse. It is possible that he owns the schoolhouse with the Principal of the Thing managing it.
  • It is unclear what Baldi does if he catches the player without An Apple. But given the context, he might use his ruler as some sort of weapon, because he cannot make them lose a power tube when his ruler is broken.
  • mystman12's first drawings of Baldi were from a set of comics he made named Baldimore.[7]
    • Baldi has a son[8] and a wife[9] in mystman12's old comics, but mystman12 has said that he does not know which facts about Baldi are still canon.
    • He called this comic as Baldimore because he was bald, his name was Baldi, he always wanted more food, and he lived in Baltimore. The name of this comic was based on the ideas in his childhood.[10]
  • mystman12 said that he might make it canon for Baldi's last name to be Baldimore after making his Mii for him.[11]
  • In the Bad Ball microgame made by mystman12, Baldi wears a blue shirt instead of a green one. He noticed this after recording the video.[12]
  • Baldi is about 29 years old.[13]
  • Baldi's birthday is on June 3.[14]
  • mystman12 originally intended for Baldi to teach more subjects than just math, but due to the time limit in the Meta Game Jam, and also to make it more fair to international players, he ultimately decided to use only one subject for the original version.
    • There is also an unused voiceline of one of the subjects, spelling. In the voiceline, Baldi says "I hope you like bees, because it's time for spelling!"
  • It is possible Baldi liking apples is inspired by the stereotype of teachers loving apples.
  • Baldi's voice was inspired by the character Waluigi from the Super Mario franchise.
  • The overall image of Baldi giving a thumbs up when the game was downloaded over 100,000 times is a reference to Sonic's Schoolhouse's image screen when beating the level with 10/10 correct answers.
  • Spoken by mystman12 during his livestream, some lines have references to other media:
    • The line where Baldi says "FUS RO DAH!" is a reference to one of the dragon shouts from the game The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.
    • Another one of Baldi's lines, "Hadouken!", is a direct reference to the 1987 video game: Street Fighter in which the character Ryu will shout the same phrase when using one of his special moves.
    • Baldi's "Open Salami!" line is one of the Mario's voices from the game Super Mario Sunshine.
  • In Baldi's waving animation, his right arm appears to bend very unnaturally, appearing to break.
    • This animation was actually a mistake, but it was used in the game anyways due to its more jarring appearance.[15]
  • Plush sets

    The camping Baldi beanie plush and Arts and Crafters beanie plush.

    The variant of Baldi with the camping suit was planned to have a plush and an action figure. But they, along with the Arts and Crafters beanie plush have yet to be released.
  • mystman12 created some Baldi fireworks designs in Animal Crossing: New Horizons.[16]
  • Gotta Sweep and Baldi are mystman12's favorite characters.[17]
  • Mystman12 Miiverse archive

    mystman12's Miiverse archive

    mystman12 at first said that Baldi's first internet appearance was in his deleted "BaldiComic" Twitter. However, this was disproven as he was going to his Miiverse archive and found out that Baldi's first internet appearance was actually in his Game & Wario Miiverse sketch post.[18]
  • Despite Baldi having excessive hunger and eating a lot, he has a thin body.[19] It could possibly mean that Baldi has difficulty gaining weight, or just has a fast digestion system.
  • Vanilla is Baldi's favorite ice cream flavor. He especially likes the ice cream from the plastic cups with wooden spoons, commonly bought at stores.[20]
  • mystman12 says that Baldi would open a pizza place,[21] but all the pizza boxes are empty since Baldi has eaten all the pizza.[22]
  • mystman12 made a weird Baldi model with an upside-down orange head.[23]
  • According to the interview on Game Jolt, Baldi in the Baldimore comic series and Baldi in the Baldi's Basics series are different, because the former is an inventor, and the latter is a teacher.[24]
  • Alongside math, Baldi also likes science, although that involves a lot of math.[25]
  • Baldi has done something possibly heinous in the year 1992, but he will not admit to it until he is caught.[26]
  • Baldi's model was originally created during development on Classic. His oldest one that mystman12 has is dated March 21, 2018.[27]
  • mystman12 voiced Baldi in the "Baldi's Mysterious Jar" animation by Splintza,[28] and in the "Baldi gets bullied" animation by Xploshi.[29]
  • mystman12 uses a Blue Yeti microphone to record Baldi's voicelines, and used it ever since he started developing Baldi's Basics Plus.
    • However, when mystman12 first revealed this, he also thought his Blue Yeti microphone was broken and that he needed to use his Rode microphone instead, since it didn't record any voicelines properly, so he stated that on his Twitter/X as well.[30]
      • The Blue Yeti microphone, however, wasn't the case for this issue, as it turns out that the USB converter caused it and the microphone still worked properly.[31]
      • Upcoming Baldi's voicelines could've sounded different, if this issue remained unsolved.[32]

Baldi's Basics Plus[]

  • Baldi's render looks a lot cleaner than from the previous games, this could be because there were a few light sources added to the Anim8or scene with the render pose, pointed roughly towards Baldi.
  • Baldi's speed actually fluctuates in Plus in comparison to Classic, where the latter was always a float value of 75. This is because Baldi's speed in Plus is handled by this equation (following is not an exact translation of the code to a proper equation): Speed = Evaluate Speed Curve((Current Anger) + Base Speed + Extra Anger).
  • It is possible to use Baldi's incredible sense of hearing to trick him into moving in the wrong direction. With doors or lockers, the player can simply open them, then move away from them in the opposite direction of Baldi. If done successfully, Baldi will move in the direction of the door or locker and then move around randomly.
    • Of course, opening any other door while Baldi is heading for the previous blue door will cause the trick to fail, as he will follow that door sound instead. However, if Baldi is tracking a locker, he will ignore all door sounds because the locker's noise value is higher than the doors' noise value. Getting in Baldi's line of sight in the meantime will cancel the effect as well, and this happens even through locked swinging doors. This makes the trick difficult to pull off.
  • Giving An Apple to Baldi will make him happy, but he still tries to get the player after eating the apple.
  • Baldi's eyes, when he congratulates the player with the right answer on the Math Machine, appear to be smaller than usual on his regular sprite.
    • This sprite is used in the secret endings of Baldi's Basics Classic Remastered.
  • The new audios appear to be with interference on the microphone.
  • In the name entry screen, the green color of Baldi's shirt looks a little weaker due to the lighting in Anim8or.
  • Tutor Baldi (the nice Baldi at the start) does not have a hitbox. This can be seen if the player sprays a BSODA at him.
    • Baldi as a farmer and camper do not have hitboxes either.
  • In a future update, there might be more consequences when Baldi catches the player, rather than losing a power tube.[33] However, it turns out that this feature will not likely be implemented and the idea of casting a curse was made by a different user.[34]
  • Since V0.3, Baldi can rarely open his right eye, while counting down, but only when the player is not in his line of sight. If they return to him, Baldi will quickly close his right eye and continue counting down.
  • The sprites for Baldi's farming clothes and hat changed from the sprites prior to V0.3.2.
  • Walking up to the bus in a outdoor area does not start the chase.
  • If all AnimationClip files are removed from the game assets, Baldi will have an idling sprite with his normal outfit in the outdoor area.
  • Baldi appears to be an inventor, as judging by the descriptions/names, he created/built:
  • In a future update, there might be a transition for changing nice Baldi into angry Baldi after countdown is over, as revealed in one of mystman12's posts.[35] However, the post was most likely referring to a change that was eventually done in V0.3, where Baldi would start a countdown rather than instantly chasing the player once the player walked a far enough distance away.
  • Prior to V0.2, Baldi could still end the game even if his ruler is broken.
  • Prior to V0.3, Baldi would do a very quick "countdown" and then chase the player once they are far away enough from Baldi, if they hide in one of the nearby blue lockers, or if they use the Dangerous Teleporter.
  • Since V0.3.3, all of his praising voices were re-recorded, and one more praising voice was added.
  • Prior to V0.3.5, Baldi's description in the Principal's office had a misspelled word ("increible" instead of "incredible").
    • This misspelling was first fixed in the Baldi Youtooz figure's box set.
  • Prior to V0.3.5, the color of the captions for the apple eating sound were white and the "run" caption was dark green like Gotta Sweep.
  • From V0.3.3 to V0.3.5, the caption for a quote "Woah, I think you might be smarter than me!" was white-colored instead of green.
  • Baldi's audio when congratulating the player for collecting all notebooks reuses his Post-NULL Style audio from Classic Remastered, due to Baldi saying "Find a way out before I catch you!" but edited to account for how many notebooks on a floor is collected.
    • Similar to Baldi's audio when congratulating the player in the Full Game Early Demo, the audio is spliced with soundbytes for Baldi saying "four", "seven", and "nine", on the first, second, and third floors respectively, heard when using the You Can Think Pad in Classic Remastered. This is likely done to make the audio easier to reuse without needing to record separate voicelines for each floor.
    • Despite Baldi already mentioning seven notebooks in Classic Remastered, his voiceline is still spliced to maintain consistency with the other recordings.
  • The "WOW!" And "Let's go Camping!" are the oldest voice lines/audio that Baldi had said in Baldi's Basics Plus.

Baldi's Basics Classic/Birthday Bash[]

  • Many people thought that Baldi said "You failed all seven notebooks!". However, mystman12 himself has confirmed it was "found" and not "failed", and he was completely unaware of the debate prior to being questioned about it.[36]
  • Baldi's screech sound was made when mystman12 imported a non-audio file into Audacity as "Raw Data", but he does not remember what settings he used to get the sound.[37]
  • By hacking the game and going out of the school using no-clip, Baldi will always try to pass the wall until the player gets back to the school. In other words, Baldi cannot go through walls because Classic/Birthday Bash use Unity's built-in Navmesh system. Said Navmesh can be seen if UnityExplorer is being used, or by using a decompiled version of the game, I.E Porky Powers' 1.4.3 & Birthday Bash Decompiles.
  • Baldi's waving animation is smoother than other games and demos due to it having all 99 frames, where the animation's total amount of frames were halved in Plus and Classic Remastered.
  • Since Baldi's Basics Classic V1.4, when Baldi catches the player, a speeding black wall appears before displaying a game over image.
    • This effect has also been applied in Baldi's Basics Plus, since V0.3.5.

Baldi's Basics Classic[]

  • Baldi's jumpscare sound is different depending on which platform the player plays this game on.
    • On Windows, it is the screeching noise from the You Can Think Pad, but then played each frame, hence why it sounds different.
    • On macOS, most likely due to architecture, the sound is different. It seems to play each frame, but then at a higher rate.
    • On mobile platforms, the sound does not repeat at all, but instead plays once.
  • mystman12 has revealed that at some point during development, Baldi had an unused dialogue file with a "parrot noise" at the end of the line in a reference to Ms. Fowl from the show The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius; however, it seems that it was not left in the files of any version.[38]
  • On the mobile version, when the player answers all three questions correctly in the first notebook, Baldi will say "You did great! Come here and get your prize, a shiny quarter!", but he does not give instructions on how to use items as mobile devices do not have a mouse and a keyboard.
  • A Lost Bits video of Baldi's Basics Classic by TetraBitGaming revealed a voice clip that would have been used for the spelling subject, actually shown by mystman12 himself.[39]
  • Baldi's unused Speech fields

    The unused "Speech" fields.

    In the Unity Project file for Baldi's Basics Classic, there exists 3, albeit empty, Audioclip spots on Baldi's script. It suggests that it was planned for Baldi to talk while chasing, but in the final game, this was scrapped.
Note: The following content may have spoilers for the deep lore.

    • This idea has since been reused for Null in Baldi's Basics Classic Remastered's NULL Style. Since he makes no sound while moving, it's one of the only ways to know where he is (aside from the doors that open when he passes by).

  • Prior to V1.2, Baldi's speed when all 7 notebooks were collected was slightly faster.
  • Baldi had two differences prior to V1.3:
    • If the player got 12 or more questions wrong, Baldi would go so fast that his ruler sound effect would glitch, and no matter how far away he was from them, he would immediately know where they are (even if they used Baldi's Least Favorite Tape), and he would catch the player in about 3 to 5 seconds (unless the player got lucky). This meant that it was impossible to escape from him once this happened. As of V1.3, this was fixed and it is now limited to only 1 speed amp per notebook (though if the player gets two or three questions wrong in a notebook, Baldi's speed will temporarily increase beyond one amp before slowing back down to the proper next increment).
    • His beginning speed was slower, and his speed when all 7 notebooks were collected was faster.
      • Now, Baldi's speed upon getting all questions wrong in a notebook is faster than normal but will soon slow back down if the player waits for a while before getting another notebook.
  • In V1.3 and V1.3.1, Baldi's speed scale was 0.6. Since V1.3.2, it is 0.65.

Baldi's Basics Birthday Bash[]

  • "a shiny quarter!" and "Then, when you find something, you can use it on, right click on the object with the quarter selected. That's how you use items y'know!" quotes were removed because Baldi gives the player a present instead of a Quarter.

Baldi's Basics Classic Remastered[]

  • When Baldi says "Answer the three questions - correctly - and you might get something special!", the "correctly" part is distorted. This is because mystman12 intentionally distorted his microphone to sound like an MP3 file. The distortion references the mic error in Baldi's Basics Classic/Birthday Bash, which was a bug that caused the game's audio to be distorted. The distortion in Baldi's voice is a playful nod to this bug, and it also serves as an intentional emphasis on the importance of answering the questions correctly.[40]
  • Unlike in Baldi's Basics Classic/Birthday Bash, Baldi can see the player even if they are above the schoolhouse
  • Pressing P after Baldi welcomes the player will cause Baldi to repeat his introduction dialogue again, along with his welcoming animation.[41]
    • This feature was intended to test something, most likely the trailer, but it was not removed from the game.[42]
Note: The following content may have spoilers for the deep lore.

  • By using hacks to spawn Baldi in NULL/Glitch Style, once the boss fight begins, Baldi will always follow the player around the school like Null/the red Baldloon.
    • He will also gain the same speed boost that Null/ the red Baldloon does when the player uses the Principal Whistle as well as being attracted to their position.

Baldi's Basics Full Game Early Demo[]

  • Baldi's opening quote seems to be poking fun at free-to-play, a common trend in recent mobile games.
  • The audio of Baldi congratulating the player for collecting all the notebooks is reused from Classic and Birthday Bash, with the exception of the "eight" quote (used for the You Can Think Pad) replacing "seven". It is also more echoed and less loud.
  • When Baldi slaps for the first time after spawning, he jumps a little.


Baldi's Basics Plus[]

  • Baldi's lip-syncing while holding the clipboard seems to be continuous even when he is not talking.
  • Baldi's voice in the name entry screen is not affected by audio settings.
  • Rarely, even after Baldi finishes countdown, he will not chase after the player and stay in the same spot permanently.
  • Happy Baldi Jumpscare 0
    Smiling Baldi after finishing the countdown still can catch the player. So, they can get jumpscare by happy Baldi.
  • In V0.1, Baldi did not move in the farm field trip, this meant the player would not fail when Baldi activates, unless the player was to walk into him.
  • In V0.1, if the player activated the captions, when Baldi said "run" while he ate An Apple, the caption used to say: "Localized text not found".
  • Prior to V0.3, Baldi's slap animation in camping field trip, the backpack appeared shorter and higher up Baldi's back, then when he was passive.
  • Prior to V0.3.5, Baldi's hand was cut off in the name entry screen because the white screen covered it up.
  • Baldimerrygoround

    Baldi passing through the merry-go-round rarely.

    Prior to V0.4, Baldi could pass through the merry-go-round in rare occasions.
  • Prior to V0.4, if Baldi somehow got pushed into a wall, he could catch the player through it if they were on the other side right next to it.
    • This glitch still happens in other games.
  • From V0.4 to V0.5.2, captions for his voice lines after collecting all notebooks in Hide-and-Seek/Explorer Mode were not synchronized when pausing and resuming the game.
  • In V0.9 Pre-release, there was a rare chance that in the tutorial, Baldi did not appear at all if all the notebooks have been collected.

Baldi's Basics Classic/Birthday Bash/Classic Remastered[]

  • Baldi Frown

    Baldi's lips breaking, when angry.


    Ditto, but in Classic Remastered.

    When Baldi frowns upon the player incorrectly answering a question for the first time before starting his chase, his lips seem to break on the sides.

Baldi's Basics Classic/Birthday Bash[]

  • CornerStuck2

    The hitbox of the player and Baldi.

    If the player walks into any corner in the school, Baldi cannot catch them, but they are stuck in place, making the player's only option to walk into Baldi and cause the game to end. This happens because Baldi's hitbox is too small to collide with the player.
    • However, if the trick is done in a faculty room, the Principal can enter and send the player to detention.
    • Trying to blast him away with the BSODA results in it simply passing through him.
  • If the game is paused right after Baldi catches the player, the game will show the frame they paused on instead of showing Baldi.

Baldi's Basics Classic[]

  • Since V1.3, if the player gets at least one answer wrong but gets the third question correct on the first notebook, Baldi will go at maximum speed and his ruler slap sound will be glitched (some platforms will not have the ruler slap glitch, as it will be just a lot of slaps). However, Baldi is not dangerous at this time, because he always teleports behind the swinging doors after the player gets their first question wrong (to give the player space to exit the classroom and run away), and the swinging doors are locked until the player acquires the second notebook. However, if the player collects the second notebook, Baldi will go back to his normal speed.
  • In the Google Play and iOS versions, if Baldi catches the player after collecting all 7 notebooks, the jumpscare sound does not play.
  • Prior to V1.3, if the player got 12 or more questions wrong, Baldi would become insanely fast and his ruler sound would glitch (some platforms would not have the ruler slap glitch, as it would be just a lot of slaps) and his jumpscare sound would not play.
  • Prior to V1.2.2, if the game's FPS was too high, BSODA sprays would pass through Baldi and not push him away. The reason being that the BSODA sprays are tied into the framerate.

Baldi's Basics Birthday Bash[]

  • In the mobile port, Baldi still says "Just click on it with the left mouse button to pick it up."

Baldi's Basics Classic Remastered[]

Bbcr bal through walls

Baldi going through walls of the Schoolhouse

  • If the player is out of bounds, and Baldi can see them, Baldi will go through the wall to get to the player.
  • In V1.0, if the player finished the first notebook with all questions answered correctly in Party Style, Baldi would still say his Quarter voiceline.
    • On the same version, the caption for Baldi's greeting in Party Style was not filled out, leaving out a reference caption instead.
    • In Party Style, giving him An Apple makes his hat disappear, same with the field trips before they were renewed in Baldi's Basics Plus V0.3. This is because mystman12 did not make a sprite of Baldi eating An Apple while his party hat is still on.
      • The same also happens if the player starts the broken ruler event by a mod menu.

Baldi's Basics - Field Trip demo: Camping[]

  • Baldi will always say "Let's go camping!" every time the player leaves the school, if they are going back in then back out repeatedly.
  • When Baldi gets angry at the player, the brim of his hiking cap is strangely absent, possibly due to the smaller size of his sprite.

Baldi's Basics Full Game Early Demo/Kickstarter Exclusive Demo[]

  • Baldi will stick close to the player if they spray the BSODA at him when he is eating An Apple for Baldi. This glitch was fixed in Baldi's Basics Plus.
  • Baldi's "987654321" and "Ready or not, here i come!" voicelines were either low or high pitched.

Baldi's Basics Kickstarter Exclusive Demo[]

  • In the field trips in V1.0, Baldi's ruler sprite sheets in the camping and farm trips were swapped.
  • In V1.2, Baldi could somehow phase through BSODA.
  • In V1.2, he said "Full Game Public Demo" instead of "Kickstarter Exclusive Demo" in the title screen.

Baldi's Basics - Challenges Demo[]

  • When Baldi catches the player, the camera positions itself in whatever direction the player was in, sometimes leaving his face not to be seen. This glitch also happened prior to Baldi's Basics Plus V0.1.2.


  1. "Baldi sure loves numbers. I bet he'd love it if everything could be represented by a number..
    (This message was scheduled and may not accurately reflect progress/lack thereof)" - mystman12. April 26, 2024. Twitter/X
  2. "Yeah, Baldi doe-Baldi stops moving when you're in the You Can Think Pad, so... it's uh, not somethin-speed isn't something you have to worry too much about." - Livestream archive 38:36-38:45
  3. "Special thanks to Mystman12 for providing the voice lines for Baldi, a rare monster you'll encounter in Strange Terror From The Deep." - Description in the Strange Terror From The Deep teaser video*
  4. "I manage to complete every difficulty in this game mode while also finding the secret easter egg: Baldi! Baldi from Baldi's Basics is in the game and he is fully voice acted by Mystman12 himself! The developer of Baldi's Basics in Education and Learning!" - BALDI WAS IN THE BACKROOMS! | Boofie's Bunker - Easy/Normal/Hard/Extreme Backrooms & All Unlockables
  5. "The Baldi ruler sound I legitimate just took a ruler and slapped it on my hand from the mic. It was a plastic ruler, so it's not completely accurate, but it's good enough." - Livestream archive 1:07:50-1:08:02
  6. "HE SAID YES TO VOICE ACTING" - Fidy50, director of Baldi's Basics In Funkin'. November 26, 2022. Twitter/X
  7. "It went like this: My sister made a comic, so I wanted to make a comic! So I slapped this mess together." - mystman12. May 15, 2018. Twitter/X
  8. "Basically, Baldi walks up to his son (At this point in time, him having a son may or may not be canon.) who is watching..." - mystman12. August 10, 2018. Twitter/X
  9. "Baldi's wife (Again, I'm not entirely sure what still is and isn't canon at the moment!) wants him to change back, but Baldi is just happy to have more hair!" - mystman12. August 11, 2018. Twitter/X
  10. "The comic was called Baldimore because Baldi was bald, his name was Baldi, he always wanted more food (I want MORE... IMORE... or something.), he lived in Baltimore, and because I had horrible ideas as a kid." - mystman12. May 15, 2018. Twitter/X
  11. "To clarify, I meant that this Mii's last name is Baldimore because I didn't know what else to put... but maybe I should make it canon anyways because why not. :P" - mystman12. June 8, 2018. Twitter/X
  12. "Yep! It's strange, I feel like green has always been the color I've used for his clothes, but when I went to record this I noticed he was wearing blue. I'm not sure when I decided green should be his signature color, but I guess it was after I made this." - mystman12. May 21, 2018. Twitter/X
  13. "He is probably about like 29..." - Livestream archive 29:49-29:52
  14. "June 3!" - mystman12. August 22, 2018. Twitter/X
  15. "I went with CG for the reasons mentioned above, but also because it gave me the opportunity to do crazy stuff when animating him, like his wonky hand wave (That was actually a mistake, but I felt it was creepier so I left it! :P)" - How Baldi's Basics taps into the real horror of '90s edutainment by Joel Couture | Gamasutra
  16. "Don't mind me just traumatizing my islanders with some of the scariest fireworks designs I could think of! #AnimalCrossing #NintendoSwitch" - mystman12. August 30, 2020. Twitter/X
  17. "I think Baldi would have to be my favorite, since that’s a character I made up years ago, but I think besides that I would have to go with Gotta Sweep." - mystman12. August 3, 2018. INTERVIEWS You call hamburgers steamed hams — Baldi’s Basics in Education and Learning creator on development, burgers by Elisha Deogracias
  18. "Y'all remember when I said Baldi's first appearance on the internet was that short lived BaldiComic Twitter account I made? Well I was wrong. I just dug up my Miiverse archive and this Game & Wario Miiverse Sketch post was actually his first appearance. Oh no." - mystman12. March 30, 2021. Twitter/X
  19. "He has an insatiable appetite. No one really knows how he stays so thin." - Gmail
  20. "Vanilla, but specifically the vanilla ice cream from those little plastic cups with the wooden spoon-like things." - Gmail
  21. "Baldi would open a pizza place." - mystman12. October 31, 2021. Twitter/X
  22. "But they have nothing but empty pizza boxes because he ate all the pizza." - mystman12. October 31, 2021. Twitter/X
  23. Q: "Do you have any super weird renders of Baldi that you've made in the past that no one has ever seen?" / A: "I sure do, like this one:" - Gmail (question), Gmail (response)
  24. Q: "Is the Baldi from that comic in your mind the same Baldi of the teacher, or is it a different Baldi from a Baldi multiverse?" / A: "It's probably somewhere in between - I don't actually think there will be a Baldi multiverse - but in the same way, it's not, probably not like the same iteration of Baldi, yeah. Baldi in the comic was not a teacher. He was an inventor, so Baldi in Baldi's Basics is definitely different." - Interview with the creator of Baldi's Basics Classic Remastered, BasicallyGames! 09:40~10:11
  25. Q: "does baldi like any other subjects? or is it just math?" / A: "Science is another favorite of his! But of course, that also involves a lot of math." - Gmail (question), Gmail (response)
  26. Q: "When will Baldi admit to what he did in 1992?" / A: "When he's caught..." - Gmail (question), Gmail (response)
  27. Q: "When was Baldi's model originally created?" / A: "I originally created it when making the original game. The oldest version of his model that I have is dated March 21, 2018!" Gmail (question), Gmail (response)
  28. "Voice Acting: ‪@mystman1210‬" - Description of Baldi's Mysterious Jar! (Animation) by saintza4
  29. "New video out! A huge thank you to @mystman12 for voicing Baldi and the Bully, and @PajamaFrix for the 3d models and vhs effect! Super proud of this one :)" - Xploshi. July 13, 2020. Twitter/X
  30. "I think my Blue Yeti finally died. Served me well, but I've got better options now. I did plan to keep using it for Baldi to ensure all his voice lines sounded consistent (Since it was the only mic I had when I started working on Plus), but now I guess I'll have to use my Rode." - mystman12. December 4, 2024. Twitter/X
  31. "False alarm it just randomly stopped playing well with my USB A to C converter. USB mics are fun!" - mystman12. December 6, 2024. Twitter/X
  32. "If Baldi's future voicelines sound slightly different from what's in the game now, this is why!" - mystman12. December 4, 2024. Twitter/X
  33. "One rule I've set for myself is to make it so that Baldi is the *only* character who can end your game. This way, I'm forced to try and come up with more creative consequences than just killing you. Perhaps it could take notebooks from you, or maybe it could temporarily curse you so that you can't move if a character is on screen. These are just a few ideas I've got." - Kickstarter comment
  34. "I've never heard of that idea before, it definitely wasn't mine, but regardless, probably not." - Gmail
  35. "Baldi's transition from nice to angry will also be handled a lot more naturally later as well, it won't just be proximity based like it is currently." - Baldi's Basics Plus Steam Community Hub
  36. "It's "you FOUND". I wasn't even aware there was a debate until now. :P" - mystman12. May 28, 2018. Twitter/X
  37. "Hmm, if I recall correctly I think I loaded a random non-audio file into Audacity via the "Import > Raw data" tool. I don't remember what kind of file or what kind of settings I used though. Generally though, importing a non-audio file into Audacity is a good way to get horrible sounds like that."- mystman12's Twitter DM
  38. "You know... Like Ms. Fowl from Jimmy Neutron, I actually have an unused audio file that I have in my with all my Baldi voice recordings called Ms. Fowl ..." - Livestream archive 31:50-32:00
  39. "The only other subject I did any work on was spelling. I actually started recording Baldi's intro for that subject, but that's it." - mystman12. Baldi's Basics Classic Lost Bits 2:58-3:06
  40. "That's intentional. For emphasis!" - Baldi's Basics Classic Remastered Steam Community Hub
  41. "If you press the "P" key in Baldi's Basics Classic Remastered before angering Baldi, he will replay his waving animation." - mystman12. January 24, 2023 . Twitter/X
  42. Q: "Bruh I thought that was test stuff you left in game by mistake" / A: "It was lol." - mystman12. January 24, 2023. Twitter/X

