Baldi's Basics Wiki
Baldi's Basics Wiki
For other uses, see BSODA (disambiguation).

No drinking drinks in the halls!

Principal of the Thing, to the player, when scolding them for using the item.

The BSODA is an inventory item in the Baldi's Basics series.


The BSODA is a navy blue soda can with a gray top and bottom. There is white text showing the slogan: "Restart_Refresh_BSODA". However, the slogan on the small icon is just "BSODA" written diagonally.


BSODA in use

The BSODA spray when the BSODA is used.

The BSODA can push almost all characters in the Schoolhouse or Super Schoolhouse, making it useful to temporarily stall Baldi and most other characters. When used, it spits out a blue spray that is the same color as the can. If the player presses the "Look back" key or button (Space bar by default) to look backwards before using the BSODA, they can spray behind them. The BSODA can also be used to open standard doors or swinging doors, but there should be a character being pushed by it. While NPCs are pushed by the BSODA spray, they are unable to move. This includes Baldi, despite the fact he continues to slap with his ruler.

The BSODA spray can go through walls, which means it will last until the character being pushed by it runs into a wall or until 30 seconds, the BSODA's lifespan, pass. If It's a Bully is in the BSODA's path, any character can be stopped by him.

Tips & Tricks


  • The BSODA can be used on characters if absolutely necessary, such as:
    • Baldi, when he is about to fully catch the player. Pushing him to a very long hallway saves more time, especially when he becomes faster than the player's running speed.
    • 1st Prize, when he is about to push the player while Baldi is right behind them.
    • Playtime, when playing her jump rope minigame, pushing her will interrupt the minigame when she is far away from the player.
    • Beans, when he spits bubble gum at the player. They can push his gum away with the BSODA.
    • Cloudy Copter, when it blows wind in the halls, pushing it will cause it to stop blowing in the halls.
    • Dr. Reflex, when he is about to squish the player or when chasing the player after spotting them. Pushing him will give the player more time to get away from him.


  • If Principal of the Thing sees the player using the BSODA, he will scold them for breaking the "No drinking" rule and try to send them to detention. However, if the Principal shows up few seconds after the BSODA is used, despite the BSODA spray displaying in front of him, he will not put the player in detention. The Principal will also not scold the player for using the BSODA if:
  • If two BSODAs are shot within a few frames of each other, the second spray will jump the first spray forward by approximately 1 tile. This may prove valuable if a chasing entity such as Baldi needs to be very far away very quickly. Depending on the frame, the speed of the double spray will change.
    • This only works in Baldi's Basics Plus, due to the unified entity system allowing two BSODAs to interact with each other in the first place.
    • In addition, sometimes trapping entities in one direction is the goal of using the BSODA, and it is always better to only use one spray compared to two.


  • Chalkles and It's a Bully cannot be pushed by the BSODA, for obvious reasons.
  • The player can also be pushed by the BSODA. This may make them vulnerable to other NPCs.
  • If the player uses a Grappling Hook after using the BSODA, the Grappling Hook can get stuck in the spray.


Main gameplay

Faculty room

The BSODA found in a faculty room.

Camping rewards

The BSODA as one of the field trip rewards.

The BSODA can be found and obtained in various ways:

Endless Mode - Medium

The BSODA can be found in a faculty room with a Quarter, close to the room's door.


BSODA Grapple Challenge

One of the BSODA items found in the Grapple Challenge.

  • In the Speedy Challenge, there is only one BSODA machine, so it is only possible to get 1 BSODA from it. There is one other BSODA that can be found in one of the faculty rooms.
  • In the Grapple Challenge, the BSODA can be found in two faculty rooms, and one can be purchased from a BSODA machine using a Quarter.
  • In the Stealthy Challenge, the BSODA and its machines aren't present.

Other appearances



  • The BSODA is one of the few items whose main item texture is not dithered.
    • It is currently unknown if this was a developer oversight or if it was intentional.
  • The BSODA is a reference to the Blue Screen of Death, a screen displayed when a critical error occurs on a Windows OS.
    • The slogan on the can further reflects this.
    • The BSODA is a play on the acronym for the Blue Screen of Death: BSoD, combined with the word soda, making BSODA.
    • A BSODA being next to a Blue Screen of Death on the table in the fake error screen from Classic Remastered even further reflects this.
  • While the game itself has a ton of inspirations from Sonic's Schoolhouse, the idea of the BSODA's existence, based on the Blue Screen of Death, is taken from the Sonic's Schoolhouse's rare error that sometimes causes its operating system to cause a Blue Screen of Death when attempting to exit the game.
  • The player sprays the BSODA instead of drinking it, despite Principal of the Thing's quote "No drinking drinks in the halls!".
  • According to mystman12, BSODA tastes of blue, fizz, and aluminum.[1]

Baldi's Basics Plus

  • The BSODA is one of the four items to have a unique alternate sprite for inventory slots instead of simply a resized/cropped sprite, the other three being the Alarm Clock, Portal Poster, and Diet BSODA.
  • The BSODA's main mechanic is very similar to Gotta Sweep and 1st Prize, as they all involve pushing characters. However, BSODA can push not only characters, but also objects.
  • The sprite of BSODA's spray seems way bigger than one in Classic/Birthday Bash and also seems to move faster.
  • Prior to V0.1.3, the BSODA guilt time was 3 seconds instead of 0.8 seconds.
  • Prior to V0.4, there were some differences:
    • The BSODA's spray used the same sprite that has been used since Baldi's Basics Classic.
    • When sprayed, it did not spawn with a random angle rotation.
    • The player could not be pushed by BSODA.
    • The BSODA's spray passed through It's a Bully, rather than bouncing off of him. However, this was reverted in V0.5.1.
    • The BSODA's spray could not push some objects (such as the Alarm Clock or Grappling Hook) away.

Baldi's Basics Classic/Birthday Bash

  • In the class name of the BSODA's spray (BSODASparyScript), "Spray" is misspelled as "Spary".
  • The BSODA can open swinging doors even if there is no character being pushed.

Baldi's Basics Classic

  • In V1.0, spraying a BSODA would make the player guilty of it for 3 seconds. It was changed to 1 second in V1.1.
  • Prior to V1.3, the BSODA's spray sound was not implemented.


Baldi's Basics Plus

  • V0.3
    Prior to V0.3.8, BSODA's spray would partially clip through the ground after the player gets detention.
  • Prior to V0.4, a BSODA spray could rarely pass through NPCs instead of pushing them.
  • Prior to V0.4.1, when using a BSODA on a character while they were moved by something else like Cloudy Copter's wind or the conveyor belt, they could sometimes clip through the BSODA spray.

Baldi's Basics Classic

  • Prior to V1.2.2, the BSODA was frame-based and did not do anything to the characters on higher-end computers, because of the FPS being too high. Limiting the FPS fixes this issue in these versions.
  • The BSODA is also one of the items that were mentioned in Baldi's Tips'n'Tricks'n'Lessons.[2]



Baldi's Basics Plus/Classic Remastered

Sound Description
Plays when the BSODA is used.

Baldi's Basics Classic/Birthday Bash

Sound Description
Plays when the BSODA is used.


Baldi's Basics Plus
Baldi's Basics Classic/Birthday Bash/Classic Remastered
Baldi's Basics Classic Remastered

Baldi's Basics Plus
Baldi's Basics Classic
Baldi's Basics Classic Remastered
Baldi's Basics - Challenges Demo



  1. Q: "What does bsoda taste like?" / A: "It tastes of blue, fizz, and aluminum." - Gmail (question), Gmail (response)
  2. ''BSODA is a BLAST! - You can not only spray *me* with BSODA to push me away, but you can spray my friends away as well!'' -Baldi's Tips'n'Tricks'n'Lessons

