Baldi's Basics Wiki
Baldi's Basics Wiki
Anthony Hampton

Anthony Hampton's YouTube avatar.

Anthony Hampton Twiiter Profile

Anthony Hampton's Twitter/X avatar.

Anthony Hampton is a music composer who composed some music tracks for Baldi's Basics Classic Remastered.

Note: The following content may have spoilers for the deep lore.

The music tracks that he composed are Schoolhouse Trouble! and its variants.

Social media[]


  • He also composed some music in the Baldi's Basics fan animation, "Baldi's Mysterious Jar", with Saintza4. The original soundtrack can be found here.
  • Anthony Hampton's YouTube avatar was created by NerdMcTaco.[1]
  • Anthony Hampton has also composed a few songs for the semi-official Friday Night Funkin' mod Baldi's Basics In Funkin', namely the menu music and another unknown song.[2][3]
Note: The following content may have spoilers for the deep lore.

  • Prior to completing NULL Style, his name is the only name in the credits of Baldi's Basics Classic Remastered displayed in the corrupted "Zalgo" format, in reference to the place where his track is found.


  1. "PFP done by the incredibly talented NerdMcTaco!" - Anthony Hampton's About page for YouTube channel
  2. "AND I'M MAKING SOME MUSIC FOR IT NOW ... This will be the Sponsored Baldi FNF mod of all time" - Anthony Hampton. November 26, 2022. Twitter/X
  3. "ITS TRUE! Anthony is working on baldis basics in funkin now! (if you dont know who he is, he is one of the baldis basics classic remastered devs! he composed the null bossfight theme!)" - Fidy50, director of Baldi's Basics in Funkin, Twitter/X

