Baldi's Basics Wiki
Baldi's Basics Wiki
For other uses, see Baldi (disambiguation).

An Apple? For me? Thanks!

—Baldi, to the player, when given An Apple for Baldi

An Apple for Baldi is an inventory item in Baldi's Basics Plus.


Its sprite is a dithered realistic 3D model of a shiny, ripe, red apple.


Baldi eating an apple

Baldi eating An Apple.

While having An Apple for Baldi in the inventory, when Baldi catches the player, he grabs it from their inventory. When he does this, he stops moving for 5 seconds, thanks the player, and then eats the Apple for 10 seconds before chasing the player again.


Main gameplay[]

An Apple for Baldi can be found among the leaves on one or more of the trees in the playground. The item is located higher than the player is able to reach, even while jumping rope, so they cannot initially pick it up. The only way to obtain An Apple for Baldi is to hit the apple-bearing tree using the Grappling Hook aiming at the tree trunk, causing the item to fall and allowing the player to grab it.

If the player successfully completes a minigame in a field trip, they will always get this item.

There is a small chance of An Apple to be found in the center of the Principal's office during the party event, or in a mystery room. It is also available at Johnny's Store for 1000 You Thought Points.

Since V0.5, An Apple for Baldi can spawn in a faculty room, but this occurs very rarely.


Other appearances[]

  • BBCR Baldi eating an Apple

    Baldi eating An Apple in Baldi's Basics Classic Remastered.

    In Baldi's Basics Classic Remastered, An Apple for Baldi can be obtained as an inventory item from either the debug menu after enabling Debug Mode, or with mods. It works as intended. There are also some locations where An Apple for Baldi can be found, but its only purpose is for decoration:
    • In the second page of promotion for Baldi's Basics Plus, there is An Apple for Baldi along with some items and characters.
Note: The following content may have spoilers for the deep lore.

    • BaldiOffice AfterNullStyle ClassicRemastered

      An Apple for Baldi in Baldi's Office.

      In Baldi's Office, after defeating Null, there is An Apple for Baldi on the desk.
    • In the book cover of the MATH! book for preschool students, there is An Apple for Baldi with a higher quality than item sprites.

  • Apple tree

    An Apple for Baldi found on the tree in the Full Game Early Demo.

    In Baldi's Basics Full Game Early Demo, there is a single apple, which is found on one of the trees in the playground location. Its sprite looks slightly different to the large icon in Baldi's Basics Plus and Classic Remastered.



  • Baldi liking apples is very likely inspired by the stereotype of teachers loving apples.

Baldi's Basics Plus[]

  • One of the chalkboards states that An Apple can save lives, which makes sense given the item's usage.
  • This item is tied with the Dangerous Teleporter for the most expensive item in Johnny's Store, costing 1000 You Thought Points because of its usefulness as a one-time shield.
  • Ironically, obtaining An Apple from a field trip does not make any sense, as it would be very strange for Baldi to give the player An Apple for Baldi, as the player can only give it back to Baldi, who would have already eaten it beforehand. The canonical reason for this occurrence has yet to be confirmed.
  • While Baldi is eating his Apple, there is a rare chance that an audio clip will play saying "run". It is unknown how this chance is calculated.
    • This likely refers to the fact that the player needs to run before Baldi starts chasing them again after finishing his Apple.
  • Apple tree Plus V0.1
    In V0.1 and V0.1.1, An Apple for Baldi on the tree looked much smaller than the current version.
  • Prior to V0.3, using An Apple for Baldi while he is chasing the player in field trips made Baldi's outfit turn into normal clothes since there were no sprites of Baldi eating An Apple in camping or farming outfits.
  • Prior to V0.3.3, An Apple for Baldi was absent in the random option of Endless Mode and the Grapple Challenge. Also, its position on the tree was on the leaves rather than underneath them in Endless Mode - Medium.
  • Prior to V0.4, even during the broken ruler event, Baldi could take this item from the player's inventory when he collided with them. Also, the item cost 250 YTPs.
  • Prior to V0.5, this item did not spawn in a faculty room. Also, the item cost 400 YTPs.

Baldi's Basics Classic Remastered[]

  • If Baldi is given An Apple for Baldi in Party Style using Debug Mode, Baldi's party hat will dissappear. However, once he finishes his apple, his party hat reappears. This is because mystman12 didn't make an exclusive sprite for Baldi with a party hat eating an Apple.
Note: The following content may have spoilers for the deep lore.


Red ignoring the Apple

  • An Apple for Baldi is useless in NULL Style/Glitch Style, as Null and the red Baldloon will simply just ignore it and catch the player regardless.
    • This may suggest that Null and the red Baldloon dislike apples.


Baldi's Basics Plus[]

  • In V0.1, the caption for run said "Localized text not found".
  • From V0.1.2 to V0.3.1, there was a bug where An Apple did not appear in the playground in randomly-generated levels.
  • In V0.3.5, An Apple for Baldi did not spawn in all apple trees.
  • Apple eating jumpscare
    Prior to V0.6.1, if the player interacts with Baldi right after he finished eating An Apple, the sprite of Baldi eating an apple would linger while they got a game over by Baldi.




Baldi's Basics Plus[]

Baldi's Basics Classic Remastered[]

Note: The following content may have spoilers for the deep lore.

Baldi's Basics Full Game Early Demo[]

