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The 'Nana Peel is an inventory item in Baldi's Basics Plus.


The 'Nana Peel is a yellow, poorly drawn banana peel with a black tip. When dropped, it gains a cross-hatched shadow. Barely visible lines are also added on for detail.


When used, it will be thrown, and slide across the ground, then stop after a few seconds. If the player or an NPC comes into contact with the 'Nana Peel, they will start sliding in the direction they are facing and bounce off walls, making them unable to move. It acts similarly to the BSODA, except for the fact it only moves the character in the direction they are facing. For example, if the 'Nana Peel is used on Baldi when he is approaching from behind, it will make him slide towards the player. When someone is slipping on a 'Nana Peel, it makes a distinct slipping noise.

Tips & Tricks[]


  • If Baldi or any other NPC chases the player into a dead end, the player can use the 'Nana Peel to redirect Baldi or another NPC and run into a classroom if available, giving the player the chance to run away from the dead end without Baldi or another NPC catching them.
  • If the player is in need of an escape quickly and they do not have anything like a Grappling Hook, they can use the 'Nana Peel to give themselves a speed bonus (+50% while walking, +25% while sprinting) by throwing it in front of themselves and then stepping on it.
    • This can also be used if the player has been hit by Beans' gum.
  • If the player is stuck in a blue locker and Baldi or angry Dr. Reflex is right outside, the player can throw the 'Nana Peel out of the locker to make them slip away from the locker.


  • Chalkles, Cloudy Copter and It's a Bully are not affected by 'Nana Peels.
  • During the flood event, the player can throw 'Nana Peels in whirlpools to make them disappear and clear the way. Those 'Nana Peels may appear in unexpected locations, leading the player or NPCs to unexpectedly slip in an undesirable path.


  • If the player throws a 'Nana Peel directly at a character while it is chasing them, and they're in a long straight hallway with no rooms or turning points nearby, it can simply lead to the character catching the player more easily. This item must never be used if the character chasing you in this situation is Baldi.
    • Because of this, it's better to use a BSODA instead of a 'Nana Peel in this situation.



'Nana Peel in a faculty room.

The 'Nana Peel debuts on floor 1 and can be found in classrooms and faculty rooms, but they are uncommon.


Used 'Nana Peels under the banana tree.

Used 'Nana Peels can also naturally generate in the cafeteria and the playground, with the latter scattering around a banana tree. However, the Grappling Hook cannot be used on these trees to knock down their bananas.

The player can buy the 'Nana Peel in Johnny's Store for 400 You Thought Points.

If the player successfully completes a minigame in a field trip, there is a chance that one of the items that they will get is this item.



  • The 'Nana Peel's sounds come from Warner Bros. Sound Effect Libraries, more specifically the Sound Ideas Libraries.

Baldi's Basics Plus[]

  • The term NanaPeel was referenced within the code of Baldi's Basics Plus prior to V0.5 when the item was formerly introduced.
  • The 'Nana Peel is currently the only item whose name does not start with a letter.
  • 'Nana Peels can be affected by other 'Nana Peels, meaning that they can slip on each other.
  • If the player is teleported and slips on a 'Nana Peel at the same time, the 'Nana Peel will also be teleported to the player's location.
  • In V0.5 Pre-release, there were no 'Nana Peels in Johnny's Store.


  • There were a couple of glitches in V0.5:
    • If NPCs slipped on a 'Nana Peel towards It's a Bully, they would be continuously pushed back by the Bully, and would be stuck as a result, until he despawned from that spot.
    • 'Nana Peels disappeared from the inventory after saving and quitting, then playing the saved game.
  • If the player throws two 'Nana Peels at a corner, they will slip on each other and get stuck in the corner for a while, making a very loud noise.


Sound Caption Description
*SLIPPING SOUNDS* When the player or an NPC is slipping on a 'Nana Peel. This audio loops for the duration of the player or an NPC slipping on a 'Nana Peel.
*WOOOO* When the player or an NPC finishes slipping on a 'Nana Peel. It also plays when the player uses this item.
*splat* When a 'Nana Peel collides with a solid object while the player or an NPC is slipping.


